Sunday, November 5, 2017

Character Developing Efforts - 2 ( AGE 7 TO 14)

The most vital Period for Nurturing Balanced Personality.

Nobody is 100% perfect in this world. Everybody has some flaws. Likewise nobody is 100% faulty. Everybody has some kind of good quality. Each personality is the combination of some good qualities and some bad qualities. We must try to identify the good qualities in child and try to improve them. At the same time we should try to locate bad qualities in child and attempt to reduce or eliminate them. This process will lead to personality development, not only of the child but also parents. One simple yet meaningful definition of ‘sanskar’ is multiplication of good qualities and division of bad qualities. This definition makes one thing clear. Not only child but every living individual need sanskar. Parents too learn while bringing child up.

Child - A Different Personality

Every child is a different personality. Only a part of child’s personality can be pre-planned by nature or heredity. Child will have his own behavior style distinct from the parents. Therefore parents should not expect child to behave as they like. They should not compare child with themselves, their ideals or other children.


Parenting efforts ought to be mostly on trial and error basis. Ideal parenting and ideal child is an imaginary concept. We should identify hidden, potential qualities in the child and gradually provide scope for the development. Parents must consciously ensure that their flaws should not affect child adversely. For that an honest introspection is necessary. They must rigorously try to save their child from their flaws. If you find any flaw in child, tenderly make him aware of it. Help him to overcome it. The correction in the behavior of the child is to be effected with patience. Have positive attitude of curiosity while doing this and not with tension and worry. Instead of saying ‘parents raise or teach children’ saying ‘parents help children to develop’ is more correct. Feeling of ownership and possession with respect to own child is not right and can be troublesome.

Patience Of Parents While Understanding Child

Understanding children and keeping awareness with their mental world is very important but difficult task of parenting. It really needs communication. For successful communication listening carefully is as important as talking. We often tend to forget this reality in the prevailing fast track age. When child tries to say something, we assume a role of teacher or master and start lecturing the child. Sometimes we assume the role of manager and try to provide them readymade solutions. Or sometimes we become Hitler and start scolding child.

In such incidences, parents should do well in controlling their emotions and respect child’s expression with or without saying anything. It is the first step.  Parents should intentionally create such atmosphere in the family where child will express his emotions, respect emotions of others, understand the viewpoint behind the emotions and understand various available options.

Pampering and Admiring

Admiration is necessary to encourage good behavior and special achievements of children. But don’t pamper them too much. Use words carefully while praising them. “You are great! Nobody is like you”! Such words can increase the ego of child. If child dose something, tell him what is good and what can still be done to improve further. Communication with child should be natural, effortless and by heart. Child should not smell threat in your words. They should be frankly able to speak whatever they want. Communication should enable them to speak and express their mind. If you want to make them understand something; use of small stories may be very effective.

Optimism: Behavior of parents has far-reaching effect on child. Accordingly child’s attitude towards the world is developed. Inculcating optimistic habits depends mostly on behavior of parents, teachers and other family members. Tense incidents in this speedy world adversely affect the mind of a child. Efforts to mitigate this will be helpful.
Optimistic children tend to think that bad events occur very rarely, they are for short period and they occur due to specific reason. Pessimistic children think bad events are permanent. They think bad events cover every aspect of their life, they make life perish. Such children think they are burdened with such incidents. Child observes how parents react to emergency situation. The response, reaction and behavior by parents in such situation gives shape to the future habits and the tendencies of the child.

Burden of Expectation: Parents should not burden children with their unfulfilled dreams without considering child’s capacity (educational) or aptitude. Terror of parents creates tendency to do unwilling drama of study. Doing unwanted things make child aloof from family and friends.


This triggers the mental tension. In some cases not only children but parents as well suffer from psychological illness. Instead of thinking which career has scope in future, parents must think what my child would like to do. It would be more appropriate if parents encourage child to choose career of his likings and then help strive for success in achieving.

