Excerpts from book: MIND POWER (1980) CH 14 - 16, Author - Swami Vijnananand (S.V.), Manashakti publication.
‘Organized Mind’ fabricates an ‘individual’, builds around it a net of cells. The fabrication of the individual and net of cells around it is done at ‘whatever quality organizing mind deserves’. Yes! you , I, all of us are surrounded by ghosts , cell by cell , animal by animal , man by man in which individual rests.
14.1. Cell matter common, cell mind ‘as I deserve’
In the following discussions, we have to understand point by point, how the relationship of mind and other surrounding minds make a mark.
Touch of life creates wonderful transformation in a tiny piece of matter:
Body of each cell is comparatively a dead matter. How a touch of life brings about magical transformation to the piece of matter is illustrated below.
⦁ Catalase is an enzyme which in living protoplasm accelerates the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water.
⦁ The reaction can be accelerated by inorganic iron too. But the action of iron is very weak.
⦁ However by uniting iron with special organic substance “pyrrole”, we can make that reaction thousands times more effective.
⦁ Catalase, a natural enzyme, also contains iron with pyrolle, but its action is about ten millions times stronger because it contains in addition a specific protein. This specific difference makes miracle.
⦁ Catalyst power of one mg of iron contained in the catalase complex (of life full protoplasm) is equal to that of ten tones of inorganic iron.
⦁ That is the miracle of a touch of life to a matter.
⦁ Touch of Life gives ten million times strength to the tiny piece. This is a phenomenon which science can’t explain.
⦁ To this transcending (that which goes beyond normal limit) power, we call Mind.
⦁ Since each mind (with its varying desires) differs, it brings in consideration of “deserving”. The external energy at material level, may be common , but the total energy would vary.(as per mind component)
For all our advanced techniques, we have not yet approached the level of rationalism possessed by living Nature.
Two minds in one body:
Before a baby is born, in pre natal stage, the face of the mother turns lustrous, even in case of unwanted child. The pulse rate of the child and mother are different. By all indications, it means two minds in one body.
14.2. At birth, matter and minds meet as they deserve.
14.2.1. Let us check-up references to birth process independent of parents. (This is not very common phenomenon, yet we have noted here the well-known uncommon facts.)
* Parthenogenesis – definition (virgin birth, Nature’s short cut), Development of an egg cell without being fertilized by a sperm cell, it is not a primitive state of affairs. (Dictionary of Biology, T-250, page 172 and Riddle of science, P-23, page 58)
1 Christ was born without the male partner – a clear case of auto birth.
2 King Dasharatha, the father of Ram distributed liquid (payasa) among his three queens, which was supposed to give him sons. Though the cause of birth was that particular liquid, Dasharatha did not consume it, clear case of auto birth.
3 According to one tale a sweat drop of Hanuman helped a birth. A curios cross breed from crocodile type mother. The son was called Makaradhwaj.
4 In case of Krishna too, He entered the appropriate birth place. This was told by the father of Krishna himself; (Bhagawat, part 10, chapter 2).
5 Mahabharata tells us many such stories.
6 Other religions frequently endorse such phenomenon.
7 In the issue of ‘Therapist’ Jan’1911, there is a story of Madam Blavtsky. After her death, she entered into a fourteen years boy, who was dead that time.
All the above may be overlooked and we turn to the present picture in search of corroboration.
14.2.2 The route of birth is clear.
Bodies of the mother and father provide raw material of matter for the ‘new organized mind’. Father, mother as sex dual merely represent factor inequality pervading in fathomless nature.
-So, father, mother must be taken as mere instruments for new birth.
⦁ While during the birth process the ‘organizing mind’ collects the necessary minds (along with cells) for body fabrication , from where do these minds come from ? How do they cooperate with the ‘organizing mind’?
⦁ The riddle can be solved with pure logic.
⦁ Qualitatively inferior minds participate in the new game; which both have played earlier, somewhere else. Not that they have cordial relation but the tendency we see in the society, has its origin at the root of every birth. For the convenience and selfish end of all, cell minds come together and some of the cell minds do have a vengeance in their heart. They wait till the appropriate time to overpower the ‘organizing mind’.
