Wednesday, May 6, 2015

DISEASE - CURE (Cure without Medicine - 6)

Three Objections Scientists May Raise

(Excerpts from book “Cure without Medicine”)

The possible objections from those who believe in classical school of science could be as follows:

A)  Is it sound to postulate (claim) that the mind or emotions obey the law of mechanics?

B)  Do Laws of Mechanics apply to living bodies?

C)  Can the disease be termed ‘Potential Energy’ stored by the body in the strict scientific sense?

Q A – Is it sound to postulate that mind or emotions obey the laws of mechanics?

A.1 For those scientists who consider mind or emotions to be the forms of matter, no explanation is required because all of them believe that ‘matter’ will follow the laws of mechanics.

The possible objection by some scientist could be as follows:
Mind and emotions, though matter, do not obey the laws of mechanics as they are sub-atomic entities (At sub-atomic level, i.e. at quantum mechanics, the laws of mechanics are not seen to be followed clearly or evidently).

It is a fact that some scientists hold ‘causality’ to have no sway in the sub-atomic realm (i.e. sub-atomic particles also follow causality). More information on this is available in the ‘Purpose of the Universe’, written by S.V.

Scientist like Max Planck and Einstein consider that as the science would advance in knowledge the ignorance about the behavior properties of matter at sub-atomic level would be vanished. They decidedly hold that causal laws are true everywhere and in due course, with progress in all directions, these will be proved to hold good at sub-atomic level as well.

Under these circumstances, particularly after the equivalence of mass and energy has been established, no scientist could be dogmatic and say that laws of motion should not apply to the mind or to emotions. Later it will be seen how the controversy on ‘causality’ is resolved. For the moment let us concentrate on how ‘ease and disease can be measured scientifically’.

A.2 Science cannot afford to keep itself away from the discussion of ‘the effect brought about by the mind’. Because as a science it has to do its duty to deal with this question of highest importance to entire mankind. If it wants, science can neglect ‘mind’ but the ‘effect of mind’ cannot be at all ignored by science. Because though the ‘mind’ is outside the realm of fundamental science, its effect decidedly lie within it (science). As discussed later, it falls entirely within the scope of science to deal with the ‘effect’ created by mind.

A.3 Emotions (say anger) arouse a person and then he performs some action on other person. If the action on the other person is to be measured then the causes to be considered should obviously include the emotions (in mind) which incited the action (This is illustrated by proper example on page 80-81 of the book).

A.4 Now we came to the focal point of the subject of this book.

When an individual is ‘angry’ he need not necessarily move and initiate some visible action. Even he is sitting quite on a place, unmoved, the pulse pushes itself forward. So does the heart. Millions of molecular in the body are set in motion. The inertia of the body is disturbed. It is nothing but a mechanical motion in energy sense.

A.5  Science difficulty could be as follows:

Even it is accepted that the emotions (in mind) produces action in the mechanical sense, how can we measure emotions (?) (What could be the unit for emotion say, ‘anger’?)

This difficulty though genuine, has to be sorted out and that is business of science. If we accept ‘emotion’ to be force, the question is how to measure force!

Measurement of force. Challenge to science

Science would be denying itself the title of ‘science’, were it to declare and say that emotions as cause do not fall within the purview of science. If this is outside the purview of scientist as they consider it today (this book was written by S.V. before 1960), then the clear unambiguous duty of science to get it within its purview. They as scientists cannot escape the responsibility, once they have laid down definitions and when a situation arises that fulfills the required condition.

Still there may be another difficulty which science may raise. For any mechanical action, a minimum of two bodies are required. But mind and body belong to one individual only.

Let it be categorically stated that not all scientist consider mind and body to be one, although they certainly belong to one individual. We have seen the quotation from Sherrington in Chapter nine. It says that even a single cell in unique entity, different from other entities. There are millions of cells in the body. If they obey the law of individuality (which this question presupposes), there will be no disease but by and large, they strive to obey their own individuality. (More discussion on this in the book ‘Mind Power’ written by S.V.).

This leads to the conclusion that in a single individual there are millions of entities. So let us restrict ourselves to accept at least the mind body as a duality.

A.6 We see no reason at all why the ‘mind’ should not be considered as a separate body. This contention (statement) is supported by ample convincing and exhaustive scientific evidence available in other books by S.V. namely ‘What Mind Means’, and Appendix to ‘Science and Philosophy’. Legitimately, we cannot speak of a cause-effect relationship without first accepting the mind-body duality in this reference.

