Visible Expression of Mind (Emotions)
(Excerpts from Death of Disease chapter 14).
1. ‘Emotions’
is visible expression of mind.
Every moment,
the mind of a person (which is invisible) expresses itself through his
emotions. Even a blind man can visualize the mind of the person standing
opposite and draw conclusions as regards the feeling of the anger, just from
the penetrating words being uttered. A deaf person merely looks at his neighbor
and even then one look enables him to see the greed of the person reflected
from his eyes. The reader reads a book and from the weight and feel of the
words reads the emotions of the author, though he might have never seen him. A
man cannot remain without emotions. An individual rests in chair and his face
may look calm, but in the minds emotionally he might be meeting his love, a
thousand miles away.
2. Six major emotions cause outward expression of Mind.
(a) Envy, (b) Greed,
(c) Ego, (d) Anger, (e) Sex, (f) Affection. One may be permitted to add or to
subtract from this list. As there are any number of shades of emotions from
person to person. Yet, for the present purpose, our main emphasis lies on the
aspect of expression of mind. Thus the variation of details in terms of the
description of emotions hardly matter. There is not moment in the conscious
life when we don't be under the effect of the swing of any emotion. We cannot
conceive a moment without thought and thought run only parallel to emotion.
3. Chemically our body changes every day.
As Donald
Cooley expresses in the book, 'The Science Book of Wonder Drugs',
"Biochemically, your body is never exactly the same from one split second
to another" (125 crores cells change/second). Then what remains constant
in man throughout his life? It is the individual made (personality) that
prevails with regards to proportion of emotions that go to make his mind. This
remains so, till mind itself in its natural process plans to change it.
The supremacy
or otherwise of one emotion over the other, and their relative effective force
differs from case to case. The difference in emotional set-up makes persons
distinct individuality. Therefore, given the same set of circumstances, various
person act differently. Thus, same situation may create stress for somebody,
for other it may not disturb at all.
Every 'disease'
therefore rests on some emotional basis which could be immediate or distant.
The link between emotions and disease is known to doctors. They do know that
blood pressure is connected with anger. Their only difficulty is that every
angry person may not go sick (with B.P.).
Sickness should be attributed to a specific proportion of
other emotions in the person concerned.
A disorder in the body does not spring up spontaneously.
Nature gives a man long rope before the person is finally hanged or
intermittently disabled by any disease.
Every (impact
of) emotion must be marking an ascending line on the graph of our physical
condition. Unfortunately, an attack of disease remains latent till it assumes
proportion of big red lined disease on the graph paper of our body.
4. We express our emotions through change in body motion.
Dr. Franz
Alexander says - "All our emotions we express through physiological
changes. Fear by palpitation of the heart, anger by increased heart activity,
elevation of B.P. and changes in carbohydrate metabolism, despair by deep
inspiration and expiration called sighing.
(The interaction with other people emotions. Emotions by act perceived
stimulation, which from brain work on body parts, muscles, glands, systems. And
then they are again visibly expressed in terms of our emotions as reaction to
all this process.)
cycle is from emotions to emotions)
5. Our unexpressed emotions also create disorder.
Dr. Kenneth
Walker shows that not only our expressed but our unexpressed emotion create
disorders in our body. For instance, the suppression of anger adrenalin and
sugar get poured into the body stream.
6. Inter-relation between emotion and disease.
Therefore, it
would be an absurdity to suppose that every emotion turns into visible disease.
It is equally illogical on the other hand, to suppose that disease, when
visible, should be linked with an immediate preceding cause.
link up a crude superficial cause effect relation brings no credit to the
modern day’s intelligence. If somebody gets his
leg broken, then the conclusion has to be that a broken leg must have relation
with past emotion - though apparently unknown.
(to be continued .. )
Vijay R. Joshi.
(to be continued .. )
Vijay R. Joshi.
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