Tuesday, April 28, 2015

DISEASE - CURE (Cure without Medicine - 4)

Mechanicss of Emotion

(Excerpts from book “Cure without Medicine”)

The Law of Causation in the Quantum Age

(Note – Another book ‘Purpose of the Universe’ Author – Swami Vijnananand) discusses validity of causal laws in sub-atomic state. Here we are dealing with the validity with grosser level)

Our conclusion so far is that disease originates from emotions. Is this conclusion in line with the general findings of science?

Scientific laws formulate a relation between cause and effect. The work of the scientist would be completed when and only when any causal chain is completed. The Law of Causality is so universally applicable as to stand a foundation of scientific knowledge of truth.

Since we are concerned with a problem related to living organisms, the laws of biology, physics and chemistry form the frame of reference. Additionally, we have also to take into consideration the general principles of science. Science accepts the notion of causation with which we begin our discussion. In this Universe, the Laws of Cause and effect rules. Every cause must necessarily have an effect.

The causality of disease has to be explained till origin.

If every effect whatsoever has a cause that precedes it, then it stands to reason that the disease must have one. That cause or causes have been very insufficiently explained by experts so far. Dr. Fidler (M.D.) clearly admits that – Experts today accept causation in theory. In practice, they behave attempting to act the opposite of what is accepted like fundamental laws such as the ‘Law of Causation’.

We feel that the effect of disease must have Its cause in mans desire for ease. This certainly sounds logical and the relevancy of the proposition will become more evident when we discuss this proposition in relation to physics.

Emotions and Physics

Three fundamental issues explained are –

a) Life also presupposes inertia.
b) Any disturbance in inertia amounts to action.
c) Each event that leads to the sparking of an excitability produces action throughout the body.

Here we have to show what modern physics and its laws indicate (reveal) in our field of research in this book.

The most distinguishing quality of life (from non-life) is motion which is visible and can be readily seen. Though motion is the intrinsic property of all matter, living matter is apparently distinguishable by its motion at the very start (i.e. birth).


The branch of science that deals with motion is Mechanics.  As regards Mechanics and Living matters, Mechanics should deal with all motion without bringing in any distinguishing features of its being living or non-living.


Mechanics accepts basic motion in all matter and terms it ‘Inertia’. The word ‘inertia’ is derived from the Latin and it literally means ‘Laziness’.

Inertia Definition – The resistance of matter to any change in both its state of rest or of uniform motion in straight line is defined as inertia. Inertia is known to be one of the fundamental characteristic of the matter (That property of matter by which it intends to remain so, and when in motion, continue to be in motion in the same straight line or direction, unless acted upon by some external force).

No distinguishing between Living and Non-Living

As far as application of laws of mechanics is concerned, essentially science cannot distinguish between living and non-living. This has been asserted by eminent western scientists, Russian scientists.

Inertia of Living matter

Therefore, we necessarily have to assume that according to the concept of mechanics, inertia of living matter is the normal given basic movement of life. In case of man, even one seriously attempts to discover any motion in him then that is both basic and also subject (the self-ego related) in some measure, so far as the specific individual is concerned. That would certainly constitute basic inertia in him.

Illustration – For instance, his normal pulse in 72 beats per minute or the potential from the brain at normal rest indicate the rate of 720 electrical alpha potential per minute, this must be assumed as inertia for the particular individual. Corresponding movements in the whole metabolism should also be described as inertia, and in any case, if, for any reason whatsoever, these movements accelerate or retard, this must be called an action in mechanical terms i.e. in terms of physics.

Thus, it is crystal clear that life has within it a normal motion – which for physics is Inertia. Any acceleration or retardation therein amounts to the application of some force in the positive or negative direction. This change in motion then comes under the purview (range) of motion as studied by the science of mechanics, i.e. physics.

Emotions, Excitability and Motion

What brings about this change in inertia? What force is acting that brings about this change in motion?
Obvious answer is that – It is the property of excitability possessed by living matter. And the cause of excitability cannot be other than emotions. When ‘cause’ comes under discussions, we enter the realm of pure physics, a Newtonian thought. Cause-Effect terminology is same as Action-Reaction terminology.

Mechanics of Emotions

Human metabolism action leads us to emotion and their relation to disease. While we consider ‘action’ in human metabolism, we enter the realm of pure mechanics. Newton laid the foundation of classical mechanics in his famous Laws of Motion. The Laws of Motion are applicable to all matters (above the atomic level). The third law states ‘to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’. This law, we claim, is applicable to emotions and disease.

While we go into the depth of origin of human action, it is seen that – No action can ever take place unless the assumption of the existence of inherent sensation and emotion in the living body is claimed. Emotions emerge from mind and they are part of mind.

Emotions are the intrinsic property of life inherent in us. When a given emotion acts, it acts on nothing but the body of the human being concerned. When an emotion puts the body into action, pushes the body without exception. In its turn the body must push back the emotion with an equal and opposite force.

Here we should note a fine point which is very relevant. The human body has the capacity to ‘store’ impact of action and reaction. By the virtue of the peculiar matter which is used to build our body, it can store the potential energy.

