Friday, May 1, 2015

DISEASE - CURE (Cure without Medicine - 5)

Medicine and Mechanics

(Excerpts from book Cure without Medicine)

1.  The body is made of cells. The mind and in turn emotions are present in every cell of the body. The perfect co-ordination and unity of self is shared and maintained by each cell. Each cell shares these living emotional property. Hence our proposition laid down earlier stands proved collectively (at body of the organism) and individually (at each cell in the body of the organism).

2.  If pulse beats were the only standard, then a hard working laborer would be the victims of the worse disease (since while doing the labor, the pulse beats variation is much more than doing the table work involving intelligence).

3. Pulse is not the only measure

But it may be noted that pulse is not the only measure. When the intellectuals pulse is accelerated, the brain potentials (electric changes) are more rapid in his case. The laborer, comparatively, has a small change in the brain potential. In the case of intellectual, the rate of change of brain potential is comparatively higher. Indeed, here the consideration of minute volume of heart crops up along with the pulse rate but we shall ignore it here to make understanding simple. Pulse beat if compared to prick of a match stick, then brain potential would be equivalent to pin-prick. The sharper the worse.

These are simplified statements. Indeed brain potential bear different contexts.

4. Role of Medicine

We now consider the mode of action of medicine on the condition of disease itself.

Emotions are spread throughout body.

On the showing of science itself, the human body is an integrated whole. One cannot assert that emotion is in one part of the body and a boil on the foot is at another altogether distinct part of the body, unconnected with the lame of emotion. Every part of the body and emotion is jointly responsible for all actions of commission and omission. All action in the body collectively face the reaction under the laws of science.

5. Illustration (Simplified) to see the effect of medicine on the body.

5.1 Consider the case of a person who has become angry on six different occasions, say for 10 minutes on each occasion.

Assume his normal pulse rate is 72/minute.
When angry, it goes to 78/minute
PV (action)/minute is 6 stroke/minute
Total action produced in 60 minutes = 60 x 6 = 360 PV strokes
Therefore, the stored potential energy in the body = 360 strokes of action

5.2 Now assume that this potential energy (360 strokes) produces 60 minutes of headache. During the period of headache, the pulse will beat say at 78/minute. (This means, on the basis of discussion earlier, through the pain-emotions of headache, the body will react on the mind at the rate of six strokes per minute, i.e. reaction of 60 minutes x 6 strokes/minute = 360 strokes of reaction) Here we see the emotion (anger) has been fully compensated by headache.

5.3 But in practice, the person would take a pill to stop his headache. Say after 40 minutes (i.e. he suffered from the headache for some time and later his pain stopped due to the medicine he consumed), i.e. 20 minutes x 6 strokes/minute = 120 strokes of headache are saved by medicine.

5.4 But since these 120 strokes cannot be abolished, they are not destroyed or totally avoided, but merely withheld. The man gets relief from headache. Let us assume that the joy of relief the person enjoys for 10 minutes at the strokes of action of 6 strokes/minute. Hence 6 x 10 = 60 strokes the person has added to the potential quota of reaction (to be suffered sometime later).

5.5 Medicine itself creates some action on the body. It is not always possible to ascertain correctly in each case how much action a particular drug is likely to add to the body. Hypothetically in this case it is assumed that ¼ pill would have been sufficient to stop the headache. But since, one full pill was consumed ¾ pill was consumed in excess of the requirement. This excess medicine will also have strength to create action in the body.
We may say 120 strokes saved by taking medicine
                   60 strokes created by Joy of relief
                   360 strokes created by unwanted dose of medicine (action)
                   540 Total strokes

Thus, the picture:
540 strokes potential stored for future pain in spite of suffering headache for 40 minutes (40x6 = 240 strokes).

(In practice, the reaction thus stored because of joy or because of additional medicine may not be exactly as above. But then all that we are concerned with is that it is more than the original quota of reaction, the man should have been subjected to because of the headache).

5.6 Consider this again.

In the event the headache occurs again the next day, to give the individual the above 540 strokes. He does not wait even 40 minutes before taking medicine. He takes the medicine (pill) just within 5 minutes the headache starts. On each such occasion are added minimum of about 400 strokes. During three years, say 1000 days @ the above rate the body of the person has stored 1000x400 = 400,000 reaction strokes.
By taking medicine, the person has prohibited the body to react to the headache (suffering). So this large amount of reaction is directed to, say heart, in place of head. So the person gets a heart attack.

6. Alexis Carrel

Wrote in his famous book Man the Unknown about the potential capacity of the body to retain, yet adjust itself. Medicine is far from having decreased human sufferings as much as it endeavors to make us believe. Indeed the number of deaths from infection diseases has greatly diminished. But we still must die, and we die in a much larger proportion from degenerative diseases. The years of life which we have gained by the suppression of diseases (like diphtheria, small pox, typhoid fever, etc.) are paid for by the long sufferings and the lingering deaths caused by chronic affections and especially by cancer, diabetes and heart diseases.

7 The route may be complicated, the analysis complex yet the fundamental remains unaffected totally. They are identical in case of every disease. By any logic, there cannot be any other conclusion.

It is quite well-known that while the Pill stops the headache, it simultaneously also acts on the nervous system. Where other medicines are concerned, they act either on the nervous system or on some other part of the body. There is no provision for the medicine to unconditionally be thrown out of body. On the contrary, the medicine becoming one with the body, metabolism again produces its effect. So all that person achieves by taking medicine is to delay the action of disease or to change its original nature ultimately to be all the worse for treatment.

8. Let me make it clear. In case you ask me whether we should not then take medicines at all?

Leaving details for later discussion, I emphasis that we should at least add to the medicine, appreciation of these findings and Peace of Mind resulting therefrom (from this knowledge).


When emotion (cause) turns itself into disease (effect), the process is subtle (Fine and difficult to understand). Cause-Effect, Action-Reaction take place either immediately or (through medicine if can be) differed. In the first alternative, the manifestation of effect is immediately, or optionally (by postponement by medicine), it can be stored as potential energy. This is again purely as per another concept of physics).

(To be continued..)

Vijay R. Joshi

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