Wednesday, May 13, 2015

DISEASE - CURE (Cure without Medicine - 7)

Emotion and Truth Some Experiments 

(Excerpts from book “Cure without Medicine”)

1.   ‘Inter-relation between emotions and truth’.  

We have so far brought about the clear-cut causal relationship between emotions and disease. This discussion so far, leads us straight to the question of the inter-relation between emotions and truth. While the physiological relationship is established, one has only to recall how the pulse rate of any person varies on every occasion he is under emotional duress (forcible control).

2. Emotions effect keep individual away from Truth 

We now proceed to establish an equally important proposition. During the time an individual is under emotional stress, he is also away from truth knowingly or otherwise. Everyone knows in his mind (consciousness) ‘what is truth’. Using an analogy (within its limits), we may imagine that the psychic energy an individual possesses has (as if) two components. (a) Truth and (b) Untruth – This is the form of emotions. It is enough to assert that when we speak the truth, emotional balance maintains itself completely (to a relative extent). Conversely, when the emotional balance is lost (i.e. one particular emotion or group of emotions prevails upon the mind) then, it is likely that mind is guided by some untruth (to a relative extent).

(Note – A detailed analysis on the above point appears in the volumes of the New Way Series).

3. Illustration w.r.t. one kind of emotion (Affection)

As true with any emotion, ‘affection’ itself incorporates untruths and partiality.  How? Let us see.

3.1 Consider an everyday occasion in life – your son has, for no justifiable reason whatsoever, hit your neighbor son. What would be your reaction? It will totally depend upon your own individual and unique personality. But it may belong to any one of the following three categories.

You insist on siding with your son, knowing fully well that you are practicing untruth by being unjust. For justifying (the behavior of) your son, you invent false excuses.

You realize your son is in the wrong and you resort to complete silence.

You flare up into uncontrollable anger and inflict punishment on your son.

3.2 Untruth and Pulse Variation (PV) go together.

Under whichever of these three categories, your actual action falls, it will result in your (own) pulse variation (PV).
Untruth (working against consciousness) and pulse variation go together.

3.3 (i) In case of reaction as at ‘A’, the untruth is so obvious that no further explanation is necessary.

   (ii) In case of ‘B’ above also ‘behavior of untruth’ prevails because of following considerations.

-         The outcome of timidity leads as much to silence as bold and just acceptance of truth. On this occasion the possibility of timidity exists. Consequently, the silence cannot be considered as ‘Love of truth’.
-         The check of PV will confirm the ‘untruth’ in suppressing the emotions (and remain silent).
-         Consider a different situation where two strangers are in quarrel. Here your reaction of silence would be different from the ‘quality of silence’ in the first illustration.

(If your son’s result of important exam is due, you may be silent but still highly concerned. In case of the result of the son of a stranger you may be silent and unconcerned). P.V. check or other such checks at body level could verify this fact).

(iii) In case of alternative ‘C’ also the emotional disturbance (P.V.) check can ensure the behavior intention – If it was a quarrel between two strangers boys, you would not have bitten any one of the boys. You bit the boy, for you love him and want him to be good behaved.

Another way of illustration is – If your son scores good marks in exam you will give him prize. But if the same score comes to your neighbor’s son, you would not consider to give him a prize, same as you might have given to your son on such occasions. Essentially the primary question all along remains the same. Whether you are, or you are not partial to your son in the expression of all reactions? This partiality is nothing short of untruth.

One can understand your beating the boy (for wrong deed) but not your anger or P.V.

3.4 Have you conquered the emotions? A Criteria.

If none of the above mentioned three alternatives come into play in your case, we have to concede that you have conquered the emotion of ‘affection’. Now in your case search in that direction of other emotions needs to be undertaken.

3.5 Readers may ask – Based upon the above analysis, one of the main question of readers undoubtedly be – Is it then your contention that we should not love our love children?

3.6 Answer – (i) We shall consider what measures are available to affectionate parents to mitigate (moderate) the consequences of emotional expressiveness and how we can put them into practice.

(ii) The theoretical answer could be as follows:

Neither I (S.V.) nor for that matter anyone else in the world (howsoever great or learned, pious he may be) can possibly help out any body violating the Laws of Nature. Our duty is to point out to you what the true nature of these laws is. The Laws of Nature are absolute and remain immutable (permanent). If somebody calls it ‘absurd’ because of somebody finds it inconvenient, still they are applicable to everybody.