Quarrels of Parents: Differences and quarrels between husband and wife are unavoidable. But one can certainly do something about the nature of argument, its intensity and purpose. In growing age, child expects parents to follow the same good things which they have taught the child to follow. Child gets confused when his expectations are shattered. When arguments between parents get ugly and child notices it to be exactly opposite of what he is taught, his life values are shaken. This might result in disbelief, suspicion, disrespect about parents. Child might feel mentally distant from parents. Therefore parents must avoid quarrels and arguments in front of child and behave in restrained and thoughtful way.

Spending Time With Children: Parents should sit with child, talk with him, admire him, listen to him. Giving your quality time is an important need of a child. When both the parents are working, such needs of child rarely get fulfilled. He rarely gets company of his mother; rarely get closer to his father. Affectionate company of parents provides complementary thought waves for psychological development of child. So parents must schedule some time in their routine for this.

Puberty: Relationship means people tied with delicate thread of emotions. These threads are stronger in the relations of mother and daughter. In young age, girl child is completely dependent on mother. She has complete faith in her mother. But after particular age the relation between mother and child changes. Experts say, children attain puberty earlier these days. During transformation from teenage to young age, a girl needs support of understanding and likeminded person. During this period her mother makes her aware of natural and social restrictions on her. Many times mother and father lacks the technique to create this awareness. So a girl takes it as a burden. She feels like she is tied with a chain. This triggers suspicion, misunderstanding, anger and sometimes inferiority complex. If brother of same age enjoys freedom in home but she has to follow rules and restriction then this partiality seems very restraining to her. She becomes short tempered. She doesn't understand why everybody is trying to teach a grown up girl like her how to behave. At such time she needs friend and advisor who tenderly, affectionately understand and appreciate her problems and also clear all her doubts.  If mother peacefully accomplish both the roles then this stage successfully passes over.

Discipline: Never overlook mistakes of children. Tell them about their mistakes specifically but tenderly. This will create essential temporary feeling of shame and guilt in their mind and they will try avoid recurrence of such mistakes.  After this; make them accept some token punishment for their mistake. But always make sure not to have any kind of force or blaming in this process. Making somebody disciplined doesn't mean punishing him. Child's behavior will improve if you explain them properly what will be the consequences of their mistakes and making them bear the responsibility of their behavior. But if you give them severe punishment, it will result in anger or fear. This will create more problems than solving the existing one. It is important to help children learn from their mistakes as it can provide good learning experience. Edison's experiments of making electricity bulb were unsuccessful 999 times. He was successful at 1000th attempt. About this Edison said "I haven’t failed, I have just found 999 ways that won’t work.” 

Anger: Anger is inevitable. It can be expressed softly or strongly. For example, anger, exasperation, temper, rage, fury, infuriation are the emotions with tremendous energy that can make or mar things. Some parents always advice their angry child not to get angry. They ridicule the cause of his anger and advice to control his emotions. Or they tease him as Jamadagni. Or some parents themselves angrily shout at child. All these things increase the anger of child and not reduce it. Accept the emotion of anger in a child. Allow it to get expressed. But restrict the method by which anger can be expressed. Make clear that throwing things, beating, using foul words are wrong methods of expression. Show him how to express anger using correct method. Importantly; never react by shouting or beating. Because this may give message that shouting/beating is acceptable way. And later they too may learn to oppose anger with this method.

Fear: Fear is the emotion that every one of us has experienced at some point in our life. Real or fake fears in mind affect concentration, memory and behavior of child. One reason for this is parents/teachers does not educate child about inevitable feeling of fear. The fear management can be done with the analysis or answers to the following queries.

Why is emotion of fear created?

How does this emotion affect our body/mind?

How does it get reflected?

How to get connected with the fear instead of avoiding it?

How to reach to the root cause of fear?

How to understand this feeling and to express it properly?

Is this feeling expressed by others, even adults?

We can reduce the fear of the ‘fear’ in the mind of child by answering such questions.

Instead of giving immediate solution to the frightened child, try to make him accept it in minimum words as a natural phenomenon.  Tell the child fear is like an e-mail. If you know how to open it you will be able to use the information. Fear always ask us questions - “Do you really want to do this?” Proper answers of this question remove further fear from our mind. Give your child such advice. Don’t make child too much secure so that he won’t be afraid at all. Instead leave scope to accept fear and conquer it.

