Medicine Defies Evolution
from book “Cure Yourself” author Swami Vijnananand, S.V.)
Prior to expanding our new
theory, it is intended to put the modern medicine to one more test.
Provided the process of evolution contains a germ of truth, its corollaries and logic
compel us to discard modern medicine. Modern medicine, then, becomes devoid of
hope of attaining perfection any time in future. Rather, truth in the theory of
evolution steers us towards understanding that every time we insert curing
organisms in our body, we suppress the ailment only to invite it more
aggressively at a later date. It is as risky as purchasing commodities against
a cheque when one has no hope of depositing adequate amount in the bank.
The following facts throw more
light in studying the above problem.
The rate of bacterial growth: The rate of growth at the level
of bacteria is proverbial.
Antibody and antigen: The definitions of antibody and
antigen are provided as under: "An antibody is any substance which makes
its appearance in the blood-serum or body fluids of an animal, in response to
the stimulus provided by the parental introduction of an antigen into tissues,
and reacts specifically with that antigen in some observable way. An antigen is
any substance which, when introduced parenteral into the animal tissues,
stimulates production of an antibody,
and which, when mixed with that antibody, reacts with it in some observable
Dr. Adler offers a pungent explanation when he
says, "This definition implies that (1) no antibody is present before the
introduction of an antigen, (2) the antibody appears after parenteral
introduction of the antigen, and (3) it reacts with this antigen only".
Antibody stimulated by specific
species: Each species of parasites gives
rise to a specific antibody only.
Work of antibody: In the work "Virus and Man" we come
across the following narration, "When a virus particle is coated or
blanketed with attached antibody it is no longer capable of infecting new
cells. If it does enter a cell it is mopped up like any inert foreign particle.
The net effect of an adequate dose of antibody is that the infection involves
only those cells which had already been invaded and goes no further".
Work of Antibiotics: At this stage, let us turn our
attention to antibiotics. Since 1943, world has much rejoiced over the power of
destruction of harmful bacteria invested in antibiotics. After a period of a
decade of self-complacency it is coming to light that even harmless bacteria
are not completely destroyed by penicillin. Repeated evidence is available to
proclaim that no dosage can kill the bacteria wholesale and that there
inevitably are certain survivors. When bacteria in the ailing body are killed,
there are a few bacteria, though rendered ineffective at that moment.
This process holds well whether
bacteria are classed as harmless or as injurious. Dobzhansky in 'The Genetic
Bases of Evolution' observes, "Evolutionary changes of the type described
in colon bacteria have been found in recent years in many other bacterial
species. The increasing use of antibiotic drugs in medical practice has made
such changes a matter of considerable concern in public health. As penicillin,
for e.g. is used on a large scale against bacterial infections, the strains of
bacteria that are resistant to penicillin survive and multiply, and the
probability that they will infect new victims is increased. The mass
application of antibiotic drugs may lead in the long run to increased incidence
of cases refractory to treatment. Indications exist that this has already happened
in some instances. In certain cities penicillin-resistant gonorrhea has become
more frequent than it was.
So, with few exceptions, resistant
must appear: Obviously evolution of resistant can take
place if Nature provides supply of mutants to choose from. However, in
practice, Nature rarely runs short of supply. More cardinal factor is a
scientist's inability to control the discretion of Nature. Consequently,
success of a physician in EACH CASE depends on Nature. The scientist in such
circumstances is, and always remains, a tool of Nature; an extremely damaging tool at that. For
leaving the theoretical discussion, in practice, almost invariably we find at
least a few surviving mutants. Demerce found frequency of mutation was one per
billion. But even this one in a billion is inherent danger to the host,
considering the stupendous speed of its multiplication within a few hours.
Penicillin must be harmful: When doctors are blamed for use
of penicillin, the poor community of doctors, at least looked at from this
isolated aspect, is not so much intentionally dangerous. Physicians are
conditioned to feel that penicillin is a wonder-drug.
The learned doctor inadvertently
overlooks the observation that even if there are few survivors under the
influence of antibiotics, through these survivors as a necessity the patient is
obliged to invite a danger in future. The temporary relief bears seeds of super
Man has caused this danger to
himself from within and without in as much as he uses these killers to keep his
house clean. To quote Dobzhansky, "DDT was a remarkably effective poison
for houseflies when first introduced less than 10 years ago. But already
reports have come from places as widely separated as New Hampshire, New York,
Florida, Texas, Italy and Sweden that the DDT sprays in certain localities have
lost their effectiveness. What has happened, of course, is that strains of
houseflies relatively resistant to DDT have become established in these
localities. Man has unwittingly become an agent of a selection process which
has led to evolutionary changes in housefly populations".
Apparently useful, potentially
disastrous: The reader
need entertain no misgiving whether or not surviving virus creates disease. Dr.
Burnet has himself admitted, that "new virus diseases most frequently
arise by emergence of a mutation in some virus that survives in the
hosts". Scientists give us one more alarming confession. Assuming
penicillin tends to be beneficial to a patient, the price for this short-term
relief too is enormously heavy, since the biotic kills the specific bacteria
only to set free other variety of awful organisms unrestrainable by penicillin.
Practitioners do admit the contingency. Dr. Walker concedes,
"Pasteur, the great discoverer of the part played by micro-organisms in
human illness, looked forward to the day when all pathogenic bacteria would be
destroyed and when mankind would be immune from ineffective diseases forever,
but it is extremely unlikely that this day will ever arrive for infective
diseases belong to phenomena on a very large scale. They are not, therefore,
things of trivial importance in the general economy of life on this planet, as
Pasteur believed them to be, but are events of the very greatest importance.
Humanity will undoubtedly improve its defense against ineffective illnesses in
the future, but it is unlikely that it will ever free itself entirely from the
onslaughts of pathogenic organisms".
the laws of evolution, acknowledging their validity, understanding that a drug
invites more harm than it eradicates, one who continues its use must either be
insane or a knave.
(To be continued)
Vijay R. Joshi