Thursday, January 7, 2016

Birth, Death and Life after death (KNOW YOUR DEATH - 1)

Birth, Death and Life after death - All at the desire of Mind.

What is life? When does it start? When does it end? What happens after it ends? What is the process of rebirth, Moksha or Maha-Nirvana ?

Some of these questions often arise in our mind. Swami Vijnananand has rationally answered these questions in his book “Know your Death”. Also there is a seminar available at Manashakti main center Lonavala (India) where these concepts are lucidly explained.

Mind (or spirit) is an energy which provides ability of doing activities / motion to the body. As long as the mind is associated with the body the condition of “life” exists.

Birth would be the moment of this association and death the moment of dissociation. How do we ascertain these moments with certainty? What must be happening at these vitally important moments of our life?

Relatively it is easier to decide the moment of death. What happens at the time of death? How do we describe the death of a person?  We say:

He departed from his body.
His spirit left.
He breathed his last.
The flame of life extinguished. Etc. etc.

In short death is separation of body from the mind-energy. Logically then, birth would be the moment of this association. This takes place at the moment of conception, the point from which the life energy gets associated with the conceived cell. This cell then starts collecting new cells and form a body to take birth later at the appropriate time.

Mind Energy (Mind Power)

Mind is an energy in the form of non-matter which “Swami Vijnananand” defines as 'transcending the velocity of light, the highest limiting speed of any matter'.
Do we have some idea about the magnitude of the Mind Power or the energy available in a life? We shall try to find this in terms of life and the energy associated with the life. Life begins at the moment of conception where the matter first time gets associated with the mind energy. Then the journey of life begins.

Life is the journey of motion.

Though generally it is believed that life begins at birth, it actually begins at conception, where it is set in motion. The motion continues till a person breathes last, when the motion in the body stops. In short, life is a journey of motion.
Lot of energy is required and released to perform various physical and mental activities from first to the last breath. Everybody, though varying, has given quantum of energy available for use in the life. Studying human energy management in detail, Swami Vijnananand has given some rational measurement for the life energy in his pioneering research on the human life. We will take a brief look at the measure of the magnitude of energy associated with the life which is Mind Power. But before that we should see the enormous un-measurable potential of the mind-energy.

Child Birth, a super-material effect:

If each intricate cell of an infant is to be fashioned by a skilled worker and if s/he would require a minute to create one cell. This means it will take five hundred thousand years to complete the task. Suppose even every person had to contribute a cell to make an infant, entire world population cannot even complete a tiny foot. However, every mother accomplishes this within her womb in 265 days.  How this is done? Science has only begun to perceive the complexity of the miracle. This is the miracle created by the energy associated with life.
(Ref. ‘Mind Power’, Manashakti publication)

Touch of life creates transformation in matter:   

A touch of life creates wonderful transformation in a tiny piece of matter.
Catalase is an enzyme in living protoplasm which accelerates the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. The reaction can be accelerated by inorganic iron too. But the action of iron is very weak. However, by uniting an iron with special organic substance “pyrrole”, we can make that reaction thousands times more effective. Catalase, a natural enzyme, also contains iron with pyrrole, but its action is about ten millions times stronger because it contains additionally a specific protein.

This specific (protein) difference makes a miracle. Catalyst power of one milligram of iron, contained in the catalase complex (of life full protoplasm), is equal to that of ten tones of inorganic iron. That is the miracle of a touch of life-energy to a matter.
(Ref. ‘Mind Power’, Manashakti publication)

Transcending mind power:

For all our advanced techniques, we have not yet approached the level of rationalism possessed by living nature. Touch of Life gives ten million times more strength to a tiny piece. This is a phenomenon which science has not been able to explain so far. This transcendental power is called mind.

Each mind is unique, so are different its desires, strength and potential, also energy associated with it. Though external energy at physical level could be common to an extent for most human beings, total energy certainly varies from person to person considering the individual mind power.

Example - A billionaire and a middle class person travelling pay the same fare for a plane journey (visible paying capacity for that instance may be the same) while their spare wealth quantum differs, as they deserve.

While absolute total life energy cannot be accurately measured, there are some rational measures for external one. We will take a look at Swamiji’s estimation of external energy.

