Friday, June 26, 2015

DISEASE - CURE (Cure Your Self - 2)

Inequality of Man 

(Excerpts from book “Cure Yourself”, author Swami Vijnananand, S.V.)

          Medical scientists from the days of Hippocrates advocate controlled experiments. Criticizing the psychoanalysts, Dr. J. Ehrenwald, M.D., says, "If it means the setting up of a series of repeatable experiments whose outcome can be predicted; controlled psychoanalysis so far has fallen short of its objective". The experiments in medical science are unquestionably open to the cannonade of the same kind. The principle of self-contradiction of the learned doctor springs from the pre-supposition that equality is the code word of Nature and experiments are repeatable.

          A careful scrutiny reveals that it is far from facts. Animal experiments hardly give us a green signal to make our observations applicable to the whole human race.

Our imagination is stretched to a hazardous degree in first testing certain chemicals on rabbits and pigs and rats. Later, the hazard assumes unpardonable proportion when the same chemical is administered to men and women. The ingenuity of some wise brains to put all humanity at par is not supported by facts, howsoever adorable the objective is, in the domain of sociology. 

1.   Living in the latter part of twentieth century, concept of time space continuum envelops our mental frame. It is ridiculous to imagine existence of any two objects, exactly congruent. Science does not permit such feasibility nor does Nature lack capacity to reproduce innumerable variety.

George Gamov says, "If we consider the gene as one giant molecule built from a million atoms, the number of possibilities for arranging various atomic groups in different places within the molecule become immensely large". The estimated variety of such distribution is approximately 62,330,000,000,000, according to Gamov and on completion of the calculation he is pleased to add a comment, "Thus we can see the number of different combinations that can be obtained by redistribution of different 'pendants' among various 'suspension-places' in long organic molecules is certainly large enough to account not only for all the varieties of known living forms but also for the most fantastic non-existent forms of animals and plants which can be created by our imagination".

2.   Theodosius Dobzhansky, professor of Columbia University and the famous Russian researcher in genetics, supports this with equally emphatic arithmetic. Concluding a long argument he observes, "The number 21000 is easy to write but is utterly beyond comprehension. Compared with it, the total number of electrons and protons estimated by physicists to exist in the universe is negligibly small! It means that except in the case of identical twins no two persons now living, dead, or to live in the future are at all likely to carry the same complement of genes. Dogs, mice and flies are as individual and unrepeatable as men are. The mechanism of sexual reproduction, of which the recombination of genes is a part, creates ever new genetic constitutions on a prodigious (huge) scale".

3.   Our talk of equal organisms is rested on a shaky similarity and support.

A Russian biologist narrates his experience in "Land of Bloom", a Moscow publication. On page 314, we read, "In Michurin's orchard I saw two mountainous ash trees. An ordinary one, and one grown by Michurin. The one bred by Michurin did not seem to be in any way different from the ordinary one. When, however, you taste the fruit of the ordinary one, it is sour, but the fruit of the Michurin tree is quite eatable. An enormous difference, a practical difference". Chromosomes cannot tell you anything about it, adds Lysenko.

4.   All the surgeons are apprised of the cases, where the persons manifest abnormal mental aptitude for committing suicide and yet on post-mortem table the brains look quite normal, under the microscope.

5.   Dr. Arnold Hutschnekar, M.D., reflects, "Before we are misled into dividing the human race arbitrarily into two categories, however, let us keep in mind that man with his complexities does not lend himself to simple classification. Each of us has his differences, from every other. To press any of us into a preconceived, rigid, scheme, however logical, is an affront to our uniqueness".

6.   Dr. Barnett admits, "Man, like most animal and plant species, reproduces sexually; his genes are consequently, as we have seen, recombined in new groups at each fertilization, and, apart from uniovular twins, each individual is genetically unique. We know that there is no good evidence for innate psychological differences between races. Despite this, there is certainly much genetically variation within each human group. The subject of innate inequality has become peculiarly confused with the political question of equality of opportunity. Despite the magnificent prose and the admirable intentions of the American Declaration of Independence, it is not true that all men are created equal".

7.   Still more practical examples, in more concrete form, can be obtained in the study of cases handled by Dr. Breakstone. He treated Siamese twins to find that even when the two organisms were joined bodily, the infection was not necessarily common. Evidently, when a medical researcher gives a chemical compound to a group of hundred human guinea-pigs, it is not necessarily a corollary that the effect produced on another group of hundred people, will be a carbon copy. For, the results in the first group themselves have a doubtful value, being recorded without properly ascertaining correlated causation.