Friends: Friends can have major influence on child. Therefore it is important from the point of view of parents that they get acquainted with and have information about their child’s friends. If possible be in contact with parents of your child’s friend. Be aware of studies and behavior in school through parent’s meetings and class teachers. Don’t give excessive pocket money to child. This might result in purchasing unnecessary things or cultivating wrong habits. Take timely review of happenings in the schoo lby interacting with teachers, other parents, your child and his friends.

Media: Various kinds of media such as newspaper, magazines, movies, Advertisements, TV serials, Internet provide or make available many proper/improper things to children. Smart mobile phone is a fresh addition. All this affects developing personality, habits and likings of child. Detail information regarding misuse of these media are published from time to time. It has become very necessary that parents should keep their child away from misuse of these media.

Sexual Harassment: “Mummy, in a lunch break when I am alone, Rajesh kisses me” – parents feel their world turned upside down when they hear such things from a girl of 7 to 8 years of age. Parents are taken aback witnessing vulgar acts of these children. Considering the problems faced by this children, we wonder if the age of sexual awareness arrives earlier these days. World statistics regarding child molestation is overwhelming. Children of 8 years of age, sometimes below 8 years of age are cheated and harassed by their own family members, neighbors or any other known persons. We read such news in newspaper often. We cannot overlook this increasing danger from the point of view of future of child. Parents, however they try to avoid answering sex related queries of child, he or she finds answers to these questions by other proper/improper means. Instead of child getting wrong, misleading and vulgar information, parents themselves should introduce the subject step by step. This does not trigger unnecessary curiosity and child gets all the answers. Many prospective threats are also eliminated. This subject requires proper guidance during evolving age of adolescence.

Avoid this if possible

Never label child as idiot, fool, shameless, lazy, selfish, etc. This creates excess shame or guilt in the mind of child. This hinders the emotional growth of child. Instead of labelling a child sarcastically; parents should say whatever they want to say in clear and tender words.  Avoid sentences like – What do you think of yourself? How many times do I have to tell you something? How shameless you are?
Identify inner voice of a child. Make him aware of your expectations and restrictions about his or her behavior. Never show child his flaws in front of any known person, particularly his friends.
Every child is a unique personality. So it is obvious that care and parenting practice and skill required for each child will be different. For balanced personality development of a child, we must take care on three different levels:

Career choice by Recognizing Child’s Aptitude

If parents observe child carefully since childhood, they can identify his aptitude, skills and likings. Once child is mature enough they can discuss this with him and guide him to choose his career. Such choice makes success easy. Efforts are felt enjoyable. The success in life largely depends on success in right choice of the career.

Health (Physical): The fit body that child needs in future life has its foundation formed during childhood. Family must deliberately attempt to inculcate good habits of diet, exercise and daily routine. Child should be taught yoga, pranayama, meditation, Surya-namaskar. If he practice it regularly and honestly then this practice will be useful for entire life.

Nature (Behavior): It is important to nurture virtuous nature from childhood. Atmosphere in the family and behavior of parents set ideal for this. A child with positive attitude, having no inferiority/superiority complex, hardworking, brave, and honest calm nature can remain balanced in success and failures of life. Such child can attain the crest of success and bring pride for his family and community. Parents can guide in attain discipline in child, taking into account his original traits and trends primarily till 14 years of age. After 14 years, the influencing process by parents has lesser impact.

“Manashakti” efforts in this area. 

Buddhi-Vardhan & Bal-Samasya (Basic)

Buddhi-Vardhan mean development of intelligence. Bal samasya means the kids related parenting problems.

The research has established that even the brighter students unknowingly feel stressed by the burden of studies. In that case, it is obvious that average students too must be under stress. We need to take care of all students. The care need not be restricted only to the school study related subjects but in all other areas, viz. health and behavior, which is development of total personality.

