Friday, August 30, 2019

Role of homes, schools and governance in Character Education.


In order to impart all inclusive, secular character education to the new generation and to fulfill the real purpose of nurturing the upcoming youngsters throughout the world, A suitable blueprint has to be prepared. The need is widely felt and such plan of action would fulfill the purpose of education.

What thinkers say?

“When educating the minds of youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts”                                                                         H. H. Dalai Lama.

Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honor for me.                           A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.                                                                      Albert Einstein.

What should be the aim of education and how can this be achieved?

Everybody and all human being desire to be happy, satisfied and peace full life. So, achieving such a state should be the aim of education system. A famous quote says ‘if you want one year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want ten years of prosperity grow trees; but, if your dream is to bring about hundreds of years of prosperity, nurture the youths and build Nation”

Statistics reveal that presently; India has 50% of its total population below the age of 20 years and about 70% or more below the age of 35 years. Therefore India is known as nation of youths in the world. India is predicted to be a world superpower in next 10 to 15 years. Realization of this dream is largely based on the assumed success and accomplishment of young generation. Thus, we can conclude that if India or any nation for that matter, wants to gain and maintain a top position in the world in coming years, it is necessary to start and continue the process of creating capable, virtuous and patriotic young generation.  

Educational institutions, office bearers, principals, teachers, parents, government officials, politicians responsible for educational policy making – all should consider this fact before planning and implementing a strategy. Education system should create efficient and competent youngsters. These people should be multi-skilled to face successfully the challenges of the world tomorrow.


Inter-dependent world demand a new vision of world citizenship that is not confined to national boundaries, but encompasses moral and ethical responsibilities to all humanity. People coming of age in the 21st century will need to develop unprecedented levels of intercultural cooperation, mutual moral concern, creativity, and skill in effectively addressing the challenges of the world today—challenges economic, ecological, and inter-cultural/religious in nature. An education that will prepare young people to become competent and compassionate world citizens in such a context. It cannot be measured only in terms of cognitive skills and knowledge, but must address wider aspects of the heart, including skills and qualities of awareness associated with conscious self-regulation, ethical and social responsibility, and empathy and compassion for others. The time has come to usher in a holistic view of education that empowers children and builds resiliency, hope and confidence.

With the initiative of “Mind and Life Institute” at the end of the first decade of 21st century, the topic of Character development has been taken up by leading experts in the field. This is indeed a good news. But the emphasis seems only at “school level”. As seen below the learning process doesn’t start after the child is admitted to school, but right from prenatal stage, rather from pre-conception stage. The role of homes (parents), and other stake holders is also critical.

There are millions of children in the world who do not afford good school admission, rather any school admission. If planning at global level is to be considered, then more comprehensive approach appears necessary. Way back in 1960s, Swamy Vijnananand, the founder of Manashakti Research Center (MRC) in India, thought on these lines and evolved rational, secular, all affordable approach. All human beings of all age groups strive to live happily. All parents also desire that their children should lead happy life.

Where Is Happiness?

Matthieu Ricard is a French scientist turned Buddhist monk. He has reputation of being ‘happiest person in the world’. He has published a book on ‘happiness’. He says that our mind is flexible and constantly changing. We can dramatically change our life, if we slightly change our attitude toward world and our perception of external things.

Happiness/pleasure, Satisfaction, Bliss/balance/peace.

In day today life we see, any pleasure or feeling of happiness is a passing phase and generally follows by displeasure or unhappiness. The state of satisfaction relatively lasts longer. If the mindset is peaceful or blissful, then there is nothing more to achieve. If we want to have a peaceful world the character education alone is the step in right direction.

What is success?

Wealth?  / Recognition? / Respect? /Good health? / Good relationship? / Peace of mind?  Different things to different people. It is subjective.
What are the things required to make one happy, satisfied?

Personality triangle

(1) Wealth, for which exam success is necessary.
(2)  Physical fitness, for which good health is necessary.
(3) Peace, for which balanced behavior is necessary.

Aid of Character education to the prevailing system.