The most interesting experiments were conducted in Britain, revealing that not only have different examiners given widely different marks to the same paper, but the same examiner has given different marks when presented with the same paper on different occasions. For instance, in English, the difference was that between failure and distinction.

8.   One more outstanding case. Ritchie Colder, Chairman of the British Association of Science Writers, experiment conducted on "healthy persons under the same circumstances" as the experiment was conducted in a jail on 53 convicts who were to face death. They "volunteered" themselves to cancer experiments. It was noted that the reactions were not universal at all.

In Nature, inequality reigns supreme. Banking on the reactions evidenced on a group in a particular manner, it is preposterous to prognosticate or lay down the course adoptable by the rest of the universe. In theory it is contradictory, in practice it is unconvincing.

An Analysis of Experiments in Hospitals, Jails, etc.

          My (Swami Vijnananand) own experiments also lend support to the concept of universal inequality. After obtaining due permission from private hospitals and from Government, I collected considerable information. Additionally, I myself conducted some experiments. These were carried out in jails, mental hospitals, general hospitals and at other places.  The following charts/tables are available in chapter-3 of the book 'Cure Yourself”, written by Swami Vijnananand, (S. V.).

 Emotion Measurement Chart.
 Pain Measurement Chart.
 Death Convict Emotion Chart.
 Peak Emotion: Comparative Table.
 Approximate Table of Electric Potential from Brain.
 Beggar T.B. Analysis.

These findings support the following conclusions:

1.   Every individual is uniquely endowed with emotional combination peculiar to him. Therefore it is not imperative at all to carry on research in this direction, since our premise is not based on mass-scale standardization, channelization or grouping of human race. We may, if we so desire, resort to classification, always remaining in doubt of its certainty.

2.   When the pulse-rate does not show variation despite variation in a particular emotion, it may only mean that the degree of variation is not measurable by any available apparatus.

3.   The strength of emotional set-up of an individual varies in variety and proportion. In fact, the permutation-combinations arising from countless grades in emotion create all the individuality. The varying grades account for inequalities that exist in the universe.

4.   Death Convict Emotion Chart indicates that even after it has been pronounced that death has occurred by any standard available, the process of life goes on for some time. When to us and to the world the person is dead, when the individual is considered unconscious, certain life processes do continue forcing us to accept that "inward" consciousness continues-or that, while outward consciousness has ceased to function, consciousness has been directed inward. In this strict sense, the moment of genuine death should be located a little while after the supposed physical death because, at any rate for some moments after it, there must continue to exist some life beyond human measurements. Indeed, Sir Arthur Keith arrives at an identical conclusion while writing on the nature of death. This constitutes the real explanation of a type of news we sometimes read in newspapers of a man's 'revival' after his certified death. The experiments conducted in Negovky's laboratory prove that under protective inhibition of the vulnerable cortex, cells can survive the adversities of defunct blood circulation for about five minutes if not more. Experiments in Russia of patients regaining life after virtual death only reflect our delusion about real moment of death.

5.   Peak Emotion Comparative Table indicates that pulse variation can reach a point of limit when under a stress of emotion. The same maximum point can be reached by another person entirely under the spell of different emotion.

6.   EEG Table "E" throws light on the findings as to how the pulse-rate differs in case of movements in brain. The table reveals how apparently inactive state may mean motion in the sense, physics should take its cognizance.

For obvious reasons in every case reported, due care is taken not to disclose the identity of persons or patients concerned. The list of reasons is long and every cultured researcher subscribes to their validity: Government rules, decency, the will of the patients concerned, and so on. In the first chart the method of evoking an emotion is not specially mentioned, as that is not much relevant. One can fall back on multifarious methods. All cases herein reported are entirely based on first hand or authentic information. In fact, very often the doctors in charge and in whose presence I conducted the experiments have affixed their signatures. In some cases the medical authorities actually assisted me where complicated apparatus or operation was involved.

I should point out further that these charts and tables form only part of the huge material collected by me over a decade. This material includes the measure charts indicating human behavior, in naval and air services, in administrative posts, in mines; they include members of the business hierarchy, philosophers and a number which fall under various classifications learned and non-learned. It is far from necessary for the present purpose to reproduce each and every variety of information. Our conclusions, suffice it to say, are thoroughly corroborated by the information here presented as a cross-section of our research findings.

(To be continued)

Vijay R. Joshi.

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