(Excerpts from book:
MIND POWER (1980) CH 11, Author - Swami
Vijnananand (S.V.), Manashakti publication)
Let us understand multi-layer
ness of life. . This is a step by step life story of Aphid (a small insect harmful
to plants) (* The strange things in the world; page 140)
Stem mother – a newly hatched female
Injects the substance into the leaf and the house builds
itself around her.
Inside the house she passes through four stages.
Her structure changes four times completely, four times,
i.e. she becomes in a sense four
different animals one after another.
In the fourth stage she gives birth to 50 to 100 living
Each of these young in turn goes through four stages.
In the last stage they have wings.
The winged insects crawl out through a hole in the gall.
(leaf house)
9. Each produces 10 to 20 young on the bottom of the leaf.
10. Each of the
young, in turn, goes through five stages.
11. During the last
stage they are both male and female.
12. This is the
first and only time; the male makes its appearance in the life cycle. All the
other births are by pathogenesis. (Reproduction without fertilization)
13. Each of the
female lays eggs on the witch hazel. (liquid from a bank of a particular tree in
N. America. The buds are destined to become leaves in the early spring. The
eggs lay above hatch a few days before the leaves appear.)
14. New aphids,
all female, come out from the hatched eggs. (This is step one i.e. stem mother,
a newly hatched female.)
The female aphid hatched from
the egg injects some of the house building material into the leaf, upon which
she finds herself. She becomes a new stem mother and the strange life process
continues all over again. The phenomenon (can be illustrated as) multi-
layer ness of life
We have another
interesting reference. (Clock of Living Nature, page 106)
Every organism has a multitude
of rhythmic processes with cycles of different duration. The more complex is
the organism, the more intricate is the symphony of its rhythms.
Same tissue participates in the
construction of different organs and has different rhythms.
The smooth muscle of the wall of
intestine executes 10 to 15 oscillations per second. The same muscle as a component part of the digestive
track has rhythm with cycles of one to two hours. As a part of the
organization, the muscle tissue of the intestine also has a diurnal periodicity
(taking a day to complete an oscillation). To this phenomenon N.Perma gave
the name “Multi layer Ness of Life.”
11.1 Mind
proved. : -- Cell changing “use” or “longevity”.
Nobel Prize winner Dr. Sherington tells:- If a piece of part
of the embryo which is to be the main nerve cord be removed and its place given
to other skin and taken from a region not destined to be nerve cord at all ,
then – The new graft not originally destined to be a nerve cord , becomes nerve
cord. The embryo at this stage seems to be pervaded (totally perceived in every
part) by some general plan which compels each of its localities, whatever
prominence of material there, to become what is demanded there as a part of the
eminent (respected) plan.
In the embryo frog, the cells destined to be brain can be
replaced by the skin or the back, the back even of another embryo. These
(cells) after transplantation become brain cells in their new host and stem to
serve the brain purpose duly.
The cells of some organs are harder, less complex, and more
stable. Irreversible changes take a longer time to come to those harder cells.
The cells of other organs are delicate and vulnerable. They (the cells of the
organ) begin to disintegrate sooner, giving rise to earlier reversible changes.
Some cells live quite longer after their owner’s death. They
are for instance the cells of the hairs, nails, the epithelia of the skin.
The tissues of the body turn out, much more sensitive to
cold than the tissues removed from it. This is highly surprising; it should
have been the other way round.
Cells behavior, after death of a person
Generally speaking man dies when his cells die, particularly
of those of the central nervous system and the most important organs; but; more
precisely, man dies but some of his cells are still alive. The hairs and nails,
for instance, grow some times after a person’s death.
At Professor Kravkov’s laboratory, as has been observed,
fingers cut from corpses continued to live. A fluid that was much like blood
was passed through their vessels, sustaining a life in them for a week or
longer. Experiments of that kind show that not all cells perish when a person
(i) Kulyabko, the
Tomak physiologist did with thyroid glands what Karkov has done with the
fingers, that is, he introduced some Ringer-Locke fluid into the excised
(completed removed) gland’s artery. The fluid circulated through the gland and
emerged from the opening of the vain. Kulyabko collected it as it flowed out
and discovered that contained the hormones of the thyroid gland. The gland was
by no means dead. It was alive and contained its hormones. Clearly, some
organs of corpse long retain their vital properties, provided they are placed in
a suitable medium...
