MYTH CONCEPTION 1: ONLY MATTER MATTERS.(Ref. Book – Excerpts from Spontaneous Evolution, Authors: Bruce H. Lipton and Steve Bhaerman)
As repeatedly propagated by
Swami Vijnananand, we have been mentioning in these blogs the role of
mind and the importance and inevitability of mind's role for
inclusion in the scope of science. Such opinions are echoed by a few
scientists and thinkers in the 21st century. Next few
blogs to follow cover these topics.
order to examine why the materialistic attitude has been created
among the scientists, we need to review the milestones of the science
journey in the past.
Aristotle and other thinkers:
the interference of church in the life proved mysterious and
troublesome, the revolution based on the rational, logic based
thinking got initiated in the society. The book ‘On the revolution
of heavenly spheres’ by Copernicus created first challenge to the
church’s authority in 1543 and marked the advent of modern
scientific revolution.
mission statement of science that time meant to “To gain an
understanding of the natural order so that we can live in harmony
with it”. The present (21st century?) mission of the science
appears to be “To obtain knowledge that can be used to control
and dominate nature”. (This is how the modern medicine controls
the disease).
the scientific method involves making observation and measurements,
creating explanatory hypothesis, and conducting experiments designed
to test the hypotheses. The results of the experiments are then used
to refine the hypothesis so they become more predictive of the
experimental results. In the end predictability is the primary
hallmark of the scientific truth.
Descartes further called for completing the scientific reforms. He
boldly suggested throwing out the existing ancient Greek beliefs and
replacing them with verifiable truths. ‘Doubt everything’ said
Descartes. That time the science search was only restricted to
matter. The concept of invisible energy, matrix – which modern
quantum physicist named “the field” and which Einstein later
attributed as “the sole governing agency of matter” – was not
clearly accessible to scientific observation at the time of Newton
and Descartes.
the parameters of the scientific method unavoidably limited science
to the studies of the physical material world. By narrowing its focus
of study and determining the non material concepts, such as spirit
and mind which were out of the box of analytical science, these
elements of the invisible realm were happily left to the church not
subjected to the rigid rules of physical science. Thus science
officially acquired the status of scientific materialism.
truce of distributing the ownership of matter to the science and that
of non-matter to the church and creating separate kingdoms though
suited to science at that time, the bad effects of negligence of
science towards the spiritual realities of life are clearly seen
than viewing the universe as controlled by spiritual forces,
scientists pursued the notion that the Universe was a physical
machine. To them the planets, stars, plants, and animals were merely
mechanical gears in a giant clockwork mechanism.
supported the notion that God created the machine, they also believed
that once the machine was set in motion, God was not personally
involved in day-to-day operation.
the great contribution of Newton to science established the
mechanics, (also known as physics) of the Universe and substantiated
the Descartes theory.
the 1700s, three main tenets of Newtonian philosophy have shaped how
scientists approached their study of the Universe.
- Materialism: Physical matter is the only fundamental reality. Rather than dealing with unseen vital forces or spirits (viz. mind) science need to study and understand only visible physical parts. Simply stated: “All that matters is matter”.
- Reductionism: To understand anything, take it apart and study its pieces.
- Determinism: We (scientists) can predict and control the outcome of natural processes. An outcome can be predicted by the linear progression of the discrete (distinct, separate) events.
the end of 19th century the entire material universe
rested on foundation of irrefutable Newtonian truth. In fact that
time physicists were so pleased with themselves that they publicly
acknowledged that the science of physics was complete and there was
nothing more to learn. But later cracks in the mechanical world view
started arriving.
Cracks to Materialism:
- Investigation by German physicist Wilhelm Concard Roentgen of X-rays.
- Detection of electron by Sir Joseph John Thompson and findings of Max Plank.
- Einstein postulated the existence of Photons (1905).
- Louis-Victor de Broglie later confirmed hypothesis that all particles of matter should also behave as non-material waves.
- The particle-verses-wave confusion was eventually resolved with advent and establishment of Quantum Mechanics.
showed that atoms are actually not made out of matter but consist of
non-material energy. Today it is fully established that physical
atoms are comprised of a menagerie (collection) of sub-atomic units
such as quarks, bosons, and fermions.
to “Reductionism”:
demonstrated that some events cannot be linear cause-effect reaction
but seem to occur simultaneously as a part of inter-acting energy
matrix called “The field”. In order to understand the nature of
the Universe, we must abandon reductionism and, instead, turn to
holism, where-in everything interacts with everything else.
of quantum physics also dispenses with the notion of determinism. The
doctrine that all events, including human choices and decisions, are
predicted on a specific sequence of causal reaction that adhere to
natural law. Simply stated, the determinism proposed that, with
enough data, we can predict the future. Heisenberg theory of
uncertainty applies to any two conjugate (joined together, coupled)
variables such as position and velocity, time and energy, or angle of
rotation and angular momentum. The theory implies that the
measurement of one variable results in the disturbance of its
conjugate partner, so that both variables can never be accurately
predicted at the same time.
of matter uncertainty: Not only Heisenberg theory is direct
affront (open insult) to determinism, it also suggests that the
existence of matter is itself, an uncertainty.
is the predicament we find our self in if we try to make sense of our
world by only focusing on material realm (dominance).
Einstein meant was that the field is the Universe’s energy matrix
that governs all matter. He also said that “There is no place in
this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field
is the only reality”.
many people tenaciously (firmly) hang onto the illusion of material
reality. After a century passed, in spite of the Einstein’s
establishing the mass-energy equation, it is hard to reconcile with
such attitude of the so-called scientists.
Interestingly, the invisible energy field that shapes matter, as
defined by quantum physicist, has the same characteristics as the
invisible shaping fields that meta physicians define as “Spirit”.
Physics not negated (invalidated): Quantum physics is a larger
realm of awareness that includes and substantially adds to the
information provided by the Newtonian physics. Consequently, quantum
physics accounts for what was already known plus a whole new realm of
heretofore-unrecognized forces that control the unfolding of our
Science can’t have a Dogma.
the established science cannot prove the existence of ‘the field’
by their known methods, it can’t avoid acknowledging the power of
invisible field. We should open an entirely new field of inquiry and
challenge science to explore what it has previously ignored.
Conclusion :
It is the “non matter mind” which matters most. Swami Vijnananand (S. V.) has clearly stated that science can't reach to the TRUTH unless it opens its doors for the entry of 'MIND'.
R. Joshi.
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