Buddhi Vardhan camp for students.
(Duration: 3 days; Residential course).


1. How to remain healthy?
2. Various efforts to be taken for all-round development.
3. The scientific methods to achieve scholastic success without being stressed out.
4. Simple tricks to enhance the concentration power.
5. How to manage self-energy optimally to achieve superior goals?
6. How to inculcate leadership, courage, gratitude, and patriotism in one’s life?
7. Development of creative abilities through games, songs and drawing.
8. Self-discipline through self-reliance.

(IMP: It is necessary for both or at least either of the parents to accompany the child.)

Bal-Samasya (Basic), 
Parallel 3 days study camp arranged for parents.

It is for the parents who have the kids belonging to the age group 8-14 years. Participation along with children is highly beneficial to parents. This age group comes in the phase when developing the physical, psychological and emotional capabilities of the children is critically important for right future life. The changes in behavior pattern of the kids are observed during this phase. From one perspective, these children feel burdened by the expectations of their parents. On the other side, they need to survive in the competition. On the third front, they need to get adjusted with the fast changing surroundings.

This course offers guidance regarding the ways to understand the blooming buds, the method to bring equilibrium among their scholastic progress, behavior and health. Logically scientific and psychological remedies are given for various problems coming along the way.
Duration: 3 days

Buddhi-Vardhan (Students) & Bal-Samasya (Parents) (Advance course)

This camp can be done only after attending the basic Buddhi-Vardhan camp. The following topics are discussed in it.

1. What is the rational meaning of progress?
2. Experiments to learn scientific thought-process
3. The course includes a mind-body machine test useful to help enhance concentration and creativity
4. Guidance to children to gain scholastic success.
Duration: 3 days.

Additional help available at option is as follows:

Relevant Mind-body Machine Test.
Alertness Test
Bio-thermal Currents Test
Brain Dominance Test
Mental Fatigue Test
Neuro-Cognitive Test
Steadiness Test

Kits (Set of books)
Bal-Sanskar Kit
Brain Revolution Experiments
Physical - Mental Development Planning Kit

Health Products                        
Buddhivardhan Yog.
Japakusum Oil
Shatavari Kalpa
Tri-shakti Zeal

Experimental Product              
Brainy Cube                                                
Mind Tendency Graphs
Snake and Ladder of Success
Triangle Concentration

Thousands of students along with parents have been benefited with these Manashakti efforts every year. The camps are conducted over last 30 years as service to society on no profit/no loss basis.
These courses give practical guidance with illustrations which prove handy for both students and parents/teachers in day to day life.

Let’s conclude this discussion here with a quote on education and sanskar by great personality.

“A child is a person who is going to carry on what you have started. He is going to sit where you are sitting and when you are gone, attend to those things which you think are important. You may adopt all the policies you please, but how they are carried out depends upon him. He will assume control of your cities, states and nations. He is going to move in and take over your churches, schools, universities and corporations. The fate of humanity is in his hands” – Abraham Lincoln.

“Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education” – Martin Luther King Jr.

So far, we have tried to see the efforts for the kids from stage of pre-conception till age 14. Let us now move to the next important stage of child which is age 14 to 21 and see what efforts can be done during this stage to mold the total personality of the child.

Vijay R. Joshi.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Character developing efforts (Age 7-14 years - 1)

The most vital Period for Nurturing Balanced Personality.

We are trying to understand the formula for learning – nurturing, for balanced personality development in various stages of life. We have learnt that from birth till seven years of age; is the stage of emotional development. The next stage is between seven to fourteen years of age. We can call it as the ideal stage of installing a base for disciplined mind-setup in the child’s personality.

We must understand and appreciate that while entering from one stage to another stage, some period of say two years is of transformation. So whereas during first five years the strong emotional support would be useful, during 6-7th years of age, a child may need logical support with his or her emotional development. This logical thinking further develops afterwards. Later during 10–11 years stage of age understanding gets better. Child tries to understand what is good and bad? How to avoid bad? How to do what is good!  During this period parents must skillfully create an awareness in the mind of child that nothing is completely good or completely bad in this world, one must choose what is good and try to achieve it. The child must develop the attitude to say “Yes, I can make this possible with efforts”. This sense in the initial stage, say by 10-11 years shall help to develop logical efforts based behavior during period of 12–14 years of age. This in turn prepares child to enter next stage of youth.

