लालयेत् पंच वर्षाणि दश वर्षाणि ताडयेत् ।
प्राप्ते तु षोडशे वर्षे पुत्रं मित्रवदाचरेत् ॥
प्राप्ते तु षोडशे वर्षे पुत्रं मित्रवदाचरेत् ॥
For first five years, one’s kid should be pampered (meaning treated with only love and affection), the next ten years he should be scolded (meaning must be disciplined) and once he turns sixteen he should be treated as a friend. Your grown up children are your best friends.
of a child gives meaningfulness to the life of mother. Entire family feels
happy and gets busy around the new arrival. Elders bless child to grow up as
great and competent human being to make family, society & nation proud.
are reviewing the ways and means that will show how to put in efforts to
accomplish this. The body, brain and behavior of the child will be synchronized
properly for the future successful life.
Structure of Brain
and development of brain is vitally important in the success and failure of a
human being as brain plays very important role between mind (desires) and body
the time of birth, brain is not completely developed. Development of brain
structure continues during entire lifetime. But the sizable important part of
this process takes place in the childhood. All Neurons in brain are ready at
the time of birth. But connections (synapses) between these neurons are built
after birth. The structure of brain is shaped after shaping these complicated
and long connections.
Two third structure of brain is ready
during first three to four years after birth. During this period neurons are
connected very rapidly. At the same time,cortex, limbic, reptile, process of learning also takes place
at faster pace than any other time of life. Emotional education is an important
part of this learning.
If child undergoes stressful situation during this stage, there is possibility
that it might harm learning centers and intelligence of the brain. The brain
research has proven that emotional education received during this period has
lasting effects
Parts of Brain and Their Functions
Three main parts of brain are as
Cortex - Learning, thinking and imagination are main functions of cortex. It can rationally think using logic and intelligence. The ability to use this is generally developed after 7 years of age. Thinking is the main function of cortex.
Cortex - Learning, thinking and imagination are main functions of cortex. It can rationally think using logic and intelligence. The ability to use this is generally developed after 7 years of age. Thinking is the main function of cortex.
Limbic System – It is related to emotions.
Emotions can be often mixed, complicated and many times paradoxical. They are
rarely simple and straightforward. Structure of limbic system is complete till
5 years of age. During these first five years of childhood, love, affection, care
and warmth of parents favorably affects the development of its structure. Many
times in our life, we see that during struggle between thinking (logic) and
emotions, mostly emotions overpower logic.
Reptile brain - 200 million years ago, during
evolution, brain developed among reptiles as a body part. Humans inherited this
brain from them. The main function of
this part is securing existence and reproduction. This part is completely
developed at the time of birth. It is generally more effective than two other
parts of brain. The basic instincts generated in this part always influence the
emotions and logic in future.
brain that is active at the time of birth, limbic brain that develops during
first 7 years after birth, and cortex that develops after 7 years - are the
stages of brain structure. We should plan the nurturing efforts accordingly.
First Five Years of Love and Affection
traditional culture is based on years of observation and logical deduction with
the intuition of learned sages. The quotation from the Chanakya Neeti is cited
above. Formula of education says that first five years child should be brought
up adoringly. They should get ample love, care and appreciation during this
period. While child is growing according to his or her tendencies, they should
get love and only love from their parents. A child also gets micro vibrations
with this love. These vibrations of love, affection, care & warmth create
emotion of trust and security in the spirit of child. The brain connection
process that creates correct emotions remains active through the unconditional
love given mainly by parents and grandparents. Nothing but love has power to
create the filling of security during these years.
not scold or beat children during this period or burden their minds with anything.
Their Nervous System should not be overburdened. Do not disrespect their
emotions. Do not neglect them. In every situation elders must deal with child
understandingly without compromising own balance. Earlier there used to be joint families. Today
we have nuclear family (i.e. Husband, wife and two or one kid). In such family
husband and wife both normally are bread winners. It is really very difficult
to manage this (child’ demands) in their hectic life.
though it’s difficult, it is also inevitable from the perspective of nature. We
can consider some options such as staying in joint family where grand-parents
can look after child or one of the parents may sacrifice his/her career for
care is the next option. But can day care be substitute to unconditional love
of parents & grand-parents? We need to find answer to this question.
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Guidelines for Parenting
- The brain grows faster in the first five years than at any other
time in your child’s life.
- Each new skill your child learns helps him develop more skills.