(v) One has to first accept truth as an objective to be practiced and not merely an idea to be worshiped from a safe distance. Once this is done, the devotee of truth, himself understands how to resolve the knotty problems in the life in a way suitable to his own personality and yet remaining undisturbed (calm). This is a journey of thousand miles but it starts with the first step of resolution (to follow the truth).

3. Answer 2

Our second answer is as accurate as any scientific answer can possible be.  No researcher can find a theory which is suitable for needs of all individuals. His job is to put forward right thought, scientifically correct. This has been done so far. Each one has to adjust himself to a natural phenomenon. Nature and Nature’s Laws are meant to be obeyed. Therefore, to avoid disease, protect yourself from emotion and for cure of disease, make use of truth alone as medium of cure.

4. Our premise shows the relation between truth, emotion and disease. 

The unquestionable link which exists between emotions and disease is created by man and man alone. This conclusion is in keeping with the laws of science particularly the laws of causality.

The details of the intricate working of the speed, ratio and proportion between emotion on one hand and disease on the other in relation to specific individual would of course vary, even vary vastly from person to person. This cannot come at all under any standard analysis.

5. Our premise, our plea and our demand as humble servant of truth fulfills the demand of science. 

No religious leader has even denounced truth.  Truth For our purpose is, “Individual expression of subjectively known objective fact recorded with detached mind”.

6. Summary

-         We located emotion as an immediate cause of disease in scientific terms.
-         What is the way out to avoid this abuse of emotions?
-         Obviously a non-emotional state of mind.
-         Which in simple words, mean a truth-patterned behavior.

Nullity (Being nothing) or balancing of Emotions

1.  Once the theory so far is understood and accepted, what the reader would be interested is to know the guidance ahead to arrive at the cherished goal. The readers would enquire what measures are proper and why should they be utilized for the balancing of emotions?

To understand the nature of the problem is very much essential for arriving at the solution. This process (of understanding) will lead a person to reduce all his emotions to nullify (to negligible intensity). One cannot get rid of effect of emotions but can minimize to the extent possible. That is the highest state a man can achieve.

2. Preceding this state, the earlier stage is the equalization of emotions one can try to create. In effect it will almost mean nullity.

Plan of action (Personal adjustments necessary / step by step progress possible)

If the desired goal is ‘balancing of emotions’, it does allow the play of same emotions at the intermediate level. But for this, good amount of efforts are needed and this level is reached at an advanced stage.

Once this stage is reached (i.e. ‘balancing of emotions’), then what should be the next aim for a person?

Following are the steps we advise for the use of the readers. Of course, it is most essential (every person being unique), that personal adjustments may be required. Subject to this condition, the plan suggested should work well (i.e. within the action plan, some personal tuning may be required).

3. Plan of action step by step (subject to personal adjustments)

3.1 Coincidence cure and Realization Relief

First step is to fully accept the fundamental process indicated so far in relation to disease (i.e. concept of recipropathy). That itself, coincides with many cures as has been experienced in practice. Such phenomenon is termed as ‘coincidence cure’.
How this happens? The discomfort about the abnormalities goes as complaints against discomfort vanish. Till you continue to make a complaint, your acceptance of the law (of recipropathy) is superficial (and not from full heart). Life and science both are full of such riddles. The surrender of the complaint must be genuine and not for asking (superficial).

3.2 You should ‘mean’ what you ‘say’

Acceptance of your wrongs and adherence to the truth is not a mechanical activity. Many so called religious people have only superficial morality and their prayers are without full belief (devotion). They don’t pray when everything is good and normal and remember God only when the trouble arrives.

People earn a lot (by any means) and give a small part of the money as donation to temples. Most of such donations are meant as bribes to the Almighty Nature for some sin. The sin of which the sinner may be conscious or not, but such a sin cannot be excused without deep sufferings. Or the donations are from the donors who are aware that the money earned is from ‘unfair’ means. Their contention of such donations is to request God to ‘free them from the sins’. This is not devotion but perfect self-deception! Such actions and notions obviously challenge the greatness of the God. The God is considered by the devotee as the highest power. That power cannot be bribed by your petty donations. (We often observe that many people who practiced prayer all their lives and also regularly donated to charities who should never have suffered, in reality they most certainly suffer bodily).

Nothing to say against donations and prayers

We disclaim at once the possible wrong interpretation. We only criticize the prayer or donations with wrong intentions. We have nothing to say against donations and prayers practiced with mind truly detached.