Brain Development


Generally after seven years of age, function of Cortex, which is “thinking brain” takes shape. An ability of rational thinking with logic and intelligence gets developed. This period is important for the physical development as well. Ambitions of life are determined in youth, but its foundation starts taking shape during this period. At this stage, child must get guidance regarding:

Proper diet,
What to do, what to avoid,
How to identify feelings, how to deal with them,
How to identify feelings of others, how to react to them,
How to deal with situation properly,
Concentration and persistence for success through study,
How to be successful within the norms of prescribed rules and discipline, etc.

Role of both parents & teachers is important who can provide this guidance. Children learn in their own style but more by observation and imitating others. Therefore responsible and ideal behavior of teachers and parents is more effective and useful than verbal instructions.

Middle Childhood (6-8 years of age)

Developmental Milestones

Middle childhood brings many changes in a child’s life. By this time, children can dress themselves, catch a ball more easily using only their hands, and tie their shoes. Having independence from family becomes more important now. Events such as starting school bring children this age into regular contact with the larger world. Friendships become more and more important. Physical, social, and mental skills develop quickly at this time. This is a critical time for children to develop confidence in all areas of life, such as through friends, schoolwork, and sports.

Here is some information on how children develop during middle childhood:

Emotional/Social Changes

Children in this age group might:

Show more independence from parents and family.
Start to think about the future.
Understand more about his or her place in the world.
Pay more attention to friendships and teamwork.
Want to be liked and accepted by friends.

Thinking and Learning

Show rapid development of mental skills.
Learn better ways to describe experiences and talk about thoughts and feelings.
Have less focus on one’s self and more concern for others.

Positive Parenting Tips

Following are some things you, as a parent, can do to help your child during this time:

Show affection for your child. Recognize her accomplishments.
Help your child develop a sense of responsibility—ask him to help with household tasks, such as setting the table.
Talk with your child about school, friends, and things she looks forward to in the future.
Talk with your child about respecting others. Encourage him to help people in need.
Help your child set her own achievable goals—she’ll learn to take pride in herself and rely less on approval or reward from others.
Help your child learn patience by letting others go first or by finishing a task before going out to play. Encourage him to think about possible consequences before acting.
Make clear rules and stick to them, such as how long your child can watch TV or when she has to go to bed. Be clear about what behavior is okay and what is not okay.
Do fun things together as a family, such as playing games, reading, and going to events in your community.
Get involved with your child’s school. Meet the teachers and staff and get to understand their learning goals and how you and the school can work together to help your child do well.
Continue reading to your child. As your child learns to read, take turns reading to each other.
Use discipline to guide and protect your child, rather than punishment to make him feel bad about himself. Follow up any discussion about what not to do with a discussion of what to do instead.
Praise your child for good behavior. It’s best to focus praise more on what your child does (“you worked hard to figure this out”) than on traits she can’t change (“you are smart”).
Support your child in taking on new challenges. Encourage her to solve problems, such as a disagreement with another child, on her own.
Encourage your child to join school and community groups, such as a team sports, or to take advantage of volunteer opportunities.
More physical ability and more independence can put children at risk for injuries from falls and other accidents.
Protect your child properly in the car.
Teach your child to watch out for traffic and how to be safe when walking to school, riding a bike, and playing outside.
Make sure your child understands water safety, and always supervise her when she’s swimming or playing near water.
Supervise your child when he’s engaged in risky activities, such as climbing.
Talk with your child about how to ask for help when she needs it.
Keep potentially harmful household products, tools, equipment, out of your child’s reach.

