Tuesday, June 16, 2015

DISEASE - CURE (Cure Your Self - 1)

General conclusions we arrived at:

(Excerpts from book “Cure Yourself” author Swami Vijnananand, S.V.)

Conclusions precisely based on facts, figures, logic and scientific experiments.

Two previous works, Death of Disease and Cure without Medicine, amply demonstrate how the medical schools violate the fundamental laws of science. This has been discussed in the previous blogs on “Cure – Disease” series. In the spirit of a true scientist, the medical practitioner should ferret out (discover) even if his trodden path happens to be a mistaken one.

In this treatise (Title: “Cure Yourself”), we shall discuss the rest of the problems that confront various medical schools and see if the patient can pragmatically help himself.

          Again, before drafting a full character of freedom from disease ‘the main task of this work’, it seems essential to recapitulate the general conclusions we arrived at in our previous work in this NEW WAY Series, viz., Death of Disease,  and  Cure without Medicine.

1.   Foundations need to be flawless. Nothing can be considered valuable which lacks the fundamentals.  All medical practitioners know it thoroughly well that their respective pathies offer no answers to fundamental problems in connection with disease, nutrition and protection. Masters of medicine admit this sorry plight of their science; evidence endorses the truth of this allegation.

2.   Where day-to-day practice is concerned, the practitioners subscribing to any pathy whatsoever do treat most of the ailments they come across and proceed to cure ALL diseases. May be they really lack knowledge of disease in its perspective, may be they ignore their ignorance for personal benefit, or  the dominance of ego leads them to act as they do.

3.   Of course, individually, each pathy contains partial truth. The degree of truth content varies from one to another: some have more truth in them, others less.

4.   No disease can possibly be cured unless the mind, too, is properly treated. The current media of treatment, psychotherapy not excluded, indulge in the common but serious error of "standardizing" their way of analysis and/or of treatment. Essentially, we must successfully isolate the H.C.F. (Highest Common Factor) of cause and cure of disease.

5.   The joint consideration of body and mind alone leads to correct diagnosis. But, lest we forget, the mind controls the body. Even eminent doctors subscribe to the view that 90% of diseases originate in the mind.

6.   Howsoever debatable the nature of the mind, for the purpose being discussed in these pages by focusing attention of certain undeniable properties of the mind, "visible expressions of the mind" we arrive at a sufficiently good starting point. Reason indicates the visible expression of the mind to be emotions, primarily six.

7.   Emotions reign supreme, not for a moment can we remain conscious without the presence of emotions.

8.   This necessarily leads to the conclusion that the H.C.F. (Highest Common Factor) of human agony is emotions. Consequently all diseases are strictly individual, diseases cannot be eradicated by treating them ad hoc, but only at an individual level by equalizing (balancing) emotions. The practicable modus operandi for equalization of human emotions is shown by the science of Recipropathy.  This approach is equally applicable to any one of the six primary emotions: envy, greed, ego, anger, sex, affection, as also for the secondary ones like fear, anxiety etc.

9.   An analytical approach to the claim put forth by modern medical schools, viz. that disease is on the decline, discloses the stark truth, the invalidity of the claim. Disease, far from decreasing, is in reality on the scent.

Discussing the role of emotions in disease and whether we could establish a link between our hypothesis and science, we went on with our quest in 'Cure Without Medicine'. We found emotions do act on the body, or in other words give pain of diverse kinds to the body. On its part, the body concerned exhibits an accumulated reaction on emotions, which initiated the first action. This reaction we term disease, almost invariably accompanied by pain.

10.         We then took liberty with mathematics and worked out a proposition that where PV equals pulse variation and other corresponding actions in their totality that take place in body, E is the emotion in question and D stands for disease. Now we all know that PV is always present only in the conditions of emotion and disease.

                      E  =  PV
                      D  =  PV
                      E  =  D

We arrived at the conclusion: state of emotion is state of disease.

11. Emotions are identical with untruth and ultimately with disease. To mitigate the menace of disease, "Truth" can be a tool that can serve as the means as well as the end. The entire exposition is supported by scientific logic, page after page.

At least in medical science we cannot afford to ignore this forewarning. A theoretical assertion in physics or chemistry does not vitally affect a commoner immediately, but in medical science it does. Being faithful to the revelation, scientists in medical field should hesitate to advocate their conclusions, which ultimately misguide the public at large. If no organism in the interstellar space is cast in the same mold, what right has the medical researcher to apply his inferences in case of one individual, to another individual? An inquiry into the details of this dilemma is warranted.  In natural course, the quest will bring the truth to the surface.

(To be continued ..)

Vijay R. Joshi.

1 comment:

  1. very beautifully explained ! e=pv, d=pv therefore d=e- Shirish Samarth