Example – Take a walk thrice your usual capacity to walk. The pain in the legs (reaction) will be observed next day in the form of muscular discomfort but not immediately on the same day (body stores the reaction overnight).

The reaction necessarily has to be equal and opposite. So the body acts against the emotion concerned, which initiated the first action. This reaction we call as disease (Normally the action is for some sort of desired pleasure so the reaction would be normally displeasure accompanied by some pain).

Thus emotions give different kind of pains to the body. The body concerned accumulates reaction and gives pain to the mind through emotions. Thus, in this manner, pain acts as emotion-carrier both ways.

In a simple words Mind through emotions acts on the body for the ease and pleasure that one seeks. Body as a reaction gives disease and displeasure to mind, again reacting on emotions.

Mathematically to express

 E   =    Emotion   =    Pulse variation (PV)              D   =    Disease            =       Pulse variation (PV)


E   =   D
   (Either E is unexpressed disease or D is expressed emotion)

Similarly, when we say the body hits back at the mind, it is merely a mechanical reaction. When mind (for ease, pleasure) produces PV, it acts on the body.

In effect, there are four stages – (If a straight steel wire is hit by a hammer, it may wind in a spring. After the spring winds at full capacity, further hit may unwind it by force).

-         Action-Reaction – Mind turning the body into a spring.
-         Body reaches a stage (limit) equal to that of spring (fully wound)
-         The stroke of the pulse immediately following (even   smallest) due to the spring reaction the PV is initiated from the body-end. (This state is precisely the state of disease.
-         The disease is overcome when the spring is unwound.

Finally, the most important fact, readers have to bear in mind is that the process explained here and elsewhere is never so straight and simple but enormously complex in reality. Because, when we compare the body turning itself into a spring, and this spring hitting back at the mind in the state of a disease, the existence of disease itself gives rise to more emotions.

So the process of unwinding of the spring is not perfect on most occasions. Other times, smaller springs are unwound only to create a bigger spring, i.e. minor disease are suppressed to create a serious disease.

How does all this add up?

Howsoever small the tennis ball and howsoever strong the roof may be, if the hitting of the ball against the roof is ceaselessly done, decade and decade, the roof is bound to crumple up one day or the other, to end the relationship between man, ball and roof.

Summary In terms of Laws of Physics

          Cause (Emotion) is undeniably linked up with Disease (Effect).

          This has been proved in terms of Mathematics and Physics (Algebra).

(To be continued .. )

Vijay R. Joshi.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

DISEASE - CURE (Cure without Medicine - 3)

Emotion and Bodily Changes

(Excerpts from book “Cure without Medicine”)

Do emotions bring about organic change? (Physical change)
Our answer is ‘Yes’, fully documented as well as properly substantiated.

Right from Hippocrates down to Dr. Alexander, all fully subscribe to the view that emotions necessarily play a major role in the aggravation of disease

Experiments reveal that anger stops normal flow of saliva and also affects the adrenal gland. It is equally well known that all emotions accelerate blood circulation. Blood vessels are known to burst through anger as well as through joy. It is also important to be realized that whilst process of thought seems to be localized in the head, emotions are felt throughout the entire body. When a man suddenly comes face to face with danger, vibrations of fear course through the whole of his physical being, he experiences a sinking in the pit of the stomach, he breaks out in cold sweat, and his skin becomes pale, his mouth dry, his breathing difficult and his heart races.

The action of the sympathetic system in an emergency emotion is of special interest to the student of psychology. It includes dilating pupils of the eye, lifting the lid over-wide and protruding (swelling) the eyeball, increasing the rate of heart beat, raising the blood pressure and taking from the organs of sex their supply of blood with the result that they tend to become flabby (hanging loosely).

History of Nationals, Religion and Science and Emotions role 

The extreme extent to which emotions can affect the body (and also beyond body) is best and most strikingly seen at its highest levels when one considers the history of nations, religion and science.

Thousands of patriots have sacrificed their lives for their feelings and faith. Millions have preferred tortures of the very worst kind giving away life of ease and comfort. Crores cared nothing for war wounds. They threw themselves in the imbroglio (complicated and difficult situation) for the sake of their country. Medical authorities may read the lives of researchers who sacrificed their very lives for success of their mission. Scientist in Russia like Minch and Mochutkovsky infected themselves with poison for the sake of experimental confirmation of their analytical theories. Noguchi, another scientist, allowed his brain to be affected. Sir Ronald Ross allowed himself to be infected by material-carrying mosquitoes.

From Emotion to Disease

We have seen that emotions create organic disease is unquestionable. Relationship between emotions and disease is a concept universally accepted. Now the next question to be considered is whether –

1.  Every disease results from emotion

On our part, we are convinced that satisfactory evidence exists to prove a relationship between every kind of disease and emotion.

We shall list some important arguments but before it is done, we should consider some important points.

2. An emotion does not necessarily result in immediate illness

This is the primary difficulty which should be overcome. A time lag (between emotion and illness) is certainly possible and it often occurs. On many occasions, an emotion is suppressed, so that such suppressed emotion does not result in an immediate observable bodily reaction in the form of disease. Certainly, it is true that we can defer the disease temporarily, when we suppress emotions. But in the long run, it will be observed to have erupted with greater intensity. Hence, the question of paramount important is – Will the disease never erupt?