Healthy Bodies

Parents can help make schools healthier. Work with your child’s school to limit access to foods and drinks with added sugar, solid fat, and salt that can be purchased outside the school lunch program.
Make sure your child has 1 hour or more of physical activity each day.
Limit screen time for your child to no more than 1 to 2 hours per day of quality programming, at home, school, or afterschool care.
Practice healthy eating habits and physical activity early. Encourage active play, and be a role model by eating healthy at family mealtimes and having an active lifestyle.

Middle Childhood (9-11 years of age)

Developmental Milestones

Your child’s growing independence from the family and interest in friends might be obvious by now. Healthy friendships are very important to your child’s development, but peer pressure can become strong during this time. Children who feel good about themselves are more able to resist negative peer pressure and make better choices for themselves. This is an important time for children to gain a sense of responsibility along with their growing independence. Also, physical changes of puberty might be showing by now, especially for girls. Another big change children need to prepare for during this time is starting Developmenta milestones..

Here is some information on how children develop during middle childhood:

Emotional/Social Changes

Children in this age group might:

Start to form stronger, more complex friendships and peer relationships. It becomes more emotionally important to have friends, especially of the same sex. 
Experience more peer pressure.
Become more aware of his or her body as puberty approaches. 
Body image and eating problems sometimes start around this age.

Thinking and Learning.

Children in this age group might:

Face more academic challenges at school.
Become more independent from the family.
Begin to see the point of view of others more clearly.
Have an increased attention span.

Positive Parenting Tips

Following are some things you, as a parent, can do to help your child during this time:

Spend time with your child. Talk with her about her friends, her accomplishments and what challenges she will face.
Be involved with your child’s school. Go to school events; meet your child’s teachers.
Encourage your child to join school and community groups, such as a sports team, or to be a volunteer for a charity.
Help your child develop his own sense of right and wrong. Talk with him about risky things friends might pressure him to do, like smoking or dangerous physical dares.
Help your child develop a sense of responsibility—involve your child in household tasks like cleaning and cooking. Talk with your child about saving and spending money wisely.
Meet the families of your child’s friends.
Talk with your child about respecting others. Encourage her to help people in need. Talk with her about what to do when others are not kind or are disrespectful.
Help your child set his own goals. Encourage him to think about skills and abilities he would like to have and about how to develop them.
Make clear rules and stick to them. Talk with your child about what you expect from her (behavior) when no adults are present. If you provide reasons for rules, it will help her to know what to do in most situations.
Use discipline to guide and protect your child, instead of punishment to make him feel badly about himself.
When using praise, help your child think about her own accomplishments. Saying “you must be proud of yourself” rather than simply “I’m proud of you” can encourage your child to make good choices when nobody is around to praise her.
Talk with your child about the normal physical and emotional changes of puberty.
Encourage your child to read every day. Talk with him about his homework.
Be affectionate and honest with your child, and do things together as a family.
More independence and less adult supervision can put children at risk for injuries from falls and other accidents. 

Here are a few tips to help protect your child:

Protect your child in the car.
Know where your child is and whether a responsible adult is present. Make plans with your child for when he will call you, where you can find him, and what time you expect him home.
Make sure your child wears a helmet when riding a bike or a skateboard or using inline skates; riding on a motorcycle or playing contact sports.
Many children get home from school before their parents get home from work. It is important to have clear rules and plans for your child when she is home alone.

Healthy Bodies

Provide plenty of fruits and vegetables; limit foods high in solid fats, added sugars, or salt, and prepare healthier foods for family meals.
Keep television sets out of your child’s bedroom. Limit screen time, including computers and video games, to no more than 1 to 2 hours.
Encourage your child to participate in an hour a day of physical activities that are age appropriate and enjoyable and that offer variety! Just make sure that your child is doing three types of activity: aerobic activity like running, muscle strengthening like climbing, and bone strengthening – like jumping rope – at least three days per week.

Developmental Overview: Ages 10-14

What to Expect

Young teens are going through such dramatic changes, it’s normal for them to swing from being happy to being sad or from feeling smart to feeling dumb. They may worry about personal traits that are vital to them, but hardly noticeable to others. With a growing ability to see the consequences of different actions.

