Emotion, Truth, Disease.
from book “Cure Yourself”, author Swami Vijnananand, S.V.)
All unequal
members of the human race share equal knowledge of Truth. Allotment of Truth is
selfsame. For this purpose truth known to every member of society is replete. A
cup of water to the brim need not envy an overflowing tank. Since, even if what
is offered to the cup has no room where it can accommodate it.
Why is untruth voted for? A liar necessarily
clings to his version for a lap of luxury, for pleasing some emotion or the
Try to place this in terms of logic and mathematics:
truth there is no emotional outburst.
cause emotions.
cause disease (unease).
Untruths cause un-ease (disease).
Truth causes ease.
of instances already furnished, establish relation between emotion and disease.
One more quote is added only for ready reference. "The effect of emotions
on the adrenals is to produce higher blood pressure which favors the
development of arteriosclerosis and other diseases of circulatory system. The
thyroid is so much affected by mental depression that this emotion is mentioned
by scientists as one of the causes of myxoedema. The pituitary body is also
affected by emotions. Prof. Pel and others have noted cases of acromegaly after
violent emotion. Dr. Sajous has often pointed out this gland as the central
organ upon which all strong emotions react. The liver and kidneys are much
affected by emotions. Jaundice indicates the disturbance of the former whereas,
according to Clifford Albutt, many cases of interstitial nephritis can be
traced to mental emotions."
objective truth as subjectively known" as probable cause of cure, ranks
high and assumes top eminence in the eyes of respectable scientists.
Lister declares, "Next to the promulgation of
Truth, the best thing I can conceive that a man can do is the public
recantation of an error."
While replying a question reproduced in Part 14 of
"Outline of Modern Belief" Sir James Jeans says, "I think it
possible that the existence of suffering can be accounted for along the usual
ethical lines."
Alexis Carrel, the Nobel-prize winner asserts,
"No one can learn to distinguish right from wrong, and beauty from
vulgarity by taking a course of lectures. Morality, art, and religion are not
taught like grammar, mathematics, and history. To feel and to know are two profoundly
different mental states."
accentuating the correlation between emotion and ailment, he viewed, "Thus
envy, hate, fear, when these sentiments are habitual, are capable of starting
organic changes and genuine diseases. Moral suffering profoundly disturbs
health. Businessmen who do not know how to fight worry die young. The old
clinicians thought that protracted sorrows and constant anxiety prepare the way
for the development of cancer. Emotions induce, in especially sensitive
individuals, striking modifications of the tissues and humours.
The French
expression 'se faire du mauvais sang' is literally true. Thought can generate
organic lesions. The instability of modern life, the ceaseless agitation, and
the lack of security create states of consciousness which bring about nervous
and organic disorders of the stomach and of the intestines, defective nutrition
and passage of intestinal microbes into the circulatory apparatus. Colitis and
the accompanying infections of the kidneys and of the bladder are the remote
results of mental and moral unbalance. Such diseases are almost unknown in
social groups where life is simpler and not so agitated, where anxiety is less
constant. In a like manner, those who keep the peace of their inner self in the
midst of the tumult of the modern city are immune from nervous and organic
The depressing
anxiety of the man is: if he leaves untruth, nothing in life survives. This
bewildering anxiety reflects paradox of life, when openly we all talk of sanctity.
The celebrated scientist Sir Arthur Eddington apologizes, "One begins to
fear that after all our faults have been detected and removed there will not be
any of us left." This notion prevails in spite of the fact that, without
exception, all principal schools of philosophy and religion preach truth as ne
plus ultra value of life, existence of purified soul after death and so on.
If my
mind is non-matter, and if nothing can be destroyed from this universe
according to the law of conservation of energy, "I" cannot die. Purification of my mind during the life-span with the help of truth
enhances my chances of perpetually living in disease-free state.
Disease can
touch only the impure mind. The more unsullied it becomes, the more
disease-free state do I reach by the pure laws of science, mathematics and
logic. There should be no apprehension of the demon of death.
(To be continued)
Vijay R.
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