Question B – Do laws of mechanics apply to living bodies?

B.1 Answer: Careful scrutiny of our detailed answer to question ‘A’ answer this question to some extent.

B.2 There will have to be three different answers for three different groups of scientists.

Group I – Scientists who do not reject or disapprove causality (or those scientists who accept causality). None of these group can show that what we have established in the immediately preceding paragraphs is not in strict conformity with causality.

Group II – Scientists who accept mind to be matter and causality as the absolute and supremely reigning (ruling or controlling) scientific law, then they can never reject applicability of the laws of motion to the mind.

Group III – This belongs to materialists, Non-Marxist scientists, who do not accept causality. They may argue that mind being at sub-atomic level like electrons, it is not governed by laws of mechanics. If they would argue mind to be the produce of brain at the atomic level, then they do admit laws of motion, while considering the causal relationship between mind and body (i.e. brain). On the other hand, if they consider the mind to be the produce of the brain at sub-atomic level, and consequently subject to the principle on indeterminacy, they are utterly astray (wrong).

Because here the answer is fully determinate, (definite, certain) when we know that the emotions as the cause of pulse variation (PV). The proofs establish the causal sequence beyond a shadow of doubt. Hence the conclusion where mind is concerned, action cannot be termed indeterminate. (Readers who are interested in full information on this point may refer another books by S.V. viz. ‘What Mind Means’ along with ‘Purpose of the Universe’ and ‘Science and Philosophy’).

To conclude we may say –

-         While the individual opinions of scientists may differ from group to group.
-         Or for that matter from individual to individual.
-         The configuration of mind and emotions each scientist may have his own personal opinion.

In spite of all these facts, science as such, must consider motion (or effect) produced by mind with its domain (Kingdom, area of activity). Looking at (or measuring) the visible mechanical effect actually produced, science can (work backward to) measure mind and assign the cause of these (effects) to be mind.

B.3 Summary

Emotion does come under the realm of physics, at least when, it makes mark on material body. Any doubt regarding this has no place in science.

Fundamental Definitions

- We have established that Pulse Variation (PV) is motion as per laws of mechanics

-         This PV is produced by emotion.

-         When this motion caused by emotion reaches a stage, a turning point is reached, a new state is arrived at.

-         We term that state as disease

-         Disease is essentially a complexity accumulated state of emotion or an exaggerated state of emotions reflected on the body.

-         We do not understand the direct link or links between emotion and so-called disease because the process is very complicated. Particularly because the body has a capacity to store the reaction potential for some time.

-         Since the duel between action and reaction is between emotions and body, therefore, the potential energy at the time of action can be directed at emotions only. (The example of steel wire turning into spring and later rewinding after reaching the limit is given earlier).

-         One can imagine how the complicated the process would be.

-         When an individual reflects that no less than at least six emotions (Shadvikar), blended in an infinity of ways have to be accounted for.

In any case, the readers who have carefully studied will have no difficulty in following our interpretation of the inter-relation of body-mind and the causal connection between emotions and disease.

We accept and firmly hold by the dual conception of the mind and body.

Question C: Can the disease be termed ‘Potential Energy’ stored by the body in the strict scientific sense?

In the discourse about disease it should be held that the two bodies where in this interplay of action and reaction goes on are the body on the one hand and the emotional personality (or the force created by emotion-mind) on the other. Action and reaction takes place between these two bodies.

-         The causal body (emotion personality) gives the other body (physical body) a motion. This energy in part of whole can be kept potent.

-         This potential energy at its appropriate chosen time can become the cause of another action (reaction). And this reaction we term as disease.

For our purpose, it is sufficient to establish three conditions –

i) Emotions and the mind should be presumed to obey the laws of mechanics
ii) Laws of Mechanics do apply to living bodies
iii) Disease can be called potential energy in the light of our detailed analytical discussion.

Further research necessary.

Research on the exact measurement of motion in pulse and other parts of the body in the case of each disease can and should be undertaken by science.

Open mind for new thoughts

It should be abundantly clear that only those scientists could be rightly termed non-dogmatic who care to look at and have inclination to appreciate new hypothesis. If there is any obstruction in this due to the closed circle approach, then such scientists should realize that their own concept of science needs very drastic revision. They should consider and understand the new hypothesis, if they find that logically the new hypothesis could constitute a justifiable explanation.

Can we compare disease and potential energy?  Yes, we can! According to several authorities in science.

(To be continued .. )

Vijay R. Joshi.

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