- Both genes and experience influence skill development.
are mainly dependent on parents till the age of seven years. Children need parents’
proximity during this period. Thus this period is very effective and important
for parents from the point of view of child’s development.
understand the language of emotions. They learn from your behavior towards them
rather than what your words tell theYoung
children consider their parents and teachers both as their ideals
The behavior of parents and teachers affects child in both positive and negative way and such effect can last for long term.
The behavior of parents and teachers affects child in both positive and negative way and such effect can last for long term.
Stages of Growth (Till The Age of Seven)
Development of ego: The ego develops or mainly initiates taking shape from 2 to 7 years of age. ‘I am the center of the universe, All things are living’ – this feeling prevails more in this age group of childhood. These are the characteristics of child’s behavior during years of development. Curiosity to ask continuous questions is another characteristic.
Development of emotions: Awareness and development of subconscious mind takes place during these years. During first 6-7 years, emotional development of a child takes place normally in the following order - Happiness, sorrows, worries, proud, shame, friendship, jealousy and competition.
Social sense: Knowing mother, father and other people; sense of family and togetherness; beginning of discipline; friend circle; study – these stages of social development occur till 6-7 years of age.
Emotional Personality of A Child
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and
manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is generally said to
include three skills: emotional awareness; the ability to harness emotions and
apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to
manage emotions, which includes regulating your own emotions and cheering up or
calming down other people. (https://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/emotional-intelligence)
parents with emotional intelligence are very beneficial to children. How
parents treat child is important, but how they treat each other on emotional
level is equally important in this regard. Child observes every minute thing
happening in the family and he is eager to learn new things. Thus it has far-
reaching impact on a child. Research has shown that couple, emotionally
involved with each other proves to be more capable in nurturing child with
Kinds of Parenting
behave with child in a different ways. Following are the kinds of parenting we
generally see around us:
Completely neglecting emotions of child: Parents either completely neglect emotional upheaval of child or immediately get angry. They neither use emotional imbalance of child to get closer to him or her nor try to make child’s emotions healthy.
Indifferent: Parents understand the feeling of child. But they are indifferent to bring any change. They do not have tendency to help child to deal with his or her emotions in a different way. They try superficially to calm the child. Sometimes they try to bribe crying or angry child with candy or toy to calm him/her down.
Disrespect towards emotions of child: Such parents think opposing the emotional upheaval of child is a better option. Their solution to the problem is scolding or punishing child. They repress the emotions of child using harsh language - “shut up! Don’t you dare to utter single word!”
Teachers of emotion: Such parents see emotional upheaval of a child as an opportunity to improve him or her. They try to find root cause to the child’s trouble (For example, Are you angry because Raju hurt you?). Then they help child to find positive solution for his trouble (For example, why don’t you play some game alone for some time? After you calm down go and play with Raju again.)
Completely neglecting emotions of child: Parents either completely neglect emotional upheaval of child or immediately get angry. They neither use emotional imbalance of child to get closer to him or her nor try to make child’s emotions healthy.
Indifferent: Parents understand the feeling of child. But they are indifferent to bring any change. They do not have tendency to help child to deal with his or her emotions in a different way. They try superficially to calm the child. Sometimes they try to bribe crying or angry child with candy or toy to calm him/her down.
Disrespect towards emotions of child: Such parents think opposing the emotional upheaval of child is a better option. Their solution to the problem is scolding or punishing child. They repress the emotions of child using harsh language - “shut up! Don’t you dare to utter single word!”
Teachers of emotion: Such parents see emotional upheaval of a child as an opportunity to improve him or her. They try to find root cause to the child’s trouble (For example, Are you angry because Raju hurt you?). Then they help child to find positive solution for his trouble (For example, why don’t you play some game alone for some time? After you calm down go and play with Raju again.)
and every person is unique and so are the styles of different parents.
Day-to-Day Care of Young Children’s Brains
Research on early brain development and school readiness suggests the following guidelines for the care of young children:
Ensure health, safety, and good nutrition: Seek regular prenatal care; breast feed if possible; make sure your child has regular check-ups and timely immunizations; safety-proof the places where children play; and use a car seat whenever your child is traveling in a car.
Develop a warm, caring relationship with children: Show them that you care deeply about them. Express joy in who they are. Help them to feel safe and secure.
Serve-and-return: Like a tennis match, how you respond to a child’s cues and clues makes a world of difference in their learning. Notice their rhythms and moods, even in the first days and weeks of life. Respond to children when they are upset as well as when they are happy. Try to understand what children are feeling, what they are telling you (in words or actions), and what they are trying to do. Hold and touch them; play with them in a way that lets you follow their lead. Move in when children want to play, and pull back when they seem to have had enough stimulation.
