Monday, April 6, 2015

DISEASE - CURE (Cure Without Medicine -2)

Claim of New Findings (given in the book: Cure without Medicine)

Since everything that happens has to have a cause, there are no accidents in Nature. Accidents (so called) are only events whose causal connection cannot be traced by us. This is due to our lack of knowledge about the true laws of Nature or the interpretation of the Laws of Nature. The solution depends upon the direction (to be selected). For this research, the first realization has to be to find out what is the purpose of Nature? Such study alone can bring us near the proper solution.

Human Emotions the base cause of human suffering.

The detailed discussion and abundant proof offered in other book written by SwamiVijnananand. lead to the scientific conclusion that human emotions alone is the primary cause of human suffering and agony both physical and mental. Experts in Medical Profession as well as laymen are urged to seriously understand and concede these conclusions

-         Human activities result through mind
-         Minds expressible medium is emotions
-         Mind through emotions invite disease
-         Mind has power to mitigate (lesson the intensity of) disease
-         Mind has strength to sustain life
-         Mind ultimately is responsible to destroy life

It is known that variations of emotions could be

-         In variety
-         In quality
-         In range
-         In proportion of dominance (most to least)

And again this variation is subjected to be different from individual to individual.

But there is no variation (exception) to the fact that

-         Sometimes one, at another time another, from amongst the many emotions, leads the path to life and death.
-         Between these two extremes (Birth & Death) during the life time of an individual, emotions pave the way to disease.

Emotions developed with each higher stage of EVOLUTION. (Evolution of emotions)

The course of recorded history proves that the development of emotions all along an ascendant path (dominating trend) from the protozoa to man. Monakov (1854-1930, Russian-Swiss Neuropathologist) has traced elaborately how emotions developed with each higher stage of evolution.

Biological perfection (evolution) takes place through

Increase of the tissue
Construction of new organs
Division of labor (In nervous system)

Nervous system progress

The differentiation of the nervous system in the direction of division of labor must be particularly emphasized. In the higher animals the central nervous system has localized function. Here, a nervous system is present, though the nervous elements may be functionally injured in various ways. They may be disturbed in their functioning through too great stimulation or through the interruption of continuity with resulting injuries of different forms.

This is accepted fact from scientists that Emotions grew more complex as the organism in evolution stepped higher and higher. As the form perfected, the organism attained finer emotions.
In this process, however, they exchanged

a)   Susceptibility (sensitivity, sensible) to Immunity (ability to fight infections).
b)  Mortality (condition of being subject to death to virtual immortality), i.e. Higher animals are less susceptible for infections as compared to lower animals in evolution.  Lower animals in evolution (such a protozoa) were virtually immortal. Higher animals die at some point of time.

Unquestionable authorities in medicine and science endorse the view that the most of the diseases stem from emotions.

(To be continued..)

Vijay R. Joshi

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