3. Immediate link may not be possible

What begins as emotion (A) ends in an illness (B). An immediate link A to B cannot be located on every occasion for Nature gives us a long rope indeed to hang ourselves with! When no immediate link is observably created, it still does not indicate its total absence.

4. Can doctors link real cause to disease?

Any critic has no right to demand that a proponent of Recipropathy is duty-bound to offer proof positive on every individual occasion that emotion leads to disease. This is because critics and even doctors themselves are unable to trace back every disease at its source or to its first cause, if one prefers that phrase. In fact majority of the diseases are treated without its true origin having been located. In the startling yet true words, Dr. Carrel says “Doctors do not cure disease, they change it”.

5. Circumstantial evidence supports Recipropathy

Even in those cases where a direct relationship between emotion and disease has not been established, the circumstantial evidence is in favor of the hypothesis.

In the state of emotion an individual prefers the very most tortures, which may be normally termed as disease (illustration – A soldier going to doctor for operation vis-à-vis going for all-out war. Page 46 of the book gives the illustration). This point will be further established later in mathematical terms. With the help of the laws of mechanics and mathematical equations, the correlation of emotions and disease will be established.

6. Purpose of disease and pain

Suffice is to say here that modern researchers agree that the purpose of disease and pain is to teach the human mind through emotions.

7. Can medicines cure patients?

All thinkers concede that medicine cannot cure patients en-mass. No two organisms on this earth are quite alike. Medicine which would cure all and sundry is impossible to be discovered. Because each individual is absolutely unique and distinct from the rest of the world. This uniqueness of the individual prevents the possibility of a mass-scale medicine.

8. Individual separate identity – The difficulty in proving.

Even the origins of bodily pains are diverse. Under a given set of circumstances, various individuals react differently depending on their basic emotional combination, turning each reaction into different disease. Everything, including the rate at which emotion is turned into disease, the process whereby the result accrues, the mode, the intensity, the complications – all these would differ from one to another depending solely on basic combinations of emotions in the individual concerned. That is why a difficulty arises in actually co-relating every emotion with specific disease. Pathways of emotions and disease stand delineated (just like image of each other).

(To be continued..)

Vijay R. Joshi.

Monday, April 6, 2015

DISEASE - CURE (Cure Without Medicine -2)

Claim of New Findings (given in the book: Cure without Medicine)

Since everything that happens has to have a cause, there are no accidents in Nature. Accidents (so called) are only events whose causal connection cannot be traced by us. This is due to our lack of knowledge about the true laws of Nature or the interpretation of the Laws of Nature. The solution depends upon the direction (to be selected). For this research, the first realization has to be to find out what is the purpose of Nature? Such study alone can bring us near the proper solution.

Human Emotions the base cause of human suffering.

The detailed discussion and abundant proof offered in other book written by SwamiVijnananand. lead to the scientific conclusion that human emotions alone is the primary cause of human suffering and agony both physical and mental. Experts in Medical Profession as well as laymen are urged to seriously understand and concede these conclusions

-         Human activities result through mind
-         Minds expressible medium is emotions
-         Mind through emotions invite disease
-         Mind has power to mitigate (lesson the intensity of) disease
-         Mind has strength to sustain life
-         Mind ultimately is responsible to destroy life

It is known that variations of emotions could be

-         In variety
-         In quality
-         In range
-         In proportion of dominance (most to least)

And again this variation is subjected to be different from individual to individual.

But there is no variation (exception) to the fact that

-         Sometimes one, at another time another, from amongst the many emotions, leads the path to life and death.
-         Between these two extremes (Birth & Death) during the life time of an individual, emotions pave the way to disease.

Emotions developed with each higher stage of EVOLUTION. (Evolution of emotions)

The course of recorded history proves that the development of emotions all along an ascendant path (dominating trend) from the protozoa to man. Monakov (1854-1930, Russian-Swiss Neuropathologist) has traced elaborately how emotions developed with each higher stage of evolution.

Biological perfection (evolution) takes place through

Increase of the tissue
Construction of new organs
Division of labor (In nervous system)

Nervous system progress

The differentiation of the nervous system in the direction of division of labor must be particularly emphasized. In the higher animals the central nervous system has localized function. Here, a nervous system is present, though the nervous elements may be functionally injured in various ways. They may be disturbed in their functioning through too great stimulation or through the interruption of continuity with resulting injuries of different forms.

This is accepted fact from scientists that Emotions grew more complex as the organism in evolution stepped higher and higher. As the form perfected, the organism attained finer emotions.
In this process, however, they exchanged

a)   Susceptibility (sensitivity, sensible) to Immunity (ability to fight infections).
b)  Mortality (condition of being subject to death to virtual immortality), i.e. Higher animals are less susceptible for infections as compared to lower animals in evolution.  Lower animals in evolution (such a protozoa) were virtually immortal. Higher animals die at some point of time.

Unquestionable authorities in medicine and science endorse the view that the most of the diseases stem from emotions.

(To be continued..)

Vijay R. Joshi