Young teens are increasingly considering who they are and who they may become. They are more able to think like adults, but they don’t have the experience and judgment needed to act like adults. It’s important to help them recognize that.

What really matters: 

Your reassurance and acceptance are especially important at this time, as is your teen’s growth in school and community activities. Strong support will help them develop the confidence they need to make healthy choices. Intellectual Development.

Most kids enjoy the social aspects of learning. This works well when teachers encourage learning in small groups.

Around ages 11, 12, and 13, shifts occur in kids’ thinking. Keep them engaged in school and learning. Encourage their curiosity.

Many are strongly influenced by friends, so if they have friends who only want to socialize and not learn, emphasize the importance of having friends and working hard to learn.

Many kids move from concrete to abstract thinking. Concrete thinkers focus on the here and now, such as a particular house cat. Abstract thinkers focus on issues that are not associated with a specific instance. Thus, an abstract thinker can talk about domestic and wild cats, how they’re similar and different, and which ones they believe have more skills than others.

Because kids this age have strong emotions, they tend to either “love” school or “hate” it. If your child happens to “hate” school, help her identify parts that are more enjoyable—even if it’s recess, gym, and lunch.

Most kids at this age think there is too much homework. Emphasize how homework helps kids learn. Do homework with them. Make it fun. Applaud their learning and new knowledge.

Emotional Development

Moodiness and roller-coaster emotions emerge during puberty. Kids can be happy one moment and then violently angry or very depressed the next—and you often won’t be able to figure out why. Be patient and gentle with kids, as they experience strong emotions that can quickly change.

Many talk in violent terms. “I’ll kill him.” “I want to beat her up.” “He’s so bad, he should die.” Some deal with anger and injustice verbally. Others slam doors or stomp their feet. If they act out in destructive ways, get them help with expressing strong emotion.

Emotionally, young teenagers bristle at any physical affection from their parents. Some like a lot of physical affection from their friends while others like to keep their distance.

Many kids can become very emotionally sensitive. They’re easily offended and easily hurt.
Some kids will give you the silent treatment when they become angry—or if they don’t get their way. Give them time to simmer down. They’ll talk to you again (usually when they need something from you).

Some kids begin dabbling in more serious risk behaviors (such as self-harm, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, or having sex). Help kids steer clear of these behaviors. Talk with them about what they’re experiencing—and what they’re seeing going on with their peers. Some are struggling with difficult issues.

Social Development

This is the age when peer pressure has the most influence. Kids are more interested in “being the same” and “being accepted.” Thus, many will do things with others they would never do alone. Relationships can become quite complex. Some kids will not speak to others. Some relationships become very intense. Some kids have large shifts in their social circles as they go through puberty. Others withdraw and avoid their peers. Some stick with their friends no matter what. Many kids would rather be social than tend to their school work or other responsibilities. Emphasize how all parts of life are important.

Silliness can rule with some kids. Kids at this age can have a twisted sense of humor. Many kids want to spend most of their time with friends. Some homes become tense with young teenagers who like to argue and test. Other homes are calmer with occasional skirmishes. It all depends on the child’s personality.

Cliques and tight-knit groups can form. Kids become very aware of who is in which group—even if they’re not always sure where they fit.

Physical Development

This is the age when kids need to start using deodorant and learning more personal hygiene. Some go overboard and spend hours in the bathroom. Others resist, refusing to bathe. Puberty reigns at this age. Puberty, however, has several stages for both boys and girls, which is why you’ll see kids developing at different rates between the ages of 8 and 18.

With growth spurts come clumsiness and a lack of coordination. It isn’t easy for a person to grow six inches within a few months without his sense of balance being disrupted. Typically, between ages 12 and 14, kids become very aware of their own sexuality and others’ sexuality. Some are nervous about developing too fast. Others are worried about developing too slowly.

If your child is not athletic, help her find a sport or physical activity she enjoys. At this age, kids who don’t excel athletically are tempted to avoid all physical activity. Consider martial arts such as kung fu, judo, karate, which often appeal to this age group.

Mind set / Outlook for this age-group.

