Excerpts from book:
MIND POWER (1980) CH 13, Author - Swami
Vijnananand (S.V.), Manashakti publication)
The origin of life: To trace back the origin of life let us
return to Virus, from where our discussion mooted. (Chapter1 and 8)
Paradox due to first inequality, (Symbiosis for convenience)
13.1. Let us review the past discussion,
(References from book MIND POWER)
Chapter – 1. So
called boundary between life and lifeless, this is termed as virus.
1.6, 1.7, 1.9 Describe about virus.
8.2 What
virus is?
8.3 , 8.4 Dub it as a “free living gene” imposing its
8.5, 8.6 Information about its working.
8.1 Underlined
the original inequality.
10.1 Inequality -- Relevant references.
about unity of revenge within and outside the organization
When we say "this assembly is of the opinion",
it might be only 51% of the group, institutional members or elected members in
a given context. There are all chances that; either by new election or changing
floor by 2% of the people, the opposition will take over the scene, and a
resolution of opposite nature can be passed. Right from a dramatic association
to a nation, the breakdowns or assimilations take place, Pakistan is created
out of India. Sikkim is added to India and Alaska to U.S.A.
13.2. Pre virus inequalities. (Mind to Matter)
The proofs of
the original inequality are overwhelming. Theoretically since every atom
in the universe occupies different space and time, every atom has some
difference.—this basic fact presumes inequality. Scientists go even further.
They say “no two atoms are alike”
Some more
references from other MANASHAKTI publications:
Sameness in Nature a concept
Similarity superficial
Equality unattainable
Sameness conceptual
Point 8.1 emphasizes ‘free will
to electron’, basically such inherent free will cannot but create inequality by
and large. Going to the pre virus states, they could not avoid the differences
(i.e. inequalities).
segregation of the (coaservate) drops from their environment, this emergence of
individual colloidal system was a pledge of their further development. Even the
drops which appear simultaneously in the solution differ somewhat from one
another as regards composition and internal structure.”
Point 8.1 has
to references on mind designated to matter.
In any case, inequality in
matter itself forewarns of inequality to come, particularly, on the background
of 13.3 below.
13.3. Talk of social equality supports Mind.
There is a very subtle point. Science
says Matter has inertia. Matter has no feelings. If life is only matter, the
question of inequality in the Matter cannot legitimately arise. Feeling of
inequality can only be the prerogative of Non-matter. Chemical compounds may
differ, but they have no complexes of superiority or inferiority.
The talk of establishing
equality itself gives ‘Non-material’ nature of mind credence, a wide range of
other proofs apart.
13.4. Three paradoxes of Virus (“Lower dictates”)
Viruses: - Are they living things
on the way down or inanimate things on the way up? We may never know! Thus a
single virus gives birth to three levels of paradoxes.
Paradox one: - Whether virus is
life or lifeless.
Paradox two: - Whether it is an
end product or beginning of the evolution.
Paradox three: - The smallest
riddle infesting troubles the highest animal.
We substantiate
the third paradox.
13.5. Three paradoxes:-Natural justice, revenge.
To understand the above
paradoxes and the implication of ‘lower dictates’, we have to understand virus
two ways. Some of the biologists feel that virus is a later product of
evolution, since virus generally needs a living medium and so it cannot pre
date before first living organism itself. This, if accepted, goes against the
grain of evolutionists, who prefer step by step evolution in the living form. Both
sides have their own logic which can be reconciled if third level of facts is
taken into account. The third new consideration is as follows.
Scientist Asimov tells us :- “ Once such a nucleic acid
molecule was formed, the equivalent of free living gene (or tiny virus) were
present in the ocean; and they multiplied at the expense of the organic
compound that had been built up all about them by the action of sun.
Nucleic acid molecules in the ocean = Tiny virus ----- They
multiplied in the presence of sun ------ Original virus, which was not
These original
viruses were not parasites, as there was nothing for them to be parasitic upon”
*(Well Springs of Life)
This information reduces the
paradox to understandability. Asimov has made virus first spring board of
life’s evolution, virus without any wickedness to kill others. Then the
wickedness (or bitterness) in the virus seems to be developed in the later
stage. What way the reason?