(ii)This is also true of more complex organs. Prof.
Kulyabko performed another astounding experiment. He placed a dark, roundish somewhat elongated
meaty object into a unique apparatus with glass and rubber tube and a small
electric motor. The meaty object was an ordinary human heart. The Prof. had
taken the little motor, pumped through Locke’s solution a variety of nutrient
medium into the heart by the glass and rubber tubes. And the heart of a day old
corpse began to beat.
Bryukhonenko and Chenchulin, two Mosco physiologists made
another remarkable experiment. They beheaded a dog and made its head live for a
while. It opened its eyes, closed them in a strong light and opened them again.
When acid was supplied to its lips, its tongue licked it off. The head even
pricked up its ears at the sound of a whistle. Bryukhoneko and Chechulin
sustained the head’s life by passing a nutrient medium through its arteries.
11.2 Cell
systems have flexibility:
Variation in work.
To do the work which they normally don’t.
Cells recognize each other in danger.
11.3 Qualitative
layered differences of mind….. Using cell structures as only vehicles
We have already
seen (in 11.1,) that replacement of one cell in the avenue of another organ
also works. We have also seen the next supremacy of the cell from the cerebral
cortex. In aggregate, it amounts to “cell mind” having a different entity
choosing “cell mechanism” merely as a vehicle to carry out its own end.
So on one hand
the inferences are:-
Mind of each cell has its own ends.
It has its own convenience.
Mind has its own strengths as well as weaknesses. And lastly,
Mind uses the cell mechanism merely as a vehicle, so that,
whatever may be the ‘organized’ cell-structure, cell mind can ‘fashion’ it
according to its own needs.
On the other hand this means -
All we have seen, there is a qualitative difference in these cell minds right
from nails to cerebral cortex and beyond it the “Organized Mind”. This suggests
the layer of qualitative aspect within the individual whole.
“Discretion” beyond matter: - Proved by Antibody. (Antibody = a
substance formed in the blood to fight against disease.)
Antigen is a substance capable
of stimulating formation of anti-body. Let us see what is antibody. Antibody is
a protein produced in an animal when a certain kind of substance (an antigen)
which is normally foreign to its tissues gains access to them. The antibody
combines chemically with the antigen. Antigens are mostly proteins or
carbohydrates, and every different antigen stimulates production of one or more
antibodies of a kind specific to itself, i.e. each antibody combines with a
specific antigen and no other antigen. Importance of antibody formation is defense
mechanism of vertebrates against invasion particularly by bacteria and viruses.
Antibodies are not formed in plants. When parasites or their poisonous
products enter the tissue, the animal produces antibody fluids. This antibody
formation is stimulated by antigen forming part of, or produced by the
parasites. A given parasite is likely to bear several antigens, some peculiar
of its species therefore they evoke several sorts of antibodies, equally
specific. In some cases different pathogens (Disease creating agents) have the
same antigen, so that immunity to one confers immunity to another. (e.g.
vaccinia and small pox). The combination of antibody with antigen kills or
immobilizes parasites or makes them more susceptible to phagocytes to make
their poison harmless.
It is still uncertain, where in
the body, antibodies are formed. But once produced, they are found mainly in the
blood, and may persist there long after disappearance of the antigen,
conferring immunity to a new infection by the same sort of parasite. Immunity
to diseases from vaccination or inoculation is due to antibodies. Substances
quite unconnected with parasites can act as antigens when injected, e.g. almost
any foreign proteins.
Wisdom of
antibody “unknown” in science
Carefully looked the definition
tells us that …. Anti-body’s action is not only against living parasites but also
against any foreign protein. Secondly, every different antigen stimulates
specific antibody. Such wisdom is beyond the scope of matter. As usual,
the definition has also told us “It is still uncertain, where in the body
antibodies are formed. How they are formed, is the question not asked and
not answered. We find one more declaration of ignorance. (New Biology no.31
A-3, page 106) “The fact is that, from the moment of entry of antigen into a
cell to the later emergence of antibody, we know very little of what goes on.” The action of
antibody is after all the “quality” initiated by the “quality” of multilayer
mind specified for such emergency.
