A child must get training/guidance not only
for success in academic examination, but also for sound health and in shaping
modest and responsible behavior/character. This will pave the way for success
in the future, happy life.
“घटाघटाचे रूप आगळेI प्रत्येकाचे दैव वेगळेI
(“Every person is
unique. Everybody has different fate”)
As every person has
different personality, every person’s destiny is also different. But it can be
changed suitably by training the mind to think and act correctly.
We are deliberating
about what is the possible share of efforts by others in making child’s future
favorable. And the prime initial role is that of parents, mother and father,
who are in the proximity of the child not only since its existence, but even
for the concept of would be existence.
Healthy seeds are necessary for excellent harvest. The
same principle applies for super procreation. It demands seed to be pure,
strong and healthy. The long journey that decides what kind of human being the child
is going to develop into, begins at the moment when a mother conceives.
But pre-conception care is also necessary for proper conception.
Let us review the latest research on need of pre-conception efforts.
Ref: Daily Science News: Research from research organization.
1. Preventing child obesity in the next generation must start before conception. Date: October 13, 2016 Source: University of Southampton
Summary: The key to preventing obesity in future generations is to make their parents healthier before they conceive, leading health researchers suggest.2. Mothers who binge drink before they become pregnant may be more likely to have children with high blood sugar and other changes in glucose function that increase their risk of developing diabetes as adults, according to a new study. Date: April 3, 2017. Source: The Endocrine Society.
Work to improve children's health should start before mother becomes pregnant. Date: October 20, 2014. Source: University of Southampton
Summary: The
key to making future generations healthier could lie before the mother becomes
pregnant, researchers believe. In a new article, they say that a greater
understanding is needed of the role of maternal nutrition in preconception and
its impact on the child.
Fathers drinking: Also responsible for fetal disorders? Date: February 14, 2014 Source: Taylor & Francis
Summary: Maternal
exposure to alcohol in-utero is a known risk and cause of Fetal Alcohol
Syndrome (FAS). FAS children suffer significant problems such as retarded
intellect, stunted growth and nervous system abnormalities, social problems and
isolation. Until now, fathers have not had a causal link to such disabilities.
Ground breaking new research has been revealed which shows dads may have more
Epigenetics: Mother's nutrition -- before pregnancy -- may alter function of
her children's genes. Date:
September 20, 2012. Source: Federation
of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Summary: A
pregnant mom's diet affects her child's health. Now, new research in mice
suggests that what mom ate before pregnancy is also important.
6. Parents'
preconception exposure to environmental stressors can disrupt early
development. Article spotlights latest science showing
transgenerational health impact of environmental stressors. Date: August 4, 2015. Source: The Endocrine Society
Summary: Even
before a child is conceived, the parents' exposure to environmental stressors
can alter the way genes are expressed and ultimately harm the child's health
when those genes are passed down to the next generation, according to a new
7. Fathers' age, lifestyle associated with birth defects
Date: May
15, 2016. Source: Georgetown
University Medical Center
Summary: A
growing body of research is revealing associations between birth defects and a
father's age, alcohol use and environmental factors, say researchers. They say
these defects result from epigenetic alterations that can potentially affect
multiple generations.
Parenting begins before conception. September 3, 2016
New research shows that your health and lifestyle-factors around the time of conception can have a significant impact on both your chances
of achieving a healthy pregnancy as well as the long term health of your child.
In fact it may be even more important than your genetics.
What are epigenetics? Epigenetics are the tiny DNA changes that alter their
structure and function. Our DNA
is not as ‘set in stone’ as you may think. Just because you have a history of
heart disease, does not mean you will automatically pass this on to your child.
In fact, during the crucial preconception period, you have the chance to actually
improve your genes!
Our genes are sensitive to the environment to which they
are exposed. This means that genes can change the way they are expressed
depending on their environmental conditions. These changes are known as
epigenetic changes.
Factors such as
- antioxidant
- availability
of macro and micronutrients
- stress
- alcohol
- smoking
can have a positive or negative influence over these
epigenetic chances. We have long known that these changes occur in utero,
however research now shows that you can start influencing the health of your
future child before you even conceive. Healthy diet and lifestyle factors combined with availability of important
nutrients can influence the environment in which your egg and sperm grow and develop, encouraging positive epigenetic changes. Both the egg and sperm have around a 90 day developmental cycle, where they progress from immature
follicle into the mature egg and sperm ready for potential fertilization. It is during these
critical 90 days that you can positively influence your DNA which is
set to become your future child.
The motto of ‘being
the best Mum starts well before birth’. Now research is
showing that the nourishment you provide before you even conceive, may be more important than ever.
"Manashakti" offers guidance.
Foreseeing the need of pre-conception training,
Manashakti has already started the guidance to the needy couples through a full
day workshop. Let us see the concept in some details.
Conceiving with Resolution
Process of conceiving begins at a moment when ovum,
i.e. female egg fuse with gametes, i.e. male sperm. It is believed that three
to four months prior to this moment is the important period for pre conception
care. Because during this period process of egg and sperm production continues
in body of mother and father. This means the preparation to deliver good child
should begin around 12-13 months before birth of a child.
Here we are mainly discussing the mind’s role in such efforts. Husband and wife should resolve to deliver a baby before this. That is to
say; the birth should be by the desire or resolution of parents and not
incidental or by accident.