In prevailing education system emphasize is put on scoring the marks and grades in examination. Curriculum and training regarding focus on health and character building attracts very less attention or is completely ignored. There has been emphasize on developing logic based intelligence. If this is supplemented with measures of character education, then both I.Q. and E.Q (intelligent quotient and emotional quotient) will be improved and a balanced well behaving new generation will be available, which indeed is the need of the hour in view of the emerging situation in the world which is coming nearer in fast pace.

Indifferent attitude towards the important factors.

In the triangle given above, except passing the exam with good grades, other two sides of the triangle grossly neglected by Parents/ Schools/policy makers.

Importance of Good Character.    


Imagine a person equipped with success in academic/ professional exams, and physically fit. Can s/he be successful in life if not able to get along with others in any given situation?  The answer is “No”! For success, right character i.e. right attitude, temperament and mature behavioral skills are essential. Negative, self-centered, egoistic and unsatisfied person is bound to score less in spite of favorable status in wealth and health. While a person with balanced behavior, i.e. right character will be happy, satisfied even in some adverse situation of health and wealth. So, while educating the new generation for the new world the nurture of right character assumes importance. We have in this series of blogs have tried to see how this objective can be met with.

Behavior/ Character.

Though, each of us have a mind, it is not visible, can’t be shown as an object. Expression of mind is the behavior of a person, or as commonly called ‘Nature’ of a person. Nature is instinct, attitude, style of reaction, motives etc. Good behavior leads to formation of good character. That is why if we want to develop new generation of good character, it is essential to imbibe the good values in the behavior of the upcoming generation by systematic efforts. All concerned stake holders should note this with great care. We have to make right efforts to impart this training of mind not only to the children but even all adult stake holders also.

Main features of Nature. (Fear, Rage, Courage, Peace)

Fear or Rage dominated nature - This is Inborn, no efforts needed.
Courage or peace dominated nature - This is not in born but achievable only by deliberate efforts. These efforts have to be learn.

Teen Agers’ behavioral problems.

As per one published survey, the major problems of the teenagers world over are as follows:

1. Indulgence in Sex, Alcohol, and Drugs
2. Increased Use of Communication Devices and Social Media
3. Mood Swings
4. Aggression
5. Lying or Hiding Facts
6. Defying Rules and Arguing
7. Drastic Changes In appearance
8. Decreased Communication
9. Spending More Time with Friends
10. Indecisiveness.

If we refer to the personality triangle figure discussed above, it can be easily noticed that almost all of the above problems relate to the nature, character or behavior. Starting from the first decade of this century, lot of research is being conducted in this area. How a person develops his nature, what is the role of genes, what the role an external environment plays in these are some of the research topics. This branch of research is called as “Epigenetics”. One of the branches of epigenetics which deal with the behavioral aspect is called as “Behavioral epigenetics”.

Behavioral epigenetics.

Behavioral epigenetics is the field of study examining the role of epigenetics in shaping animal (including human) behavior. It is an experimental science that seeks to explain how nurture shapes nature, where nature refers to biological heredity and nurture refers to virtually everything that occurs during the life-span (e.g., social-experience, diet and nutrition, and exposure to toxins).

Behavioral epigenetics attempts to provide a framework for understanding how the expression of genes is influenced by experiences and the environment to produce individual differences in behavior, cognition, personality, and mental health.

How Nurture assumes importance.

The behavior of a child is at the behest of brain.
The brain action is based on genes.
And the genes expression is dependent on the signals of the environment. That makes the need to create right environment of nurture.

Train Your Mind Change your brain.

The thought waves in the atmosphere (of homes and schools also society, media) influence the child’s behavior. The decision process in brain influence the action of the child. The brain functioning depends upon genes functioning. The genes function depends upon nature and nurture.

Behavior in daily routine gives shape to the personality of the child.

The genes (nature) and the environment (nurture) both have equal or vital role in shaping the personality of the future adult. Providing proper environment for right nurture is necessary. And this responsibility rests obviously with Homes and Schools where children spend their formative years. The efforts in right nurture will effect in right shaping of the brain resulting in right behavior in future years.

Character building is essential for nation building.

Nobody is perfect. Every individual has some vices and some virtues.
Multiplication of virtues and Division of vices is the process for Character building of the students. This is the process of Sanskar/nurture. Teachers and parents should be given proper training of this process which would be useful not only for the character education of children but for parents as well. M.R.C. makes efforts towards this objective.