The reason for
original inequality
In 13.1 and 13.2 above, we have
underlined previous inequalities. These inequalities seem to be fore-running
cause of later growing inequalities, in progressive form of living.
Attitude of
first virus
As such we must also know that
non- revengeful attitude of the first virus on the borderline can be described,
merely as the relative stage. In pre-virus stage of existence, their desire of
revenge could not be vocal. They (pre-virus stage objects) marked time and
scored over others. In turn others too had an upper hand. Just a see saw.
By this logic we must perceive
how their first so called inherent or potent viruses might be subjecting somebody
else to torture, when, they did not know at that stage. But that does not mean
absence of such revenge phenomenon, once the cyclic processes are accepted.
Inequalities, we spoke of in point 13.2 are the original inequalities. We find progressive account as follows.
drops: Survival/ perishing.
* Those coaservate drops alone were capable of a more or
less protracted existence, which possessed a certain dynamic stability and
synthetic speeds exceeding or at least balancing the speed of break down.
Contrariwise, those drops in which chemical changes in the
given environmental conditions were directed primarily at break down were
doomed, in consequence to a more or less swift disappearance or did not
originate at all. In any case, their individual life story soon came to an
abrupt end, and such formation, therefore, no longer played a consequential
role in the further evolution of the organic substance.
That role was played only by dynamically stable colloidal
formations , and any digression from this stability put them swiftly out of
existence and destroyed these “unfortunate” forms of organization
Such inadequately organized drops disintegrated and the
organic substances they contained were again scattered in the solution,
rejoining the depot on which the more “fortunate” and better organized
coaservate depended for their nutrition.
However, the drops in which synthetic held sway (prevailed)
over break down, were not only preserved, but grew and increased in weight and
In this way it was the drops which possessed an organization,
best suited to the given environmental conditions , that grew in size *( The Origin of Life, P-1, page 80)
S. V. comments:-
note the world “fortunate” and “unfortunate” are put by the author (Oparin)
himself in double inverted commas. In the above description, the unfortunate
forms, that were destroyed, seem to have again rejoined the fortunate or better
organized drops, which cannot be without reservation or without inherent desire
to take revenge.
The process seems to be simple.
(The origin of revenge cycle – concept)
(I) First weaklings are destroyed.
(II) The fortunate drops organize themselves.
(III) The originally destroyed “unfortunate” joins
the fortunate for their nutrition, for their survival.
The entity that seeks pleasure
which is denied to it gets displeasure. This entity for the lust of pleasure,
though submits to the source of pleasure, must have retained dislike and must
harbor attitude of revenge. This is very logical conclusion relating to the
birth of chain revenge.
It had taken
roots at the very first stage and the same tendency has followed up to date.
The physical evolution and
psycho evolution cannot be bifurcated.
The revenge cycle includes not
only open enemies but also so called friends and relations ultimately turn into
ghost of revenge, often in the pretext of affection.
13.6. An upgrading structure of “revenge cycle” is
ruling the living existence.
With the
progress of living (evolution) the revenge cycle is also progressing in its
complexities. S.V. has given the description of this revenge cycle at each
stage from the origin of life.
Material level, Pre virus
matter Virus itself (a
paradox and infects animals),
Cell ---- Invaded by virus.
Plants ---- Consumed by viruses
and animals.
Animals --- Eaten by higher
forms at each stage.
Man --- Revenge within and
revenge without.
Families --- Conflicts within
Groups ---- Differences of
opinions, murders.
Nations ----- Wars.
Races, Religions ---- hate,
Evidence of this revenge cycle
is written in large letters in the history of Biology, Psychology and politics.
13.7. Replacing other (sweet) words is redundant.
The word ‘revenge cycle’ is
replaced by many by other sweet words. But that is not making any difference in
the fact of life. True, the reality of the revenge is unpalatably (not easily) acceptable.
