Thursday, July 7, 2016


Hell. Heaven Rebirth and Moksha.

(Refer to article no 1 in this series)

Sir Charles Sherrington (Noble Prize Winner) says – Mind is energy, Birth is energy transformation. He asserts with admirable courage and explains – Mind seems to emerge from no mind (during birth of a child from a small embryo). So conversely at death, it seems to re-emerge into no-mind.

“We die only when are ready to die”. From ‘Will to Live; by Dr. Hutschnecker.

एकोहम बहु स्याम” "I am One, let “Me” become many!" as per the advaita doctrine (Rev. Adi Shankaracharya), the birth of the Universe is by the will of Devine mind. The universe is itself the manifestation of the Divine Mind, which willed.

Suffering of the Mind after death. 

In order to understand and ascertain the status of the mind which departs from the body at the moment of death, it is important to understand the mind’s journey from birth to death and conditioning of the mind during this whole journey. Above figure gives the process of formation of the destiny from start to the end of life.

At the moment of conception the mind associates itself with the matter and new life begins. What could be the reason the mind opts to take birth? Obviously for some desire it needs to get associated with the matter. This desire is to acquire the status of being, to have an existence! Because to fulfill the desire, the bodily existence is necessary
Two cells, one each from mother and father unite to form the conceived cell. This conceived cell has to have different mind than the parent cells as the child’s mind is entirely distinct/different from its parents. Here we may say that the existence-seeking mind (non-matter) uses the matter from parents to complete its desire.

This association of mind with the body has to be as per the desire of the mind which wants to take birth.  One may object this and say that this could be considered the desire of parents also to give birth to a child.

Yes it can be so. But for every sexual association the parents may have, there is no conception. (The detailed discussion on this subject is available in the book “SUPER PROCREATION” pages 57-63, in the topic “Conception and Mind”. This book is published by Manashakti, author is G.S.Kelkar).
The desire of seeking mere “existence” later converts in to the “desire of existence with pleasure and comfort”. We have already discussed the aspect of ‘Desire’ in details. The end-less aspirations of materialistic pleasures keep the mind surrounded all through the life till the arrival of the last moment.
The concept of total detachment (akarma), one ness with the God/Spirit, highest level of self-realization are seldom achieved. At death the mind has to leave the body with un-fulfilled desires.

What happens after death?

After death, emotions and capacity to crave or think goes with mind. But Mind does not possess body, the means for full-filling its craving.

Thus for example, man's sex urge is not gone, but means to satisfy it is absent. Condition is unimaginably worse. More so because a person can visualize his wife or other representative of a fair sex but cannot do any further. If one has won sex feeling, it is no more one's peril.
What is true to sex is true of all emotions. (Here, it may be noted that seeing is not the function of ‘eye’ but mind sees through the means of the eye.)

Take one more case of emotion say affection. Affection has 3 aspects. Man has affection on himself, he likes sweets. After death he will see sweets all over, but cannot eat.  Man loves his wife, whom he sees weeping. He too then boils within, having no communicating system to advise her. On the other hand, if he witnesses, her faithlessness, he is doubly disillusioned and tortured.

To the extent to which man wins his emotions here and now, he saves himself from future pangs. None could say he will not be troubled even if he has won 90% of sex feeling, since he will have 10% trouble left mathematically.

Indeed, our pain in extra-mundane form is inversely proportional to pleasure in this stride. No escape.
During life the man hankers after desires-pleasures running down of his pulse, heat, energy. He spends his energy and gets pleasure. If to give out the energy is pleasure, to gain energy must be pain. In practice to cash a currency note of $100 for its running down to $60 would mean pleasure and while earning rupee by rupee, or dollar by dollar will be hard efforts/displeasure.

Suffering after death (as torturous activity)

One thing to be made clear here is "hell" or  "heaven" are not the places or locations but they are the experiences or situations where mind lands.

Scientific 'hell'.

During life man uses umbrella or a cap as protection from rain and sun. After death, mind - the entity smaller than even light quanta is open to high and low temperature change. No protection. It will feel it as just a 'hell'. But a poor (not possessing a cap/umbrella) who is accustomed to rain, sun and hard environments has no such additional torture.

The craving rich does not perceive this. Umbrella, car, fan are not sufficient for him. He is getting himself air-conditioned. Still worse tomorrow. Thus the mind of a person accustomed to comforts is likely to feel more pain in the stage after death.

Dis-association with body does not mean non-existence

Mind-energy i.e. "capacity to beat less than 60 per minute" takes with it its personal (un-fulfilled) desires. And so far they are not disassociated, it is no use saying that the mind will continue to be happy in the hither-to-disliked surrounding. It is as wise as an argument as by a man that he is safe, when he has entered in a tiger's cage to save himself from the freed tiger. No doubt, the man locked in cannot be touched by the tiger, but it is absurd to imagine that the man will ever feel the surrounding safe.

Like or dislike was not the consideration of the body, but of mind. If mind during life i.e. "capacity to beat 72 per minute" has no courage to face its dislike, from where would the courage appear when "capacity" is reduced?

Our analysis of mental agonies is true in any case. There is no use rejecting the "painful agonies" after death only because none can concretely 'show' a living man his condition in non-living state. And here too dreadful dreams serve as enough red signal, if one wants to take hint. When I see my hand cut by sword in dream, the pain that I experience is true at that hour. Boast of its falsity is a whitewash after the so-called awakening. If logic is not one's true teacher why should 'New Way' deny one to learn from your own experience? 

During life, pulse rate was reduced from 150 to 60. It was our pleasure. After death, the span in which 60 steps up again to 150, the period cannot be but of pain as a reverse process.

To the extent of the gravity of pain suffered by the departed mind, the Hell can be graded in 7 levels in ascending order. The pain level would be the lowest at grade 1. While it would be highest at the level 7. Similarly the Heaven being the stage of relative comfort, the grades would be in the reverse order as against the grades of hell. This means grade 1 hell is the 7th grade heaven and grade 7 hell would be the grade 1 heaven, (illustrated in the figure).

 Remedy reaction:

'New Way' (Manashakti Ashram) suggests that since man cannot give up all his ideas of selfish pleasures, all of a sudden, let him begin earnestly. Instead of acting for 'ease' which results in 'disease' let man learn to react on own self. Spend 6.25% money time, energy in spread of new knowledge to experience a miracle. ('Enjoy' 6.25% bitter.).

Potentiality of rebirth phenomenon cannot be ruled out. On the other hand, it is not a must. If there is not left any alluring appetancy (intense desire, appetite, natural tendency) and avidity (greediness, eagerness, etc.), the mechanism of reincarnation loses its applicability as well as significance. The left over intensive desires and greedy tendencies (of the mind) may be fulfilled in the eventuality of next birth. Repetition of birth perhaps affords opportunity to learn the ultimate truth in instalment. The ultimate truth which says that vain (excessive egoistic) human deep desires (yearnings) can never be fulfilled.
For the one, who realizes the truth in a single span (life) the rebirth becomes redundant. From the series of articles under this title, it can be summarized that “Birth, Death and Life after death - All are based on the desire of Mind”. To make the death moment peaceful mind has to be trained throughout life.

Vijay R. Joshi,

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