⦁ The tendencies we see in the society, has its origin on the above lines, at the root of every birth.(Additional references in the book: 8.4, 8.5, 1.9)
Possibilities (With ref. To 1.9 illustrations.)
A. Begin with a much exaggerated possibility about Mr. and Mrs. A. When Mr. A was a child till 4 years, as an angry child, he hits his cells. One of the cells may deteriorate; revengefully turn as would be Mrs. A. Conspire with some couple as father and mother and later re-enter in Mr. A’s life as his wife. (This can more possibly happen in case of Master A or Miss A).
B. These relationships may have roots in previous existence. (Previous birth or pre life period)
C. Mr. A strikes at his body cells to satisfy his emotions in which his body cells participate with growing inconvenience. A rebelling moment is reached, when a cell mutates. The mutiny is called cancer, or a son or daughter. (More information in point 14.7.2)
D. Many other permutations or combinations with respect to time and relationship may occur.
Analysis and interpretation of displeasures and evils
Accidents, sudden separations, so called untimely deaths need to be analyzed in the light of Nature’s over all tenets. Perhaps such so called mishaps signal settlement of reciprocal accounts.
Apparent strangeness in the argument
It sounds strange that the nearer relative breaths revenge or relative lack specific tenor in Nature. What can be the other surest way to recover all the past dues, except earning the confidence under the garb (cover) of nearest relative? Conversely, that anybody - say in this case , Mr. A strived breathlessly with pleasure for Mrs. A , Miss A, and Master A itself proves that Mr. A owned them this refund. Else, what can be their claim? What is the other possible logic? Nature has fabricated the shrewdest mechanism for establishing ‘just’ process of revenge, in the name of affection. (Revenge cycle in the single life is not rare. Yet long range cycles also exist).
14.3 Rebirth is not “must”
Long revenge phenomenon may be called a rebirth. But rebirth is not must. This point is elaborately discussed in other books by S. V. viz. God Re-considered , Marx proves Rebirth , Science and Philosophy , What Mind means , Know your Death.
14.4 Is reciprocation so exactly minute? Are there ‘Chances’, ‘Accidents’ in Nature?
If you go through the records of the world history from geological, physical, biological, chemical point of view, you will find Nature to be absolutely exact. Many a times, scientists term it as a chance, accident etc. Medicines are normally injected or swallowed to reach stomach. How they reach exactly the actual ailing destination?
Some references:-
1. Total account of body wonders – (Wonderfully Made, Dr. Sharp, M.D., and FRCS).
2. Wisdom of the body – (Man on his Nature , chapter 4)
3. Accidents excluded, complete causality favored – (Purpose of the Universe, chapter 8).
4. How cells recognize each other- (Purpose of the Universe, Point 11.2).
The above references clearly establish the exact and minute relationship in the nature.
Russian thinkers hold that cause and effect relationship is absolute. Causality means: every cause has its effect and no effect will be produced without appropriate cause.
Causality rules at all levels including philosophy:
According to Engels, grain to mountain, all entities are governed by the same law, -- action and reaction, cause and effect. Therefore; the effect that is produced while fabricating each cell of the body; cannot be without a just and an appropriate cause.
Engels specifically has stressed: In Biology as in History of human society, the same law holds good at every stage. But we prefer to dwell here on examples from the exact science, since here the quantities are accurately measurable and traceable. In clear scientific terms, effects produced in the biological field of body building are subjected to previous causes.
14.5. Cell movement Purposeful well directed.
It is seen earlier how cells recognize each other even after eighty years in single existence. They work for unity of body. But we have also seen that the same cell hits back on the individual to form cold or cancer. And we have also seen that cells in the same body, at the time of death try to save themselves. The behavior of the cells is undoubtedly by and large ‘self-motivated’ and their cooperation with the ‘organized mind’ is motivated by merely selfish end which often includes revenge.
14.11. All symbiosis, all alternatives, turn to parasitic.
At interval level, all the cells of the body cause pain during the last journey to death.
⦁ The slave cells rebel.