11.5 Brain
cells change (?), “Cell growth at will” Darwin.
(Ref. Rich, Ambitious, Healthy,
points 5E, 5F.)
We have a ref. of Darwin’s
statements, two statements.
(A) He talks about a dog
remembering a whistle, when all brain cells are changed, with a period of five
years in between. There is definitely a question mark, whether brain atoms
(can) change wholesale to that extent. But putting this question aside,
granting the change as put forth by Darwin, two things emerge.
(i) The ‘mental individuality’, to which we called ‘organized
mind’, is retained.
(ii) Though the matter within brain i.e. Brain cells or atom-matter changes, the cell
mind continues to hold the wisdom gained.
(B) Another story by Darwin is
equally interesting. (It is mentioned that) Changes in bone, weight occurred
within six months because mind was convinced of its necessity.
11.6 ‘Not
heart alone’ proves multilayer ness, but lungs, kidneys, liver also prove it.
We review three stories from science here. (Paths of
science,P-31, page 60)
In neglected tuberculosis, the lungs tissues disintegrate.
But doctors have now learned to cure the disease provided the treatment is
begun early enough. If the moment is lost, the disease develops, disintegration
spreads over to new areas and the patient is in mortal (that must die) danger.
There is disease known as ‘pyonerphrosis’. This disease
destroys the kidneys. Morbid changes affect the calyces and tubules, which are
the kidney’s most vital parts. If the disease is allowed to progress in both
kidneys, it is fatal.
One more disease ‘cirrhosis of liver’ is much like
tuberculosis and pyonerphrosis. It destroys the tissues of the liver. If
allowed to develop, it causes death.
Narrating the three cases, the
author adds: Patients who die of these diseases cannot be returned to life
after their heart stops beating. The treatment (for heart, immediately after
death within six minutes to restore it) accorded by Buyan would be futile in
their case. Blood injection would not make them breathe again, not even two of
the possible minutes passed after death. These patients need more than a
functioning heart to return to life. What they need is ‘sound lungs’
in one case, ‘sound kidneys’ in another and ‘sound liver’ in the third. And
medicine, so far, is unable to provide a patient with new lung or liver.
11.7 Death
helps forgetting shocks.*
(* Paths of science, P-31, page
62, 64)
We now refer to
stories which lead us to prove the “Mind and Multilayer ness of mind”.
A case is of life recovery from
shock. (On page 64)
We shall quote how brain cell to
have save them-selves. (Page 71 of Paths of science)
When the situation deteriorates and blood circulation stops,
they try to save themselves from complete exhaustion and ruin by ceasing their
If a simple brain cell dies or ceases functioning to ‘save
itself’, as the author says, three things become clear:-
- Since the cell ‘saves itself’, it returns to life later
- It means there is some thing in cell beyond matter.
- Though brain cells gave way, other layers of cell minds continued.
- Since the cell ‘saves itself’, it returns to life later
- It means there is some thing in cell beyond matter.
- Though brain cells gave way, other layers of cell minds continued.
Multilayer ness
of mind is again proved, with the organizing mind that bridges the whole
11.9 Belief
in existence after death at all levels.
11.9.1 Cell level:-
- Suicide bags: There is a ref.
to suicide bags in cells which are otherwise called as Lysosome. In cell
structure there are tiny parts where energy is “manufactured”, and energy is
released. If for any reason, the cover of the lysosome is broken, that eats the
cell body itself.
- Lysosome fulfill extremely
important function in cell and it is now realized that far from being suicide
bag they form a building mechanism for enabling the cell to adapt metabolically
to rapidly changing conditions of food supply, oxygen concentration and other environmental
factors which occur in many living systems.
- We shall check-up three
earlier refs.
(a) Lysosome: It is clearly
essential for the digestive enzymes to be rigorously segregated from the rest
of the cellular content, to which they could cause irreparable damage. (That is
why they are covered separately and the covers are called suicide bags.) They
are particularly numerous and large in cells such as macrophages.(A large white
blood cell, occurring principally in connective tissues and in blood stream
that ingests foreign particles and infectious micro-organisms by phagocytes).