It is a bitter pill to swallow. But how do all cycles in nature exist?
second law reference.
We all know that according to
the second law of thermodynamics, unavailability of energy is the final
destination of the universe. On the contrary, unless the energy is available
for exchange, no cycle can survive.
Equation of
happiness (Book by S. V.), Chapter 5 points out to the cost paid for the so called
development. Every so called development has purchased new disease.
The treaties ‘Cure Yourself’, ‘Cure
without Medicine’, ‘Death of decease’, ‘Rich Ambitious Healthy’ are full with
account of the internal revenges and counter revenges.
To avoid these contradictions
materialists formulated “the law of contradictions” itself.
Contradictions, paradoxes, negation of negation, low of force and number of
terminologies in their philosophy threw light on nature of Nature.
Darwin: - (who
indirectly endorses revenge phenomenon) prefers to call “Natural selection”
and treats the nature as despot (ruler with great power who uses it in cruel
way). ‘Natural selection’ becomes more mysterious than God, since the former is
not bound by the Karmic law. Curiously enough, the counterpart of two axioms (a
statement that is accepted as true without further proof or argument) by Darwin
“survival of the fittest” comes to very near the origin of revenge cycle, we
are delineating. Right from lowest form of the matter, we have provided proof
of revenge cycle born or inequality.
13.8. Symbiosis only till convenient. (Darwinism
too proves it!)
Symbiosis means living together
in cooperation. But if observed in Nature, such examples are a few.
*Association of living things
Symbiosis, commensalisms and parasitism are three of the
categories in which the ecologists, the biologists divide the living things
which live together for various reasons. These experts study the way the life
of living things and their relations to their environment.
These associations may be formed between
animals only
plants only
animals and plants
They may be as
herds of cattle’s
flocks of sheep’s
communities of ants, bees, wasps (black/yellow flying
Colonies formed by corals.
These are the associations
between individuals belonging to same species or they could be associations
belonging to different species.
Commensalisms, symbiosis and
parasitizes all belong to this latter category. The term commensalisms , which
means ‘eating at the same table’ was originally given to association between
two or more animals belonging to different species, which share each other’s
Revenge cycle
behind (apparent) symbiosis
Darwin unearthed the revenge
cycle behind the apparent symbiosis. He and his followers formulated the
evolution theory in three main stages.
Over population --- leading to struggle for existence.
Adaptation --- During this struggle, adjustment by few by
mutation and variations.
Natural selection --- Implying survival of the fittest.
Careful review
of the views in this book Vis-a Vis the Darwin theory
Carefully looked the original inequalities aggravated the
trouble for existence at the stage of over population.
Those who had superiority in original inequalities could affect
adaptation, variation and mutation.
The third stage of “natural selection” equated with the
axiom “survival of the fittest” is logical.
Our theme states that
inequalities were created by ego inflated superiors who were later subjected to
revenge cycle.
God, Super
power, Mind
Since the three stages in Darwin
theory as stated above are logical it affords elimination of God/Super
power/Mind. But certain inherent incongruities bring in some super power like
Mind. For example: - What was the cause of first inequality mentioned in
point 13.2? Answer is given in 13.8 which explain how Mind is brought in.
In 13.5 we have seen how materialists, scientists in a bid to avoid
super-physical phenomenon, have to introduce the notion of ‘fortunate’ and
‘unfortunates’. In other words, ‘inequalities of mind’ started the first
mystery, and equality is the relieving solution.
Symbiosis would
remain rare.
Till equality is reached, the
revenge cycle is bound to continue, symbiosis would remain rare.
Apart from the fact that
partnerships in symbiosis are rare, they only reflect transient truth. More
often we see friendship turning into inimical relationship, where mutual
convenience ceases to have any exchange benefit.
against parasitism
Rareness of the symbiosis
existence will be clearer when we examine its opposite, the parasitic value.