Second important step for the relief

The second most important step in the process of cure is the genuine acceptance of the responsibility of wrongs (mistakes, wrong deeds, sins, etc.) committed by ourselves.

3.3 If it is not possible for you to unload the burden of your untruths by confessing them to another (person), the least you can do is to write them down. You should list one and all without a single exception. You need not necessarily show them to anyone till you conquer your mind. Usually untruths are many and varied, so at least write down the more glaring and burdensome from amongst your wrongs.

3.4 If you truly wish to get cured, then plan your life for the process of cure to commence in right direction. You cannot escape from the past, you have to accept it. The past is a fact and its consequences are inescapable.  But the future belongs to those who prepare for it.

By writing and realizing own earlier wrongs, you enter a new phase of your life. You accept with conviction that what is within your control certainly is not to add to these wrongs and prolong the existing list (i.e. avoid wrongs in the future). So if preparation of the list does not bring cure, it will keep you away from future mistakes. But there are a number of cases, where amazing cure results are observed merely by preparation of the list.

So here we come to a stage where you plan your life in such a way that, so far future is concerned, you will not speak untruth. For instance, you may vow (swear, commit) that for the coming ten years, the only untruths you will ever utter will be those for remaining consistent with your stand with respect to past wrongs. This is because you still lack the strength to contradict yourself. In fact, there is nothing wrong, if you admit all truths immediately.

3.5 But some patients find this immediate self-curing process far too difficult to put into practice at once such patients can plan their future on the lines suggested below. The hypothetical stages of the process are –

A)  Full Realization
B)  Acceptance of Untruths. Writing down the glaring and major amongst them, for self-use only.
C)  Any (hereafter) untruth spoken to be strictly in relation to the past only. For convenience for a period of say, ten years and the proper observation of the following during the period.
D) No new major untruths to be spoken, say after one year.
E)   Minor untruths for three years only.
F)   No fresh untruths after five years.
G) No untruth in future in any case, after seven year.
H) No untruth in relation to the past, present or future after ten years.

3.6 This theoretical accurate recommendation cannot be practiced by all. So, in practice, continue medicines [with my (S.V.) suggestions].

3.7 During these ten years the patient should spend some money consistent with his means as well as his responsibility in propagating this truth.

In Manashakti, hundreds of seekers have come together forming 'super social family'. They contribute 6.25 % of income and spend it for social good without calling it a donation. A patient who has come to place true belief in New Way, however should devote some time to propagate these views, if he is out to help himself. In short, so far you lived for action, henceforth, you voluntarily live for reaction. That will defeat the purpose of the disease.

3.8 None can get rid of emotions (say affection) but let your emotion (say affection) have a new meaning. Here you would impress on your dear ones the true meaning of life and the way of freedom from disease. Approximately, we can repay for our emotional excesses in the following manner.

A)  Affection – Convey the true meaning of happiness and life to your dear ones.

B)  Greed – Spare in the proper spirit a part of money at least 6 1/4% for the spread of new knowledge.

C)  Sex – Working for new knowledge will eradicate untrue thoughts about sex. Normal sex is permissible.

D) Anger – Put in active labor mentally and physically for one hour a day for giving new knowledge to others. Out of sixteen occasions, check the anger at least once.

E)   Ego – A frank, open and full admission of the own errors to all (affected/disturbed) people concerned one by one (such people who were heart by ego).

F)   Envy – Go and accept your faults (due to envy) to the people who you felt envy.

Think this way – So long as you have done no wrong to others, you have nothing to worry at all about others. On the other hand, if you have done something wrong, set about correcting it, in the right direction according to the principles laid down.

The patient (sufferer) in each and every individual case must, necessarily accept the responsibility of being himself the cause of the disease. Then ease of mind will be restored for the patient and that may bring about an 'organic change' as many as on occasions has actually has.

3.9 While receiving the actual pain the patient is at acid-test. You have to tell your mind that every stroke of pain is your real reliever (details in Death of Disease, another book by S.V.). Any opposition to pain merely aggravates pain. Once you realize the purpose of pain, you are hardly left with a cause to oppose it. There is no great difficulty in understanding that pleasure ultimately gives pain. If we look at life and life activities with open eyes. Once you are fully accustomed to feel this both on pleasant and unpleasant occasions, pain will never touch you or if you do have an attack of pain, it will vanish miraculously.

4. The position of this new rationale (principle) explained in this book is unquestionable, undeniable. Additionally, it has relieved person of organic unbearable pain.

(To be continued.. )

Vijay R. Joshi.

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