Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Desire to exist is the the basis for the origin, MIND POWER - 1

(Excerpts from book: MIND POWER (1980) CH 1 TO 6, Author - Swami Vijnananand (S.V.), Manashakti publication)


Those readers who are not sure about the existence of mind, independent of matter and those who resist the idea of life after death, may refer to the books “What Mind Means' and  'Know your death” written by S.V. (The earlier  Blogs on 'What Mind Means' may also be seen). While the book (MIND POWER) deals with many diverse basic subjects of interest, one of the main purposes is to promote understanding about the role of multi-minds in the multi-cellular organism. With this understanding the reader will be able to find answers to the questions about his own mind power, which is of prime concern to him for the success and happiness in the life. The proposition of multi minds is not easy to digest. Even Swami Vijnananand (S.V.) also experienced this initially. Truth, when one understands at its turning point, at each Phase, remains stranger than fiction.

1.1  Life.

Answer to the question- ‘what is life’ still eludes us at all levels of biological organizations from nucleoprotein to level represented by virus to the level of human organism we face the impossibility of drawing a rigid boundary between life and life less. Instead of using immutable (unchangeable) qualitative category, we have a series of gradations imperceptibly (that cannot be perceived) approaching a certain boundary that cannot be truly fixed. Hence a possibility of giving a faultless answers to a question ‘what is life ‘still eludes us.

We have not found definite evidence of bio-matter equivalence. This cannot be understood by only physical, materialistic study/approach.

1.2              Free will – Acrobats of mind.

Whether the first free will is to be attributed to electron, nucleus or something else are the alternatives available. As it may be the fact that it is only a ‘reflect effect’ observed at the level of electron but concealing in a portion of nucleus or Para- nucleus state. The free will at any stage of the hierarchy is the acrobats of the mind.

1.3              Reference to the evidence of mind.

S.V. has defined mind as ‘non-matter’, or a thing which transcends the velocity of light. He has elaborately discussed this ‘non-matter’ in terms of scientific terms in his other books. On the theory of velocity of light the above books substantiate negative proof that’ non-matter ‘does exist. For this we designate the term ‘mind’ for common understanding. (Please refer Blogs on "What Mind Means")

1.4              Virus proceeds as well as terminally too they generate.

Virus is taken to be at the border line between life and lifeless. That means they should be the starting entity in the history of the life of the organism. But there is a controversy. Viruses multiply (grow many fold) only in living medium. That means the controversy spells whether virus is a first product of bio world or it is a last product? How can the first virus shoot off when life, in which it could multiply was not available?

From pulse to mind

a) S.V. elsewhere has demonstrated that the pulse variation of a human being can reasonably (believably) indicate the forecast of the probable development in the future. The pulse rate is linked with the brain through the cerebral cortex. Thus the mind (emotions) acts on body (i.e. pulse) through cerebral cortex. Thus this can be considered as a vocal dialogue between mind and matter (body).

b)  S.V. in his books (Equation of happiness and Cure without Medicine) has shown that laws of action and reaction are also applicable to the mind . When matter and mind enter into conversation through the language of emotions, the question springs up “at what stage emotions enter the living organism?” At this juncture, the very question of onset of life comes in, which is the link between matter and non-matter (mind).

c) Origin of life: Once it was thought that origin of the cell was beginning of life. But the inquiry demands further step back.

d) In this book we are tracing back the origin of life down to mind.

1.7 Later viruses for reciprocal revenge.

a)       If initial virus was a reality they should be assumed to be non-parasite, since there was no life to prey upon. Perhaps they may be benevolent as early progress needed it.

b)       Inequalities: With so called progress (original benevolence was replaced by) tendencies such as possessiveness, selfishness, aggression and ego might have cropped up, and so also cycle of revenge.

c)       Evolution: An animal kingdom progressed through higher ladders of cellular structure, multi cellular, complex organisms gained supremacy at the cost of those who lagged behind in the race. In turn those who suffered chose to exert their share of revenge, reducing them to micro world. (Bacteria, viruses etc.). In multi cellular organism, play of virus cell-minds mooted, their weaker cells were subjected to domination.

d)      The statements in this book may be accepted or rejected with reasons.

Denial of our bold hypothesis creates complications, so-called paradoxes,contradictions,leaps, unknown turned riddle some. This is because, the logical sequence, which is the outcome of radical thinking are being refused in the name of science by some dogmatists.


Though there is growing evidence about existence of non-matter provable in terms of science  (Please refer to earlier BLOG), the utility of science shall never end. If this (the hypothesis by S.V.) is understood in proper perspective, the unnecessary tussle between science and reality will be over. 


(a) Why this discussion?

If one wants to understand, foresee to prevent and cure human ills, a blue print is required to be drawn. Approach for such a blue print becomes difficult unless we remove the kernels (outer covers) of matter i.e. unless we reach to the mind (non-matter) level of the human being. Laws of matter should have served adequately to meet all challenges of human life if mind reflected only material characteristics and would not have created the enigma (puzzles, riddles) in the behavior. Instead laws of matter have come in for troubles. Causality is often confronted (challenged).Inadequacy of inferences from ‘laws of matter’ are crying for solution. Right from medicine to philosophy there is a crop of new questions notwithstanding old answers.

We don’t feel that laws of matter have lost their utility. We consider that the reason is: Laws of matter account for only a reflex result of non-material existence behind scene. Our findings ascertain that inferences from old and new physics can be reconciled.