Shaping of the character, process:

A repeated action by a person forms imprints in the neural pathways. When these imprints assume strength they become the tendency. Tendencies after a while get converted in to habits. When habits are repeated over time it gets converted in to attitude. Attitudes shape the daily responses/ reactions and finally the cumulative effect of this process lead to the behavior or character of a person at given moment. The process goes on till the end of life. The accumulated effect of the character based behavior forms the destiny of the given moment in the life. So, the character building is the life long process, useful for all age groups. However the process has significant impact in the formative period in life. That is early years or even the prenatal or pre-conception stage, as per the latest research in this field.  When action assumes the form of tendency, it starts taking roots and later it is difficult to control or undo it. So one has to watch carefully and apply appropriate measures as early as possible.

Ability and Character. 

Many people know how to become successful but after becoming successful, they don’t know how to handle it. Ability will get you success. Character will keep you successful. Character building starts from infancy and goes on till death.

Character means: Behavior (Mind expression):  

The way someone thinks, feels, and behaves. Some one's personality is aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature, his moral or ethical qualities, qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; and Integrity.

What a Teacher needs to know?

If he says “I teach English to Sunil”.
Not only I should have expertise in “English” and in “Teaching”, but also, I should have adequate knowledge of “Sunil” as well as “I”. Here the ‘me’ in a person enters the scene. And the training of ‘mind’ assumes importance. This assumes more relevance in the emerging world of this century.

Role of parents in nurture is important as the role of a teacher.

The simile of the skills required by two profession, viz. Doctor and Teacher as stated by one of the speakers in the Washington 2009 conference organized by Mind and Life Institute is worth mentioning. In a major accident (like train accident where lot of people suffer different types of injuries and damages of different organs), each patient needs specific, special treatment which can be given by different specialist doctors… and the patient can be restored to normalcy. In the class room in a similar manner, the need and requirement of each child is different, requiring different special skills. But this has to be attended by single or two academician teachers. The job is complex, beyond the reach of a teacher. This is neither simple, nor practical. Rarely some teacher would be able to meet such expectation. It is difficult for a teacher to understand the specific need of each student in a class room of fifty students. Here the need of training emerges.

What to do? Can we depend entirely on teachers for child’s complete personality development? Here the role of parents assumes importance to supplement the efforts of school teacher. It is possible for parents to closely observe and understand the needs of own children and make tailor made efforts for the nurture of the children in their early years. In fact a partnership between the parents and teachers would be the ideal situation for effecting the desired nurture. Guidance to teachers and parents is also necessary for the right way of nurture.

Key to the Character Education is Gratitude and Equality.

Selfishness is in-born, selflessness is to be imbibed, nurtured with restraint and consistency and developed by practice. The self-centered behavior cannot develop good character. Any individual is a very small part of family, society and all humanity. That is why the concept of ‘self’ has to be developed in this larger context, not in dwarf context.

Essential virtues for such mind-set.

1.    Gratitude: To be grateful to each and every one who has been of help in any manner. (pay respect)

2.    Giving to needy: One should be open to give help, assist others as need arises.

3.    Association/ Organization: get together, associate with the people around by ‘give and take’ means.

If the new generation is nurtured by imbibing these concepts systematically, then we would be able to create the desired high character new generation.
In age-old Indian social systems, this was achieved by the concept of “Yagnya” / Yajna. (see foot note).

Twelve Qualities to be nurtured.

MRC guidance helps parents and children to identify and optimize the in-built personality virtues and reduce vices. The twelve virtues to be nurtured are:

Exam. Success.
Healthy body.
Skill in games.
Proficiency in arts.
Good manners
Inter relations skills.
Love for peace.
Fearless adventures.
Leadership qualities.

The process of Learning / Education. 


To be successful in the life a child should get good education. Good education is bringing about good change in behavior by proper learning. When, Where, How the learning starts? What is the process of learning?
The process starts indirectly at pre-conception stage. But directly the learning process starts from Pre-natal stage. The knowledge is taken by the mind from the surroundings. Mother and Father are the first teachers. Sense organs assimilate available knowledge and the process starts before birth.

Brain growth and needs of children. 