These cells perform special digestive functions
Lysosomes are also believed to be
involved in the fertilization of the ova, morphogenesis, aging and some
diseases. They may play a part in carcinogenesis. (The changing of normal cells
to cancer cells.)
(b) Cell injury involves another
aspect of lysosome function known as auto digestion or autophagy (controlled
digestion). In this, some of the contents of cell itself are engulfed
(surrounded to cover completely) by the lysosome and broken down.
When injury is due to
starvation, this process enables to use some of its own material for the
formation of essential substances no longer available from outside sources,
without causing irreparable damage.
(c) Lack of oxygen also affects
It seems that, in cell suddenly
deprived of oxygen; the lysosome may rupture, resulting in the release of
enzymes and the death of the cell by auto digestion.
It is seen
clearly from all above references that the lysosome (suicidal bags) seems to be
really destructive, though, only under certain circumstances.
S.V. Comments: The mechanism
in lysosome to “adapt” is the basis then the life after such a suicide must
be assumed.
One wonders, when cancer is one
of the repercussions, how that can be in the interest of the organizer? This
can be reconciled when we refer to the role of lysosome seen above. The
quotation “that far from being suicidal bags” they form inbuilt mechanism
for enabling to adapt. When in practice, the description of “suicidal bags’
cannot be under rated, the ‘suicide’ function of the lysosome should be grunted
(should be considered as low key function or not so harsh function), i.e. they
are adapting not destructing. Alternatively, if the mechanism to ‘adapt’ is
in the interest of organism, life after such suicide must be assumed.
11.9.2 At the
human level.
From the relevant references of
man dying of ‘his will’, are provided in ‘know your death’ (another book by S. V.) on part nine point
three, page 106.
11.9.3. At animal level.
Mind’s existence beyond death
and Mind’s multi layered ness.
Jatinga village in Assam: Nature continues to hold
mysteries which seem quite beyond capacity of human to explain “adequately”. An
Indian zoological team has confirmed what might otherwise have been dismissed
as a fabricated folk tale or superstition of unsophisticated villagers. Year
after years, on dark and stormy nights thousands of birds flock to just one
village – Jatinga in Assam, where they are attracted by lights set up by the
residents. What is so strange is that once they land, they make no attempt to
escape and allow them to be killed or captured on the spot. This phenomenon was
first sighted in 1905. The scientific team led by Dr. Sudhir Sengupta just
cannot come up with even an intelligent hypothesis for the remarkable
Lemming (mouse like rodents): Whenever the
S.V.Comments: Here at least, one can guess that in the
interest of the preservation of the species as a whole, nature has so
programmed the genes of the Lemmings. But why in Jatinga, of all the
places, do all manners of birds from bulbul to woodpeckers get afflicted (to
cause trouble, pain or distress.) with death wish?
At all these
levels one would see multi layer ness and the instance of death provide us the
clue of inner belief of mind existence beyond death.
11.10 All body
changes in seven years, yet knowledge remains.
It has been estimated that a
human being has a new body every seven years, the time it takes for the old
cells of the body to be replaced by new ones. Even if statistically accurate
this figure is very misleading since it does not provide a reasonable picture
of what is taking place around the different types of cells of the body at any
particular stage of existence.
The Brain: - For
example, brain reaches its mature size within a few years after birth, while the body
as a whole undergoes considerable growth. By this time most of the nerve
cells have been laid down even if they have not yet achieved mature size and
differentiation. Barring loss through accidents or diseases they will continue
to function throughout life at the level of performance.
Nerve cells: - If a
nerve cell is destroyed it cannot be replaced by another. Long before its
attainment of final form, the potential nerve cell loses its capacity to multiply.
(Refer fig. Mind Power page 115) No general nerve cell replacement center
exists as is true for blood cells. But there is some experimental evidence to
suggest that enriched environment during early childhood can lead to
either an increase in small interconnecting neurons or in the number of
connections between neurons in the brain.