Parasitic living is termed so, when living is at the expense of somebody else.
If this is so, one must wonder why poor tiny animals are called parasitic. In
the human society countless parasites exist according to this definition, and
when the man eats goats, dears, cows, buffalos, horses, what type of symbiosis
does it betray? What right we have to disdain (dis respect) and condemn
We venture to quote the book
referred above on virus. If we look at the parasites dispassionately
(objectively) what will happen .The author says on:-
The tiger and the microscopic
carnivore’s hat range through the green and quite dwell in our ponds and streams,
these are getting their foods from the bodies of other animals, and these too
harm their prey, they kill them, in fact, which is more than the parasites
normally do.
Extending our view beyond the
animal world, we may consider the cow that crops our fields, the rabbit that
does our crop so much of harm, the plants indeed, that feed on insects and other
preys. All these seem to fulfill our definition of parasite. How can they be
distinguished from parasites?
Is man
symbiotic? Peace loving?
It may be argued that normally
the man is peace loving animal and prefers symbiosis, since wars are few and
peace periods are plenty. We hesitate to argue more on this point since self-check
is the best solution. Wars are avoided because they are too costly and not
because war tendency is lacking. All stages of peace period are chiefly
diverted to the preparation of war
In families and societies
conflict is the pass word. Open conflicts are not less, back biting is countless.
One who does not vent out open revenge murmurs in his mind ‘every dog has his
days, I will have mine.’
Revenge cycle
is truth
Greek history, Bible history,
Arabian records, Persian records, Indian mythology and whole world history down
to this age breathe destruction and revenge. Geeta, Shanti parva are great but
oasis spots in Blood Sea of conflicts in Mahabharata. So is the story of major
religious works.
We are at pain
but the truth is truth.
We are at pain to point out this
picture, but some people profess that world is full of peace, they speak either
partial truth, convenient truth, or truth with reference to certain context
Such people paint the picture of
world as it should be and not as it is. We are underlining the reality and
revenge, since correct diagnosis will cure corroding melodies. As it
stands therefore, the revenge complex is the real menace (dangerous harm). To
fight the ghostly cycle of revenge, the arms of knowledge are the pacifying
tools. Knowledge always cures without any bad effect.
13.9 Pleasure to Pain.
(Revenge cycle)
We have traced the element of
inequality at all levels so far and in 13.6 we have traced the Revenge element
from pre virus stage to manhood. Pleasure is the motive, jealous inequality is
the mode, cyclic defeats and revenge is the terminating end of each cycle. We
shall reach a postulate from reverse i.e. from human angle, human level.
1 Man level: - No proof
is required to establish jealous human greed. Man is possibly the greatest
parasite. Man is, perhaps the only cruel animal who shoots down the mute
innocent in nature just for his pleasure, while the other animals restrict
their cruelty for their bare livelihood. Other animals are satisfied with their
day’s meal when available. Human greed would like to store for next generation
what others need today is grabbed by human parasites for his tomorrow’s fancy.
Tomorrow that he may not survive to see. Anyway, human parasitic tendency is self-evident;
Omni present, Omni potent.
2 Animal world: - To a limited
extent, within its own right, every animal steps down to consume the junior
partner in the nature.
3 Free unicellular
- Single cell animals like protozoa, bacteria that lead independent life
in nature prey upon the organic
substances in the ponds. They invade animal world and hit-back as revenge. In
the last analysis, we find antigens outlived antibodies without laying down
arms. At the upper rank of the ladder they infest the so called towering all
powerful animals, and at the other end, they cause inconvenience to sub-cellular
existence of psycho world, again, to breed revenge from them in due course. (Cure
yourself ch.6)
4 Plants: - Plants indirectly and partly
feed themselves on animal remains. Though normally plants behave gently, they
are not free from inherent revenge and in some cases they eat other plants and
animals. Quite sometimes, the plants feed on their subordinates. (Dear Mr.
Boss, page 66-67).