⦁ Manifest or emotional causes prick thorns from all sides
Externally, enemies act as open enemies, but are fate of friends any better?
Without exception, friends or relatives have to part, and every parting is sad. Nearer the person, the more the agony of parting pain, which remains unavoidable?
After the death of dear ones, life becoming intolerable is a common experience. Yet more common is the rebelling relative, in the name of affection.
Napoleon was doomed by Australian emperor, who first penetrated his life through his daughter and invaded his life under the pretext of marriage.
Chapter six ‘Equation of Happiness’ describes how all four alternatives of death are unilaterally painful.
There is no going back on the assertion that symbiosis in all forms shall turn to parasitic penalty unless, sense (education, nurturing) of equality and justice is introduced.
16.3. The real selfish should eschew inequalities.
Man is accused of being selfish. He is accused of being materialist. But in what sense he is materialist? Does he understand the laws of matter? Does he understand its implications? Does he know the implications of his being in material frame? Unfortunately, 90% of his important functions are not controlled by him. Egoistic ignorance has termed it as ‘involuntary actions’. A man needs a doctor to tell him that his own organs do not need sugar. Doctor knows his organs in general sense. There are so many mysteries for doctors too, growingly when frontiers of cells and viruses are reached. Indeed, the penalties of inequality are engrained in every grain of man.
Inequality in cells nature and behavior
Recollect the reference from “Paths of Science” (P-31). We are told about the inequalities spread over different parts of cell. Time movement of anybody reminds of this fragrant fact. The author on page 60 says, “The cells of some organs are harder, less complex and more stable. Irreversible changes take a longer time to come to these harder cells. The cells of other organs are delicate and vulnerable. They begin to disintegrate sooner, giving rise to earlier irreversible changes. Some cells live quite some time, after their owner’s death...The epithelia of skin, for instance and the cells of the hairs and nails behave this way. The nerve cells of the brain, particularly, the cerebral cortex, are the most delicate and unstable. Irreversible changes occur in them very soon after death.”
What a paradox!! Nails and hairs comparatively remain detached. For this detachment, they (don’t die but) continue to grow after death. On the other hand, brain cells, the helping despot of mind, the supreme commander throughout life, the delicate, un-changing, un-movable depot of higher hierarchy, die quicker. The growing evidence of biological death as compared to clinical death and cell differentiation at the time of death, as shown above are eye opening indicators. On page 67 of the treatise, the author asks “The question arises, why the cells of central nervous system, and particular of those of the central cortex, are so fragile that the change in them becomes irreversible in the short time of six minutes.”
The question, why cortex cells are so fragile so as to die in six minutes, is not answered, and after two pages of jottings, author on page eleven declares that the cell die to “save themselves.” What an explanation!! Can it be accepted without assuming surviving mind to the cell? And again, compare the two quotations above. Some cells outlive death admittedly, and others survive to ‘save themselves’ according to the same author.
In a single individual body, Nature has packed all the lessons. She shows us the horrors and penalties of inequalities, she tells rewards of patient detachment. If the mind cannot accept democracy and treat its own cell subjects just fully, what right has the mind to speak of democracy, justice and right in the external world?
To avoid sacrifice for society, the selfish man puts forth the excuses that I shall serve my family instead of serving the society. Such a selfish soul is advised to be more selfish, and still go within, to find out the implications of the inner laws, within his real self.
16.4. Marxist (materialistic) thinkers capable of rethinking.
We have quoted Marxist (materialist) authorities without any disrespect or implied satire. We are submitting to their honest thinkers to reconsider a part of their stand, when our own inferences lead us to acceptance of equality. A deeper thinking will convince the unprejudiced thinker how this suggested clue alone is the redeeming way. In the age of quantum mechanics, new inferences have emerged. In the work ‘Lenin and Modern National Society, (page 204) the Marxist thinker has said “Unlike other philosophic systems, dialectical materialism does not oppose modern science as a set of rigid propositions given once and for all; its content is enriched and its form changed with every great scientific discovery.”