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During sexual intercourse, healthy male releases about 500 million sperms into vagina of a woman. But only single sperm can unite with an egg of a woman. How this choice is made is an unsolved question. The moment of meeting of a sperm and an egg is the first moment of existence of a future child. This moment is very important for the human being who is going to take birth and live long life. It is the first experience of child to be borne. Efforts to ensure worthiness of human egg and sperm are necessary including physical and psychological state of mother and father and total environment. Therefore it is beneficial to consciously put in efforts in preparation of this moment.
Eugenics – The Science of Creation: Eugenics means the science
of good creation. It is the science of creating good generation, good people.
The process of human birth (creation) depends on many components. Worldwide
efforts were taken and are being taken to make it better. We find a deep
reflection in Indian culture about super procreation, i.e. creation of better
people. We also find some mantras in Vedas about this. Indian culture suggests
16 sanskars for a person which are rituals performed pre-birth stage to post
death stage. These sanskars teach us about the obligation in our life. Out of
these 16 sanskars three sanskars are performed before birth of child.
· Garbhadhan: knowledge of the
efforts to be taken by mother and father to produce good child
· Simantronayan: (craving of pregnant woman, डोहाळे): purifying environment, taking care of mother.
Following is the book written by Gajanan Kelkar of Manashakti which is good
reference on the subject. (http://www.manashakti.org/books/super-procreation)
Marriage and Compatibility
For successful conception, many things prior-to;
should also be successful. Among those things primarily important are choice of
your partner for marriage. Choosing correct partner and marrying him or her is
one of the 16 sanskars. Marriage is considered as a life-time relationship in Indian / vaidik culture; continued
with a number of responsibilities only for self and family but also for elders and society in
general. (Some cultures consider marriage as a contract). In classical Indian
culture, marriage is considered necessary for Gruhasthaashram (गृहस्थाश्रम). Gruhasthashram is considered as the base of
three other ashrams (i.e. Brahmacharya ब्रह्मचर्य, Vanprastha वानप्रस्थ and Sanyas सन्यास). We see happiness of an individual and happiness of society combined
here. Sexual relationship is not the only purpose of marriage. To live
responsible and better married life, what should a husband and wife do, what
they should avoid, etc. comes under this sanskar (विवाह संस्कार). In Eugenics or
super procreation, choice of a partner and compatibility are very important for
birth of a child. Two people must have compatible nature to live happily ever
Manashakti Research Center provide guidance for pre-marriage compatibility
and post-marriage compatibility. Very rarely the “couples are made for each
other”. In pre marriage stage if couple properly understands the character or
personal traits of the partner, it will be useful to know what efforts,
adjustments, both need do to enhance compatibility. These efforts will
eventually result in happy married life. After marriage, during initial days
when husband and wife experience each other more closely, with intimacy, then
more understanding, faith and love for each other should emerge. Having
complete awareness about this is important while choosing partners for
marriage. The birth of a child after marriage (not pre-marriage) is desirable
and assumed in this discussion. This assumption has become more important and
relevant in today’s era of evolving social values.
Thus if compatible married couple conceive with resolution,
the possibility of favorable child is utmost, as there would be better chances
of proper physical and psychological environment at the time of conception. In this context, a day seminar of Manashakti Research
Center on Super procreation is very useful for newly married couples. (http://www.manashakti.org/content/newly-wed-and-pre-pregnancy)
Newly Wed and Pre-Pregnancy
Marriage is one of the turning points in life; and the future life is to
proceed on two wheels of the cart. To have a smooth run, there should be
harmony between the two wheels. Taking a right direction at this turning point
is the first step towards a happy home. A happy home wins half the battle of
life! To that end, Manashakti has following activities, literature and
Workshop (for couple)(Language-Marathi)
Machine Test
Nature and Nurture – Both Are Important
Genes of parents play important role in development of
brain and overall personality of the child. Now it is also proven that environment in which
conception happens is also equally important. Genes are part of nature, but
environment is a part of nurture. The feeling of being wanted by parents is
very conducive to the child since prenatal stage. Conceiving child and bringing
up with love is very beneficial. If physical or psychological condition of a
mother is tense or depressed during this stage, this can adversely affect child
for life. Responsibility of care of woman during this period mainly rests with
her husband and her family. But it is also important that the woman herself be
aware and take active initiative in these efforts.
Happiness / Satisfaction / Positive Attitude
Memory means remembering things. Where does this
memory begin? Memory means storing what we experience and learn. During this
process we change ourselves according to our experience. A fetus cannot have
experience of an infant. Likewise a child cannot have experience of an adult.
Even though experiences of a person change, the moments of his earlier
existence remain intact in later stage. All the experiences from the moment of
conception are stored in our cells as a permanent memory. Our today’s personality
is an overall result of it. If prospective parents understand this process, they
will be able to create positive memories of happiness and satisfaction in
child. Young children are suffering from
psychosomatic disorders based on tension and depression. These disorders
resulting in destructive and self-destructive nature are linked with the
experiences in initial life. Modern science has proven this. Negligence,
horrific incidents, bad behavior in this stage, weakens the child physically
and psychologically. This creates deficiency in them. Their academic progress
gets slow. Child needs love, faith and care from prenatal stage till they are
grown up. This is responsibility of parents and teachers as well. When good
quality seed is sown, the plant will grow to reach the sky. The prenatal care
of the child really starts from pre-conception stage. Pre-natal care is the
topic of our next article.
Vijay R. Joshi.
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