5 Cell in animal body: - The concept
of evolution can only be complete if we understand that this development of
multi-cellular animal stems from a single cell. Sometimes, free cell convert
them to participate in the life process of higher animals. The learned
professor Easton tells us as “certain bacteria can manufacture their protoplasm
from simple compounds such as carbon di oxide and ammonia. Cells of higher
organization have lost the ability to use simple organic materials and instead
must be supplied with higher complex molecules….”
Hypothesis of
Virus Evolution: - There are only two current hypothesis of viral evolution,
both based on the necessity for viruses of strict intra cellular growth.
In 8.2, we have seen that first
viruses were not parasites. The only conclusion can be – Viruses were first
innocent either as free living animals or part of cell, at least their
vengeance was controlled. Subjected to the inconvenience by the upper cell
masters, they grew revengeful.
By all standards, when viruses
chose to hit back, the top of the hierarchy, the man himself became helpless.
Human battle against viruses is countered by tiny tyrant, by mutation without
What right man has to blame his
junior partners for selfish pleasure when he is pleasure seeking incarnate? And
here possibly, the eyebrows would be raised for a question: Whether cell or
virus has the same pleasure seeking tendency or not? This is answered in
following two sub points.
13.10 Cells – Viruses desire pleasure.
Points 9.5 to 9.8 establish mind
to cell.
Point 9.7 quotes Nobel Prize
winner Dr. Sherington.
Points 8.9 and 10 elaborate the
whole subject in great details.
In a cell life
sex also has a place.
We see two science book
references below
* In a single cell animal called Paramecium there is a love
sickness. It has a smaller form of depression, which occurs under natural
condition and which appears to be kind of “love sickness” is curable by
something resembling the orthodox remedy. It is in paramecium, lowly though, it
may be, that we see the first traces of phenomenon of sex, the dawn of process
of a process of life common to the great majority of animals and plants. *
(Cine Biology, C-9, page 31)
** Some viruses get so sluggish, that having invaded the
cell; they took up housekeeping in nucleus itself. Here they achieved the
ultimate in enzyme assistance, but they became also irreversibly dependent on
the nuclei. Love sickness, laziness, seeking for the pleasure on one side and
the other side of the coin has disappointment and displeasure. Eventually, hit
by the inequality, for which they are denied pleasure, revenge is the only
resource. ** (The nature of living things, page 59)
13.11 Human cells also desire pleasure.
Once the quandary (a state of
unable to decide what to do in difficult situation) of cell is established, the
same applies to human cells in view of point 13.9.5 above. Single cell joins
multi cellular organism only to seek more pleasure and safety.
*Nobel prize winner Dr. Sherington says :- Many cell organism such as each of us are,
were one cell at the beginning and when
it has become many celled , the behavior of constituent cells shows that each
one of them , like the parents cells , is still an autonomous unit life.
But the behavior of the individual cell in the body is restrained
by the influence of its fellow cells. The desistance (stoppage) from further
growth beyond the adult stage is partly traceable to this.
There is a scrap of tissue from an embryo chick transferred
to artificial culture thirty seven years ago , which is growing vigorously as
ever now today , If left within the chick , it would have died years ago.
Some of our cells, although they are part and parcel of us,
have not fixed even coherence with the “rest”; such cells are called “free”.
The original cell which started the whole body was free as
are all those of that particular kind.
And others too are free. The cells of our blood are as free
as fish in a stream of the blood. Some of them resemble in structure and ways
so closely the little free- swimming amoeba of the pond as to be called
amoeboid. The pond amoeba crawls about, catches and digests particles picked up
in the pond, so the amoeboid cells inhabiting any blood and lymph crawls about
over and through the membranes limiting the fluid channels in the body. They
catch and digest particles. Should I get a wound, they contribute to its
healing .They give it a chance to mend, by eating and digesting bacteria which,
which poison it, and by feeding on the dead cell, which are killed due to the
wind injury.