Recognize that each child is unique: Keep in mind that from birth, children have different temperaments, that they grow at their own pace, and that this pace varies from child to child. At the same time, have positive expectations about what children can do and hold on to the belief that every child can succeed.
Talk, read, and sing to children: Surround them with language. Maintain an ongoing conversation with them about what you and they are doing. Sing to them, play music, tell stories and read books. Ask toddlers and preschoolers to guess what will come next in a story. Play word games. Ask toddlers and preschoolers questions that require more than a yes or no answer, like “What do you think…?” Ask children to picture things that have happened in the past or might happen in the future. Provide reading and writing materials, including crayons and paper, books, magazines, and toys. These are key pre-reading experiences.
Encourage safe exploration and play:
Give children opportunities to move around, explore and play (and be prepared
to step in if they are at risk of hurting themselves or others). Help them to
explore relationships as well. Arrange for children to spend time with children
of their own age and of other ages and support their learning to solve the
conflicts that inevitably arise.
Use discipline to teach: Talk to children about what they seem to be feeling and teach them words to describe those feelings. Make it clear that while you might not like the way they are behaving, you love them. Explain the rules and consequences of behavior so children can learn the “why’s” behind what you are asking them to do. Tell them what you want them to do, not just what you don’t want them to do. Point out how their behavior affects others.
Establish routines: Create routines and rituals for special times during the day like mealtime, nap time, and bedtime. Try to be predictable so the children know that they can count on you.
Become involved in child care and preschool: Keep in close touch with your children’s child care Occasionally, especially during transitions, spend time with your children while they are being cared for by others. The caring relationships they form outside of the home are among the most important relationships they have.
Limit screen time: Limit the time children spend watching TV shows and videos as well as the type of shows they watch. For very young children, there is no research evidence suggesting TV helps children learn.
Take care of yourself: You can best care for young children when you are cared for as well. Learn to cope with your stressors so that you can help your child learn too. Your child’s well-being depends on your health and well-being.
Shore, R. (1997). Rethinking the Brain: New Insights into Early Development.
New York, NY: Families and Work Institute, pp. 26-27.
Efforts of Manashakti Research Center - Mendu-Kranti (Brain Revolution) guidance to the parents, basic course.
Considering the points mentioned above and in order to help parents in nurture of their kids till age 7, Manashakti offers guidance through training courses for last over 30 years. The three days programs conducted in main center and the workshops at main and outstation local centers have trained thousands of curious parents till now. The efforts are appreciated by parents and the events are very popular. All the events are conducted as part of social service at no profit, no loss basis.
course (Mendu kranti, brain revolution) is specially meant for parents having
kids between 1 and 7 years.
seen, the state of brain changes every seven years. The first stage of brain
development is seven years after birth. The efforts taken to nurture the kids
in this phase help them all along their lives. These children have a great
understanding power and receptivity, and the ignorance towards them can invite
various problems. This course offers detailed guidance regarding the steps to
achieve physical, psychological and intellectual development of the child as
well as the right approach to be taken as parents in this process.
must have emotional intelligence and understanding to raise child properly.
Being mother & father is easy but being parents is bit difficult. But it is
equally true that efforts in right direction can make parenting easy and
enjoyable. At Lonavala, Manashakti conducts 3 day study camp that help parents in the
proper emotional development of a child.
Mendu-Kranti (Brain Revolution) – Advance
2-days advance study course is meant for parents of kids between 1 and 7 years
of age; and only for those parents who have previously attended the basic
Mendu-kranti course as above. A rational parenting approach for it is discussed
in this course.
How to nurture kids?
Various experiments for kids explaining how to make the kids participate in
such experiments
Unique action plans (activities) for kid's brain development
Achieving emotional & social development in kids
Guide lines for rational parenting
Communication skills for parents etc.
work shop is also designed for the parents who would not be able to spare more
Mind Machine tests are available to find out
aptitude/interests/ inclination of children. For better nurture impact, parents
must do self-analysis to bring changes in own behavior. Parents are told some
simple tricks to do this. If the parents endeavor to assess the inherent
tendency or inclinations of the child in these early years, then probably they
can help him for proper career or learning discipline in the later years.
Books. A
number of relevant books and Mind-Body machine tests are available at
Manashakti for the help of parents and children. The details can be seen from
the website: manaashakti.org.
Efforts in the next stage.
have seen briefly how to take care of our young children in their early years.
Second important stage in development of child is 8 to 14 years of age. This
period is of transformation from childhood to youth. Also it is an important
period that shapes personality. In next article let’s discuss what to do for
this age group.
R. Joshi,