Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sharing the JOY.



I am calling upon my internal energy and resolving to work towards my own welfare. My personality has evolved based on my behavior till today. From today on wards, I resolve to seek only good inspiration. For the bad experiences I have had, instead of blaming others, I will myself reflect upon them. Instead of seeking false satisfaction, I will rely on courage and good wisdom. Because of this, I will gain long lasting peace and success. To the extent that I am achieving this, I am at peace now itself (Manashakti Prayer for Self-Reflection.)

Why this Blog?

This is simply to share my joy which I get as an activist (seeker) of Manashakti, Lonavala, India. I got associated with the center since 1990.

At that time I had many questions about myself, others, life, death and so many whys and hows. I found that Swami Vijnananand, the founder Manashakti had thought about such concerns with logical and rational view.

One is often surrounded by a number of problems. Can one get rid of them? Avoid some of them to be happy?

When experiencing the moment of happiness, these questions do not end. Will my happiness last long? Will I be happy forever? If it is lost, how do I regain it? There are more things I aspire for, how do I get them?

One would like to live a happy life for every moment till the end of life, based on own ambitions.
"I want happiness" is a common life agenda. Does happiness follow any laws or is it accidental? What in ‘me’ wants the happiness? Who is 'me'?

All through life I strive for happiness. The result often is that, I have worries and anxieties, creating stress and often dissatisfaction. Who is responsible for such unwanted outcomes? My enemies? Colleagues?  Spouse? Children?  Neighbors?  Friends?  My situation?  Luck?  Destiny???  I really can't figure out!

As a child my ideas of happiness were different, they change as I reached the stages of adolescence, youth, married life, and now a senior citizen. As a student, as a professional, as a competing candidate at each stage, the ideas of happiness and aspirations of pleasure vary.
My body changes, but my aspiring mind never leaves the goal of Happiness.

I aspire to be happy in this world. I use various means around me to live my life. Do the people around me, humanity at large, the planet on which I live and the whole universe have any relationship with me?

Where was I before my birth? Where would 'I' go after my death? These are also some of the problems which come to my mind. Often I think about them but mostly neglect them.

Would it not be a great joy to find intellectual, logical, rational, convincing answers to such questions? During my association with Manashakti for the last 23 years I have found many clues to answers to such queries... This is the JOY which I want to share with you through this blog.

When we come across a good experience, say reading a good novel, witnessing a great movie, enjoying a tour, visiting a great art gallery or listening to a pleasing musical performance we tend to share it with others.

Why? Because not only is one interested in sharing pleasure but also enjoying the same moments again while sharing.

This is my intention in writing this blog.

Vijay R. Joshi.

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