Sense of reality:

After seven years of age child learns to understand opinion and importance of other people. Child observes various objects. He now understands rules. Child compares his parents, neighbors and forms his own opinion. He understands that by elders; rules are often considered flexible and are interpreted as per the necessity. He can now take small decisions of his own. After 12 years of age, power to make logical guess increases and children take decision after thinking by their own way.

Friendship and study (age 5 to 12 years)

Child tends to increase his efforts on study and also develop suitable friends. Also spends some time to prove his name and create his stamp in the peer group.

Interest in opposite sex (age 12 to 16 and onwards)

Attraction of opposite sex
Thinks and decides about means of livelihood in future, job, business, etc.
Forms social attitude and opinion
Craze for Good appearance and attractive look.

Emotions take verbal form

During childhood, child understands that he has his own set of feelings for the world around. He tries to identify these feelings and put them in words. Mind has various kinds of emotions Such as anger, sorrow, disgust, surprise, fear, acceptance, happiness, expectations, etc. It is important to identify them exactly. Identifying our own and other people’s feelings can make emotional intelligence and balance possible. This leads to self-confidence and progress. During 8 to 10 years of age, child tries to create faith and confidence in him, in others, in the situation and in the world he lives. Education of emotions is important at this stage.

Life values

During age 11 to 14, it is important to introduce child with values and emphasize their importance in his mind. Each individual is an independent personality but he is also a part of community (Family, Society). A broadminded attitude that is necessary to become successful as individual as well as a member of community requires particular kind of character building. Period of 8 to 14 years of age is the best time for such efforts. Sanskars (nurturing) that intentionally inculcate compassion, sympathy, service, gratitude and a little tolerance and forgiveness can develop correct mindset. Responsibility of teachers and parents play a major role in this regard.

Worries, Fears.
Importance of efforts

Fear, doubt and superstitions limit the development in children. They hinder child’s effort to bring his dreams into reality. This stage is important for learning and teaching the skill of controlling these emotions while dealing with such situations. Guidance on this stage is important to imprint importance of setting high goals to be successful in the world of increasing competition. Also children should be taught importance of concentrating on honest efforts and persistence rather than to concentrate only on results and achievement of these efforts. (कर्मण्ये वाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन = भगवत गीता)

These years are important for children to develop social & emotional awareness to bring their dreams into reality and strengthen the foundation of their character.

How to Help Your Child Develop Empathy

Want a child who really, truly cares about others? Follow this advice on raising compassionate children.

Empathy -- the ability to understand and be sensitive to other people's feelings -- helps us to be more deeply attached to our family, friends, and even strangers.
You can make a more conscious effort to promote empathy-boosting experiences for your children. Consider these 11 things you can do to raise a truly caring child.

Show Empathy to Others.
Write Genuine Thank-You Notes.
Be Consistent
Boost Her "Feelings Vocabulary".
Praise Each Other Daily
Recognize Kindness.
But Don't Overdo It
Address Your Child's Needs.
Promote Emotional Literacy.
Celebrate Difference.
For details:

Understanding concept of mind, nature and tendency and directing the efforts by the elders for nurturing child properly are crucial at this stage.  This is useful to create positive change in life at proper time. If a person can maintain a balance between success and failure, adverse and favorable conditions and develop tendency to think about welfare of community along with own welfare, then the future life journey would proceed on a balanced track. A child with a mind set-up of maintaining balance with the help of ‘ups and downs’ of daily life and looking at everything as opportunity; will make himself and others happy.

Sanskar efforts (nurturing efforts) on these lines will help setup strong foundation of life. But we should also keep in mind that presence and ill effects of adverse and bad things prevailing in the society or surroundings in the vicinity might threaten to ruin the life in future. Parents, teachers, society, media (TV, Internet etc.), who have direct/indirect role in these efforts should be well aware of various desirable and undesirable things those affect our children. The policy makers have to take due cognition of this fact to create conducive environment for the up-coming generations. 

In the next article let’s discuss how to take care in this regard.

Vijay R. Joshi.