(b) Science is still the Rational Hope of a man.

Science is to be accepted for more than one reason.

1.      Science judicially declares its limitations whenever so demanded by the occasion.

2.      We are speaking about supra-physical character of matter. Many such proofs for the above are non-obtainable without using systematic steps of science.

3.      Science by all means is open minded. What is necessary is to expand its frontiers to accommodate the incoming truth without any subjective reservation.(prejudiced view)

4.      The need of practical life. (Leaving the discussion at higher level, in common life, science remains indispensable.)

5.      Open minded differences are allowed in science.

6.      There are a number of biologists who are of the opinion that it is not possible to give an account of how the amoeba came in to existence, its structure and his behavior as a living cell without going outside the laws of physics and chemistry. There are other biologists who have a fixed belief that such an account of living things will one day be given. However we have not got anywhere near being able to give an account of living things which is based completely on the laws of physics and chemistry.


In order to understand life, (body + mind or matter + non-matter) objectively we need to consider four alternatives, which emerge as follows:-

4.1. Multi cellular animals and every connected cell is matter.
In this case the laws of matter unquestionably rule.

4.2. None of them is matter, while manifested matter (clearly seen) matter is a conceptual reality. Here the laws of matter will be at work at the “manifested conceptual material level,” while the analysis of mind will be on different level. (As done in this book)

4.3. Every cell has matter but the multi cellular animal has no matter.  This is redundant as in this case the individual animal does not exist at all.

4.4. Cell has no mind but the multi cellular animal has a mind.

4.5. The enquiry of cell (cell mind) opens new vistas of understanding. Man has to learn adjustment with his own self, (i.e. own cells). This will bring peace within, curtail a list of over aspiration (about wealth, fame etc.) and ameliorate (improve) relationship with the people with whom he lives. Indeed the further life shall be the waiting award.


We trail the way to the breath taking mind or the organized mind or to the so called individual mind and try to establish its relationship with the cell empire.

Hypothesis: - Organized mind, when it gets formed.

5.1 The animal’s existence in this world starts with the conception of male (father) and female (mother). Thus the organized mind, which we hypothesize, steps up through the cell twin provided by father and mother.

We then conceive various other steps.

Organized mind sets in for its selfish motives, (Desire to take birth).

Weaker, half willing, dormant cell shells (shell- the outward appearance of a person’s character) are over powered for selfish ends on both sides (i.e. from father and mother’s sides). i.e. The material part of the cells from father and mother is used by the ‘to be born child’s mind’ to get the bodily existence in the mother’s body.
5.2 Duplication.

Duplication of similar selfishly motivated cells from conception till birth takes place in the womb.

5.3 Defective growth.

When the “ organized mind “  fails to collect sufficient or proper (quality of) cell minds, the outcome is the birth of an imbalanced personality at physical level, psychic level or at both the levels.

5.4 Paradox of “life”

Life begins. That is living together of paradoxical interests (of the cell minds and organized mind). The process of moving in a specified direction continues secretly and quickly.

5.5 Multi-layeredness of mind.

Inherent in this theory multi-layer ness of life (minds) is obvious. That is what we see internally, externally materially and immaterially. (How and When is explained in this book and other books of S.V.)

5.6 Way out: Know. Adjust. Be justly equanimous, (Cool tempered).


For those hypothetical necessary conditions (postulates) to be reasonably proved at the theoretical level, we need evidence on the following points
6.1 Mind is independent of matter.(Link to What Mind Means)
6.2 “organized mind “exists in an individual.
6.3 Overlapped mind and multi-layer ness.
6.4 Paradoxical “living “together.
6.5 Our interpretation of views.
6.6 Our interpretation of relief.

The detailed description and evidence about the above requirements is given in further chapters of the book MIND POWER.


-          The book attempts to explain in details the origin of life on the earth. DESIRE is the function of MIND. Only matter can’t desire. When ‘matter’ joined the ‘mind’, the desire of ‘existence’ of mind got fulfilled and the ‘LIFE’ originated on the earth.  

-          Though the ‘CELL’ was the first life on the earth, the logical pre-forms of life would be the COASERVATE and VIRUS.

-          Once a single cell life came in to being, the desire to exist and exist with comfort led to the formation of multi-cell lives. The same desire continues in the process of further evolution till the advanced species of human evolved.

-          Mind enters into conversation with the body through ‘emotions’. Then the next question is at what stage emotions entered into living organism? Here one reaches to the origin of life on earth which is the first link between the mind (non-matter) and the body (matter).

-          This logical hypothesis be accepted or rejected with valid reasons. The dogmatic approach of rejecting would result in creating complications in terms of so many paradoxes, unknowns and riddle-some aspects which are prevailing in the field of science.

-          The blue print to foresee and prevent the human ills cannot be drawn unless we reach the non-matter level of human being i.e. mind. We just can’t restrict to the materialistic approach. The laws of Physics and Chemistry are not adequate to understand the science of life.

-          Book MIND POWER tries to trace the journey of life from matter to the first cell and then from multi-cells to the evolution up to the advent of human being emphasizing the role played by the ‘desire’ which is the exclusive property of the ‘mind’.

(Note: This is an attempt to make reader friendly interpretation of the book “MIND POWER” based on my perception. Inquisitive readers are requested to refer to the original book to cross check their understanding.)

Vijay R. Joshi.

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