They are themselves unit lives and yet in respect to my life
as a whole, they are components in that corporate life. * (Man on his Nature,
page 75.)
Body cells have
paid the cost.
Body cells, as we have seen in
the point 13.9.5 have paid the cost of easy life by demanding more safety in
the protected multi cellular organism.
Cells in the body, if placed outside, could survive longer.
There are references to show that in a single body , the capacity of the cell
to save is different * (Paths of Science,
pages 56 to 61 and71)
It is suggested that the brain cells controlling the
organism through the life are more fragile than others.(page 71)
Each entity has to pay the price of so called superiority
and that is established at every point, of every cell.
Organ donation (say eye, kidney etc.) indicate how the cells
leave the dying man to his fate and willingly live somewhere else.
13.12 Same law (body cell takes revenge.)
The entire
phenomenon is governed by Laws of Motion, Causality.
When ‘organizing mind’ of the
organism for its emotional frenzy (state of extreme excitement) hits at its
cell empire, that subjects them to those tortures for easy life. The chief
despot (cruel ruler, cruel king) also has to pay the cost. In return, the cell
empire hits at the ‘organizing mind’
Laws of Motion
are universal. In Biology, they may become abstract, but they would not be
If the ‘organized mind’ acts on
the cells, one day or the other, cells are also bound to react. To call such
phenomenon revenge, ghost, injustice or paradox is itself a paradox, if not
The talk of establishing equality itself gives
‘Non-material’ nature of mind credence.
We saw earlier that the starting
point of life was Coaservate drops. Those coaservate drops alone were
capable of existence, which possessed a certain dynamic stability and synthetic
speeds exceeding or at least balancing the speed of break down. Contrariwise,
those drops in which chemical changes in the given environmental conditions
were directed primarily at break down were doomed, or did not originate at all. The
unfortunate forms, that were destroyed, seem to have again rejoined the
fortunate or better organized drops, which cannot be without reservation or
without inherent desire to take revenge.
The entity that seeks pleasure which is denied to it gets
displeasure. This entity for the lust of pleasure, though submits to the source
of pleasure, must have retained dislike and must harbor attitude of revenge.
This is very logical conclusion relating to the birth of chain revenge.
It had taken roots at the very first stage and the same
tendency has followed up to date.
The physical evolution and psycho evolution cannot be
True, the reality of the revenge is unpalatably (not easily)
acceptable. It is a bitter pill to swallow.
Darwin unearthed the revenge cycle behind the apparent
With the progress of living (evolution) the revenge cycle is
also progressing in its complexities. S.V. has given the description of this
revenge cycle at each stage from the origin of life i.e. from coaservate to
virus to cell to multi-cell lives up to human being.
Body cells have paid the cost of easy life by demanding more
safety in the protected multi cellular organism.
Pleasure is the motive, jealous inequality is the mode,
cyclic defeats and revenge is the terminating end of each cycle.
The revenge cycle includes not only open enemies but also so
called friends and relations ultimately turn into ghost of revenge, often in
the pretext of affection.
Symbiosis means living together in cooperation. But if
observed in Nature, such examples are few.
Greek history, Bible history, Arabian records, Persian
records, Indian mythology and whole world history down to this age breathe
destruction and revenge.
The author says that we are at pain to point out this
Some people profess that world is full of peace. They speak
either partial truth, convenient truth, or truth with reference to certain
context. Such people paint the picture of world as it should be and not as it
We (the author) are underlining the reality and since correct
diagnosis will cure corroding melodies. As it stands therefore, the revenge
complex is the real menace (dangerous harm).
‘Inequalities of mind’ started the first mystery, and
equality is the relieving solution.
Laws of Motion are universal. In Biology, they may become
abstract, but they would not be absent.
To fight the ghostly cycle of revenge, the arms of knowledge
are the pacifying tools.
(Note: This is an attempt to make readers friendly
interpretation of the book “MIND POWER” based on my perception. Inquisitive
readers are requested to refer to the original book to cross check their
Vijay R. Joshi.
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