Muscles: - Recent
studies also suggest that muscles are capable of limited replacement when
losses occurs. Dividing cells have been found among those farming smooth
muscles but as far as striated skeletal or heart muscles, it is far from likely
that injury to such tissues is repaired by connective cells forming scar tissues,
which lack contractile properties. That an organ remains constant in size is not,
therefore indicative of its rate of cell replacement, unless the active
turnover rate of cells is known, the constancy of size merely indicates that
there is no net gains or loss of cells. The death of old cells can be equaled
by the production of new ones.
Some biologists
estimate that each day the human body loses one to two percent of its cells
through death. The body weight remains constant therefore the dead cells must
be replaced by new ones, by billions of cells every day. Since virtually
none of these is produced in the muscles or nervous tissues and since muscles
and nervous tissues must be equal to about half of the body weight, there must
be active center of death and replacement elsewhere.
These would include the
protective layers and regions of the blood forming, digestive and reproductive
systems. The other organs of the body have much slower replacement rates. A
liver cell for example, has been estimated to have an average life span of
about 18 months.
Cells have
different qualitative layers. (Multi- layer ness of mind)
COMMENTS; - The lesson of the cell development story is eye opening. Knowledge,
skill, experience acquired by cells belong to (organizer) mind. This also
establishes how the matter changes and the continuing faculty of whatever
knowledge, skill, experience acquired by every cell and the whole individual
could belong only to mind and not matter.
Mind controls
other minds in hypnotism.
Famous book “the world as
physiological and therapeutic factor” “Psychic research behind the iron
curtain” and many other books on hypnotism focus the attention on one mind
having impact on the other. Mass hypnotism through radio, T.V. is additional
evidence. All go to establish increasing layers of psycho levels.
Note: - Page 115 of MIND POWER.
The human nerve
cell or neuron, which lasts (has a life span) generally as long as the
individual and which does not divide once delineated, (completely formed) as a
neuroblast, has its origin in tissues known as Medullar epithelium.
The epithelium produces all the
varied cells of the nervous system, but the neuron acquires its polarity with
its axon and dendrites --- as it is differentiated from a neuroblast to neuron.
The axon, if cut or damaged, can
regenerate itself. But if the cell body with its nucleus is destroyed, it
cannot regenerate.
11.11 Antibody
without Antigen proves Mind: There is an experiment quoted in an
international conference on burning problems. A patient with third degree burn
injuries can be cured by the blood of a person who was previously recovered
from burn injuries.
11.12 Whether
Mind controls matter or vice versa: Once it is conceded that a cell has a
mind illusive question remains why the sense organs themselves should not be
accused of encircling mind, for their own ends of pleasure? This
question is a tricky one.
At birth, it was the ‘organized
mind’ that must have been the first architect. He collected or chose suitable
cell empire for his own ends. One can suspect that it is a game of mutual
convenience played between ‘organizing mind’ and ‘all cell minds’. But
certainly this game cannot start, unless initiative of the organized mind is
accepted. Slightly a coarse simile will serve the purpose.
Organizing mind acts like a gang
leader, who enlists the support of like minded subordinates. In the end the
over-stressed gang men that is rebelling cells, moot the revolt. What we call
disease or death. Assuming for a moment that the cells in various organs
dictate the ‘organizing mind’ for their own luxuries, why the ‘organizing mind’
not deny the slavery? It would well rebel, resign or ab-initio it may not
accept the role of ‘organizer’ at all. One more alternative is, the organizing
mind can commit suicide as many do. As we checked elsewhere, all deaths are
chosen deaths by organizing mind (part nine of ‘Know your death’).
Concrete case
Suppose a cell of the eye
agreeably encounters a mango. By themselves eyes would be contented to ‘look’
at the mango color. But process does not stop here. The information of eye
cells is passed on to the cells of the Cerebral Cortex, where the ‘organized
mind’ correlates this information to the tongue and also the hand division
through the motor area of the brain, so that the mango is picked by the hand
and destination tongue is reached. Inferentially, therefore, when various cells
might have their own limited desires, the organizing mind cannot eschew (avoid)
its responsibilities.