Life Energy: external measure

We have seen that human body is constantly in motion from birth to death. Thus the motion can be considered as the basis for measure of the life energy. There are a number of motions associated with various body systems. The easiest measurable body motion is pulse rate / heart rate which varies from age to age.
Medical text books provide us with the measure of motion, attributable to a living person during the span of life. The medical books say, that three months prior to birth, average normal pulse rate (pulse beats) is at 150 per minutes. At birth, it is 120 and nearing the age of death (advanced old age), it is gradually reduced to 60 per minute, on an average.

Thus, after birth, individual existence can be mathematically defined as capacity to beat the pulse at 120 per minute and proceed to the end when it is reached; reduced to 60 per minute. Thus right from the birth to old age there is reduction in the life energy. The process of aging begins from the first day.

An anticlimax of the pulse rising at a very old age does occur. Yet the same stems from reasons other than usual. Here, it might have occurred but for hardening of arteries or for the phenomenon of lamina shrinking. (Shrinking of cavity from where the blood flows). Other reasons that may account in this out-of-turn rise in pulse may be the loss of control on some organ or the other.
For special reasons pulse is recorded to be far below normal. Napoleon's pulse was said to be somewhere near 40. But the average as given above stands right for our basis.

At death, it is the mind that leaves body.

It is a planned retreat. It is our experience and it can be easily imagined, that the mind leaves body not because it is tired of the worldly desires to be enjoyed through body but because, the mind finds body damaged and so an inconvenient tool to enjoy. (Shall we add the death time declarations?)
In any case, leaving this argument to the exhaustive discussion in New Way Series, at the moment of death, the continuance of the capacity **3153600000 pulse-beats survives without any doubt. (This applies to normal death, the considerations for deaths due to accidents, suicide or voluntary departure by a Yogi from life by ‘Samadhi’ needs separate discussion, which can be provided separately).
We may just mention here that the state of the mind as it departs the body is vitally important to decide the future course of action.

**On an average the pulse-rate is 150/min (say 2.5 A), at prenatal stage, 120/min (2A) at birth, 70 to 80/min. at grown up age and 60/ min (A) at the old age (before death). In short, body motion decreases with increasing age and it is lowest just before death, although not zero.

Let’s consider (assume) average life of 60 years and 100/min. as an average pulse rate for the life span. 

**Based on this, the total energy can be calculated as follows.

 (100* x 60 minutes)       (24 hours)                 (365 days)                       (60* years)
----------------------      X      -----------        X    ----------------       X      --------------
         6,000                       144,000                525, 60 000                           315, 36,000

(* assumption, may vary from person to person).

As estimated above, the total typical average pulse energy during the life of 60 years is about 3.15 billion beats. Before the death moment there is a capacity to beat the pulse at 60/minute.
We have already suggested that these figures are hypothetical and arbitrary. These arithmetical values may better be taken algebraically. Nevertheless, the principle stands vindicated. If we designate algebraically value A to the surviving soul after death (A = 60 beats / min.), i.e. capacity 3153600000 pulse beats, '2A' will be value at birth with capacity 6307200000 pulse beats and '2.5A' (i.e. 7884000000 pulse beats three months prior to birth). Please note that the mind leaves the body at death when it has the capacity A.

Does the mind survive after death? Is it re-born?

The answer to the first part of the question is categorical ‘Yes’. As we have initially defined, Death is dissociation of body and mind. Body (matter) remains as corpse while the mind energy (non-matter) gets released. Now, the question is what happens to the left over capacity A or from where this 2.5 'A' comes from?

By first law of Thermodynamics nothing can come out of nothing. Therefore, the figure 150 (or algebraically figure 2.5 'A') must sometime be 149, 148, 147 and in far end sometime it must be 60 where we again meet the value 'A'.

In each individual case the values of A, 2A, and 2.5A may differ but the principle may stand vindicated.  After death the Mind has following options to choose. (Please see the figure above)

1.      To give up available energy A and go to zero. This is the concept of Maha-Nirvana.
2.      To earn additional energy from A to 2.5 A, and then opt for rebirth.
3.      To not to opt for birth and go on earning additional energy -endlessly up to infinity. This is the stage of Moksha.

As we say “Zero tends to infinity”, both the stages of Maha-Nirvana and Moksha are similar where the mind has given up the right of existence and merged itself in universal cosmic energy.
We have rationally examined the concepts of Birth, Life, Death, Rebirth, Maha-Nirvana, and Moksha. 

What must be the plight of the Mind after death before it chooses its options? We shall see this in the articles to follow.

Vijay R. Joshi.

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