S.V.’s modest approach:
We do not profess to have invented any great scientific discovery. But certainly, we have drawn the logical inferences from the findings of scientific thinkers like Pavlov, Einstein, Heisenberg and others. Let them be accepted or rejected, with reasons
16.7 From ‘ego’ step down to ‘equality’.
Marxists have spoken about law of contradiction in Nature. We have shown the roots of paradoxes and cycles to be ghosts of inequalities. Elements of ego attempt a break through, with the result that peace, tranquility, equality is disturbed. This is disturbance against natural justice.
What is way out? How can we reconcile?
When natural justice is ignored, when internal cycles of revenge remain unconcealed, it gives impression of paradox. A prudent man has to learn that every pleasure shall be chased by ghost of displeasure. Howsoever, much the beneficiary endeavors to abuse the law by misnomers as ‘ghost’ or paradoxes, such abuses amount to temporary relief, born out of shifting the plane. Abuses hardly absolve the law-hit homosapian. Once this is realized, deciphered, every particle of body should be considered a just and equitable ‘recreating (shaping)’ according to natural law. Condemning the natural law as, paradox, cancer, parasite is only to perpetuate the cycle of revenge with multiplying offences to receive the new penalty in time to come.
“Turn within”: Entropy (second law of thermodynamics.)
In a bid to secure cheap solutions some investigators give new post-dated checks. The latest of such dishonored check is anti-malaria campaign. Report from “Times of India” Bombay edition, dated 4-12-79 says “In the ding dong battle with the man, the mosquito has once again revealed a new strategy which, unless countered quickly and effectively, can spell disaster. For the fight against malaria in recent years has been mainly based on a powerful drug called chloroquine, and this nostrum has lost its punch. A report by the U.N. environmental program says that this protozoan parasite has developed high resistance to the drug. This comes on top of the disclosure that 43 species of malaria spreading anopheline mosquitoes are resistant to a range of potent insecticide including DDT, BHC and carbamates.
After spending astronomical sums on various projects, authorities have realized that it is neither desirable, nor feasible to attempt malaria eradication by conventional means. All that can be aimed for the present to control its depredations and reduce its severity.”
Let us stop our vain fight against Nature and natural laws. End of this Universe is destined to be entropy, which compels equality. (See points 13.8 and 12.4.)
Entropy means equality.
A German chose the Greek word entropy to mean ‘turn within’. (Ref. Cybernetics A to Z, page 105). Turn within then. Address each of your cells, persuade him to a new realization, and make him participate in your heightened existence. In consequence, you shall have blessings of your colleagues; an experience un-comparable.
Here we end with a quotation from a great doctor. Which comes at the end of the book ‘Rich Ambitious and Healthy’ (Written by S.V.) Dr. Kenneth Walker is an impeachable authority in modern science. Yet, his observations would fly in the face of optimists clinging to the day dream, that wonder drugs one day will win Nature and relieve them of their ills.
Dr. Walker asseverates:-
We have measured the sun, and because we have discovered that it is only a star of the second magnitude, we no longer reverence its splendor. God has become an unnecessary hypothesis to the possessor of a little natural philosophy and has been eliminated from the Universe. Many of our fears are due to our illusions concerning ourselves and the lack of any time in our lives. We see ourselves as the sole representatives of mind traveling through space-time in a dead and soulless universe. Sometimes, we may boast that we are conquering ‘Nature’, but Nature does not even fight; she is secure in her possession of us. We may think that with a little more cleverness and contriving, we shall be able to live out the span of our lives, not only with security, but in comfort. This is an absurdity, for there can be no security and no certainty of comfort for anything that breaths and moves.
⦁ Bodies of the mother and father provide raw material of matter for the ‘new organized mind’. Father, mother as sex dual merely represent factor inequality pervading in fathomless nature.
⦁ At conception, ‘Organized Mind’ fabricates an ‘individual’, builds around it a net of cells. The fabrication of the individual and net of cells around it is done at ‘whatever quality organizing mind deserves’. Yes! All of us are surrounded cell by cell, animal by animal, man by man who are created based on their past karmas.
⦁ From where do these minds come from? How do they cooperate with the ‘organizing mind’?