Age up to 7 years -    Right Brain (Emotional support)
Age 7 to 14 years -    Left Brain (Behavioral nurturing by own role model)
Age 14 to 20 years – Brain growth getting shape. (Support and friendly advice)
Beyond age 20 –       Maturity in Thinking.

Grasping of Knowledge. 

Learning by Sense organs

84%      Eye.  Seeing (screen impact significant)
12%      Ear.  Hearing.
4%        Touch, Test, Smell.  (Skin,   Tongue, Nose).

So the child should see and hear what is good.

Time spent by students. 

40%    Rest
16%    Home
16%    School
16%    Friends, Neighbours, Society.
12%    Mixed.

Influence in shaping youngsters.
(Media has significant influence.)

This environment make impact on child’s mind and shapingthe character.

Friends, Neighbours, Relatives. Society                     33%

School                                                                            33%
Home                                                                             33%

Key to Nurture. (संस्कार).

Search and identification of in-built virtues and vices of the kid.
Identification of areas of natural inclination for future development.
Efforts for multiplication (increasing) of virtues and division (decreasing) of vices.

In the formation age of children, Genes and Environment, each have a 50% share. Therefore, it is the parents’ responsibility to behave well. And to create good environment, the behavior of teachers is also a matter of consideration.

Tentative mile stones in growth.

-         Sense and work organs –                 up to 2 years.
-         Ego awareness and growth –           3 to 7 years.
-         Awareness of situation around –      8 to16 years.
-         Logic of things to do -                      8 to 12 years.
-         Imagination to predict -                    13 to 16 yrs.
-         Sexual attraction, plans for future, social views, conscious of self-esteem –                                                          12 to 21yrs.

Early years’ treatment has long term impact.

If the child is criticized then later it condemns, criticizes others.
If dominated and made fun of, then fearful, hesitating nature.
Rough treatment, scolding then arrogance.
Provided encouragement   then self-confident.
If appreciated then have appreciation for others.
If provided support, love, then believes others.
If subjected to gentle, straight forward treatment then it tends to be just towards others.

This is why the early years nurture assumes importance for the effects in later life.

The table indicates stage wise responsibility.

3)   AGE 8 TO 14 YEARS
4) AGE 15 TO 21 YEARS


Systematic efforts from pre-conception/pre-natal stage till adulthood are necessary to nurture a youngster. While academic excellence is necessary, the sound body and mind is also necessary. With these, the person will be able to lead a contended life of co-existence in the new world of 21st century. We have tried to cover pros and cons and also given the plan of action for implementation in each stage of the formation year. While the all-acceptable, secular character education syllabus is necessary, the outline of Manashakti Research Center (MRC) programs is also briefly mentioned. It is revealed that in initial years, efforts will have to be initiated for training of teachers and parents. The importance of the character education has to be imbibed on the policy makers who hold the tool of governance. Some training programs may be necessary for the concerned authorities. Moreover, this has also to be a social movement to the extent possible. Though for initial years, substantial efforts are involved, and it may take several years or even generations, they are worth. This is the only way to make the future generations and the world community to lead contended, prosperous life and to prevail peace. Hope this important aspect of relevance to every human being attracts the attention of the schools, homes, leaders, policy makers and all stake holders.
With prayer for word peace, we conclude the series of articles on this subject.

Foot note: Yajna literally means "devotion, worship, offering", and refers in Hinduism to any ritual done in front of a sacred fire, often with mantras. Yajna has been a Vedic tradition, described in a layer of Vedic literature. The tradition has evolved from offering oblations and libations into sacred fire to symbolic offerings in the presence of sacred fire (Agni).

This is the procedural part. But in the Vedic era this proved to be a great tool for social cohesive reforms. Any individual in society has some people superior to him, some equal and some inferior and some people of equal status. Superiority / inferiority on consideration of age, knowledge, skills, experience, wealth etc. In the Yajna concept where there will be mass gathering of the people, you have to pay respect to your superior by giving service. Help/ give gifts/ donate/support to the inferior and endeavor to bring him up. While you have to form association of the equals by cooperation, share your resources by give/take process for the mutual benefits. This process brings 'haves' and 
'have nots', all the sections together with love and the cooperation. Cohesive, harmonious society is the result.

Besides ritual, this social aspect of religion is useful in all ages.

Vijay R. Joshi.