Saturday, April 26, 2014


(Excerpts from book: MIND POWER (1980) CH 12, Author - Swami Vijnananand (S.V.), Manashakti publication)

We take others as friends till their errors suit us. When varied selfish motives come together, they remain tied down till it is mutually convenient to them. Lincoln used to say – we take others as friends till their errors suit us. This truth experienced in society is but reflection of universal truth, experienced in every grain of our body.

12.1.       List of evidences. (Ref. “Know your death” by Swami Vijnananand, pages 155 to 157)

Q. Can you give examples of 'contradiction' in Nature?

A. Some aspects are briefly reproduced below:

Physics: Quantum, Indeterminacy. Its relative character
Chemistry: No two particles contact.
Heat: Includes cold and vice-verse (of course to a limit of 'infinity' of temperature).
Magnetism: Magnet made up of opposite poles.
Mathematics: Infinity, line, point, Relative character as 'one' is related to zero.
Electricity: Positive and negative currents.
Light: Cannot be conceived without darkness. It is propagated in darkness, except in atmosphere. One cannot look at the sun.
Speed: Finite at light speed.
Logic: Something is better than nothing. Nothing is better than God. So, something is better than God.
Materialism: Indeterminacy, wave mechanics, Self-sacrifices in wars, Mind exceeding light-speed
Spiritualism: Clinging to 'matter', in practice.
Devotion: Acceptance of God by instalments.
Religion: God's diverse messages.
Heaven: Includes hell.
Hell: Includes heaven.
Unity with God: 'Talk' of inexperience.
Biology: Mendel vs. Michurin gives same results.
Medicine: All methods give 'some' results by contradictory theories.
Allopathy: Inoculation, penicillin.
Homeopathy: Like cures like.
Man: Changing concepts of 'ease' here and after life. Individuality itself conception
Love: Love for all excludes love for your self
Hate: Hate for all excludes hate for your self
Rich: Suffers more
Seeing: Cannot see instrument of sight i.e. 'eye'.
Hearing: Cannot hear 'louder' sounds.
Touch: No two particles ever contact each other.
Smell and taste: Change levels.
Rationalism: Perceiving light of 'knowledge' through knowledge.

New Way dispels contradiction introducing principle of "willing" acceptance of contradiction itself, i.e. likes of dislikes, slowly but surely.

12.2.       Causality (cause effect relationship) tied down in man.

Science is still based on cause effect relationship. At somatic level, its measurability is challenged but ‘CAUSALITY’ as such is not removed totally.

Cause and effect relationship presupposes separation of cause and effect, conceptually though in human frame, for all the internal events, it is supposed to be found fused into a so called individual. (in-divisible)

12.3.       Other list of paradoxical living.

1.      ‘Paths of Science’ (31 P) page 69 informs how anesthetized cells can live under conditions that would be ordinarily fatal under ordinary circumstances. Point 10.9 also gives similar conclusions viz.
-          Under anesthesia i.e. comparatively undetached stage, oxygen consumption is less.
-          Cortex cells die earlier: - Cells of the cortex at dying moment die earlier, being unable to endure hardships and adversities; they try to save themselves by ceasing their function from ruin. Point 10.14 mentions about paradox about enzymes.
2.      “Science and Philosophy” appendix 3-C.
3.      “Purpose of Universe” chapter 7 point 8.
4.      “Know your Death” pages 65 and 141.
5.      Two types of fibers: - The sympathetic and Para sympathetic are distinguished in the vegetative nervous system. They differ to a degree in structure and function, but have simple purpose to innervate and service the internal organs. Where the sympathetic fiber serves to intensify activity of organs, the parasympathetic deceleration and weakens them. And conversely, whenever the sympathetic fiber inhibits an organ’s function, the parasympathetic steps it up.

This is a converse paradoxical mechanism for simple purpose. So, two kinds of cells of the same body act in opposite direction for the same purpose. It speaks of both of “organizing Mind” (the hero of the single purpose) and the paradoxical mechanism. (*Paths of Science, P-31, page 227)

Sentry post: Illustration of sleeping mechanism, where all the brain cells sleep and a spot called Sentry Post is awake.

Paradoxes and mysteries

Human system indeed survives at the cost of breach of laws laid down by the Physics and Chemistry. There are a number of biologists who are of the opinion that it is not possible to give a detailed account of how the amoeba came into existence, its structure and its behavior as a living cell without going outside the laws of physics and chemistry. List of paradoxes and mysteries spread all over this treaties specifically pinpoint the inherent breaches.

Selfishness of genes

'Science Today' March 1980, page 23 carries a significant article "The evolution of behavior". The author quotes 4 types of behavior as analyzed by Dr. Hamlington. They are: Selfish, altruistic (helpful), co-operative and spiteful. Two curious remarks on page 24 are significant. "Populations dominated by selfish individuals are much more likely to become extinct, whereas the selfish do not swamp out the altruists as quickly". Second remark on page 25 is, "Altruism also helps in self replication. In the case of the honey bees, it is thought, the unique genetic make-up is responsible for altruism".


-          When varied selfish motives come together, they remain tied down till it is mutually convenient to them. Lincoln used to say – we take others as friends till their errors suit us. This truth experienced in society is but reflection of universal truth, experienced in every grain of our body. Several examples of 'contradiction' in Nature have been mentioned by S. V. in his books.

-          Cause and effect relationship presupposes separation of cause and effect, conceptually though in human frame, for all the internal events, it is supposed to be found fused into a so called individual.

-          Mind (non-matter) decides and body (matter) acts. That is why it is often said that “non-matter matters a lot”!  Life is full of paradoxes.

(Note: This is an attempt to make reader friendly interpretation of the book “MIND POWER” based on my perception. Inquisitive readers are requested to refer to the original book to cross check their understanding.)

Vijay R. Joshi.

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