⦁ The riddle can be solved with pure logic. Qualitatively inferior minds participate in the new game; which both have played earlier, somewhere else. Not that they have cordial relation but the tendency we see in the society, has its origin at the root of every birth. For the convenience and selfish end of all, cell minds come together and some of the cell minds do have a vengeance in their heart. They wait till the appropriate time to overpower the ‘organizing mind’
⦁ Touch of Life gives millions times strength to the tiny piece of the body. This is a phenomenon which science can’t explain. To this transcending (that which goes beyond normal limit) power, we call Mind power.
⦁ For all our advanced techniques, we (human beings) have not yet approached the level of rationalism possessed by living Nature.
⦁ Accidents, sudden separations, so called untimely deaths need to be analyzed in the light of Nature’s over all tenets. Perhaps such so called mishaps signal settlement of reciprocal accounts.
⦁ Is reciprocation so exactly minute? Are there ‘Chances’, ‘Accidents’ in Nature?
⦁ If you go through the records of the world history from geological, physical, biological, chemical point of view, you will find Nature to be absolutely exact. Many a times, scientists term it as a chance, accident etc.
⦁ Cells in the body work normally for unity of body. But the same cells hit back on the individual to form cold or cancer. Some cells in the same body, at the time of death also try to save themselves. The behavior of the cells is undoubtedly by and large ‘self-motivated’ and their cooperation with the ‘organized mind’ is motivated by merely selfish end which often includes revenge.
⦁ Symbiosis in all forms shall turn to parasitic penalty unless sense (education) of equality and justice is introduced.
⦁ Unfortunately, 90% of human body’s important functions are not controlled voluntarily. Egoistic ignorance has termed it as ‘involuntary actions’. A man needs a doctor to tell him that his own organs do not need sugar. Doctor knows his organs in general sense. There are so many mysteries for doctors too, growingly when frontiers of cells and viruses are reached.
⦁ In a single individual body, Nature has packed all the lessons. She shows us the horrors and penalties of inequalities, she tells rewards of patient detachment. If the (organizing) mind cannot accept democracy and treat its own cell subjects just fully, what right has the mind to speak of democracy, justice and right in the external world?
⦁ Author’s (S.V.’s) modest approach: We do not profess to have invented any great scientific discovery. But certainly, we have drawn the logical inferences from the findings of scientific thinkers like Pavlov, Einstein, Heisenberg and others. Let them be accepted or rejected, with reasons.
⦁ The karma of inequality in the past is the root of paradoxes and repeating evil cycles. Elements of ego attempt a break through, with the result that peace, tranquility, equality is disturbed. This is disturbance against natural justice.
⦁ What is way out? How can we reconcile?
⦁ When natural justice is ignored, when internal cycles of revenge remain unconcealed, it gives impression of paradox. A prudent man has to learn that every pleasure shall be chased by ghost of displeasure.
⦁ Howsoever, the beneficiary endeavors to abuse the law by misnomers as paradoxes, such abuses amount to temporary relief, born out of shifting the plane. Abuses hardly absolve the law-hit homo-sapiens. Once this is realized, deciphered, every particle of body should be considered a just and equitable ‘recreating (shaping)’ according to natural law.
⦁ Condemning the natural law as, paradox, cancer, parasite is only to perpetuate the cycle of revenge with multiplying offences to receive the new penalty in time to come.
⦁ Let us stop our vain fight against Nature and natural laws. End of this Universe is destined to be entropy, which compels peace, equality. When the universe in which we live is travelling toward entropy, i.e. equality, we all also should practice equality within our body also with others in our world.
⦁ A German chose the Greek word entropy to mean ‘turn within’.
⦁ Turn within then. Address each of your cells, persuade him to a new realization, and make him participate in your heightened existence. In consequence, you shall have blessings of your colleagues; an experience un-comparable.
⦁ Understanding the nature and educating the mind for just behavior is the way out for the happiness, peace not only in individual life but also for the entire life on the earth.
(Note: This is an attempt to make reader friendly interpretation of the book “MIND POWER” based on my perception. Inquisitive readers are requested to refer to the original book to cross check their understanding.)
Vijay R. Joshi