An eye cell for instance, as a
single microbe, might have searched its food in the pond, now evolved as an eye
cell gets its ready food through an integrated system called “man”. Therefore,
eye cell participates in the game. Yet the piloting point of all individual
freaks remains organizing mind. At integrated level, we know, fingers can work
as “eyes’ to a limited extent.
In essence,
“desire” of cell is limited. Comparatively, organizing mind dominates.
Crude process
from Birth to Death
1 “Organizing mind” invites
suitable like-minded subordinate cell minds, to rally round to fabricate body.
2 For mutual convenience to some
extent, but predominantly because of organizing mind’s over powering demand, body
cells remain over acted. (They have to over exert themselves.)
This over action goes on (then sometimes) damaging cell
accelerates their somatic renovation every ninety days or so.
When still over-stressed, cell rebuke (to express sharp or
severe disapproval) alerting the organizing mind by some disease.
Organizing mind
given to unabated (limitless) pleasures, finally riches limit having no spare
energy to continue organization of the somatic cell empire and abdicates
(leaves kingdom) it. That is so called death.
In Nov. 78, Jim-Janes and his people's Temple
followers at Jonestown, Guyana committed mass suicide. Nine hundred people
committed suicide. Jones was accused of pressuring people, though psychological
study does not fully endorsed it. 'Science Today' March 1980 page 21 records
"One such People's Temple member was recently quoted as saying: 'Had I
been in Jonestown on 18 Nov., 1978, I would have been the first in line to take
the poison if I had been so honored".
to point 11.6 and 11.9.1 - "Cell saves itself" - means brain verses
In 11.7 of the original work, there is a
reference that the cell saves itself by ceasing to exit. Cells of the cortex
'die quicker' or in other words, 'cells save themselves', has significance.
Brain cells, as if die quicker, as a first casualty. On one hand, they die
earlier as a punishment for their despotic rule. And on the other hand, they
have to leave such a way partly because of their long-standing rebel against
mind. Students of English history can compare this situation with the changing
role between the King and parliament, where each side differed with the other
and tried to extract advantages from its counterpart. During these engagements,
the luck changed often, this way and that way, where the final victory was
claimed by democracy. Likewise, there is a conflict between the organizing mind
and brain, where the latter can be compared with the prime minister. At one
stage, brain, the prime minister derives its power from the king, while differences
with King-mind increase. Page 67 to 71 of "Rich, ambitious and
healthy" has described changing relationship between mind and body cells.
Cortex cells as a prime minister can also be compared with theatre actor who
performs his role for selfishness, efficiently. But not necessary that the
actor is one with the aspirations of the sentences he utters on the stage. His apparent
oneness with his role is a mirage, purposeful or otherwise, and this actor on
the stage may have conflict with his pay master, behind the stage.
Mind of each cell has its own ends. It has its own
convenience. Mind has its own strengths as well as weaknesses.
Mind uses the cell mechanism merely as a vehicle, so that,
whatever may be the ‘organized’ cell-structure, cell mind can ‘fashion’ it
according to its own needs.
There is a qualitative difference in cell minds right from
nails to cerebral cortex and beyond it is the “Organized Mind”. This suggests
the layer of qualitative aspect within the individual whole.
Importance of antibody formation is for defense mechanism of
vertebrates against invasion particularly by bacteria and viruses.
Wisdom of antibody which is unknown to science is beyond the
scope of matter. It is still uncertain, where in the body antibodies are
Multilayer ness of mind is proved, with the organizing mind
that bridges the whole individuality.
At birth, it was the ‘organized mind’ that must have been
the first architect. It collected or chose suitable cell empire for its own
ends. One can suspect that it is a game of mutual convenience played between
‘organizing mind’ and ‘all cell minds’. But certainly this game cannot start,
unless initiative of the organized mind is accepted
In essence, “desire” of cell is limited. Comparatively,
organizing mind dominates.
The concept of multi mind goes further and we see the
overlapping multi-minds under the control of the organizing mind from different
illustrations provided.
(Note: This is an attempt to
make reader friendly interpretation of the book “MIND POWER” based on my
perception. Inquisitive readers are requested to refer to the original book to
cross check their understanding.)
Vijay R. Joshi.
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