Swami Vijnananand
provided guidance to the teenagers through series of discourses on
various subjects. In one such
series of discourses he talked about the behavioral aspects. Our mind is expressed through the behavior. “Why one
behaves in certain way” and “How should one behave in proper way” were the subjects covered. While dealing with
the human behavior, he related its origin to the process of evolution of mind. His views expressed in informal language
are summarized as
While we were thinking of ‘why do we behave like this?’ we explored various areas and said that we behave in that
manner because of our anatomy (the science dealing with the structure of animals and plants).
Human beings haven’t been born all of a sudden on the Earth. This progress is happening over a long period of time. Right
from that of the
smallest particles which were created in the world, from the time the
world came into existence the
progress took place in
minute steps.
Where is the root of a
child’s existence?
If you take this link
into consideration, you would realize that the stream of evolution
that is flowing over thousands of
millions of years, is
responsible for our behavior and also for child's existence.
How did evolution take
place? how did it happen? How human beings came into existence? Let
us try to explore with some
ogical thinking.
ogical thinking.
Newton has told how a stone behaves. But how does a human behave? That was told by Darwin. So remember, Darwin
is Newton of
Newton made mistakes, Darwin also made mistakes.
what was the
difference between Darwin and Lamarck?
It was that Lamarck unified Anthropology and Evolutionism. Darwin separated them
The contribution of Lamarck was also quite huge. Now, many people have begun agreeing with Lamarck’s views. We are
gradually getting more proofs supporting Lamarck even today, but still, there are more supporters on Darwin’s views.
We (New way philosophy)) are saying that the truth is even beyond this.
It won’t be
sufficient to study merely Neurology and Physiology. As we are of the
opinion that we should study psychology
too! While understanding the evolution process, we also have to bear in mind that the scientists of that era and many
scientists today have
accepted Darwin, between Darwin and Lamarck.
Darwin held the
opinion that , “Human being makes effort. He struggles while
doing efforts and if he succeeds in those
efforts, nature appreciates the success. Nature favors him (the human being). Favor meaning, it becomes gracious and
there is a chance of changes taking place in his body. And then those changes can reflect in his descendants.”
As per Darwin, first the human being has a desire, then he makes efforts for fulfilling the same. After this efforts, if the
nature accepts it and
if that effect is stable, then it enters into the descendants, in the
children. It means human beings
have achieved permanent
If it is so, then why the children of great people aren’t great?
Our conclusion should be that Darwin’s theorem is not sufficiently pervasive.
If the only rule in the
nature is that you gain strength while thrashing others, and you
live, expand your community and
develop further, and if only this much is written as the motive of the nature, you should say ‘ Go! close all the schools
down and start gymnasiums.’ Everyone is well-nourished and hence so strong
Everyone with a big
tummy, with both hands placed on it. “Come here and I will thrash
you.” But effect of it will only be
that everyone will be so swollen, so huge! How much will you swell? …Many time we have stated that comfort will eat you
up. Nature cannot have such a rule. (Rule which says “might is right”)
Why did Dinosaurs die? They died because of comfort; they died due to eating too much. The situation came when no
competition was left. Hence, if you restrict the meaning of ‘might is right’ as relating only to physical power, then it won’t
be correct. We should gather another proof. That is, it will be realized that the world is not sustaining merely by “Might is
Right”, nor has the world grown further by merely attacking others The species which came afterward haven’t grown by
merely killing each other; they have grown by helping each other as well.
Symbiosis: What does Symbiosis mean?
When crocodile wants
to eat flesh, the pieces of the flesh are stuck in its teeth. The
birds fly down from the trees. This
crocodile opens its jaw wide & sits in the sun, its mouth wide open. Then these birds come and they pick food from its
teeth. Now, the crocodile can easily eat up a number of birds by merely closing the jaw. But the crocodile doesn’t eat
them. Why so? It
certainly knows that someone is helping him. There we come across
symbiosis. Hence ‘might is right’
does not apply there.
Here the so called mighty one is tortured by that mere piece of flesh. Hence we state that the cooperation &
surrendering are also the two methods of evolution. It is called as symbiosis. That means the phenomenon of helping
each other.
If you want to build the life afresh, if you want to give new meaning to life, then you should be studying scientifically while
applying logic and
appropriate tools. Only then you would be able to do something
different. Remember, it is
not sufficient to know
how the world is. You should also understand how to change the world.
Almost all of the
scientists accept Darwin’s principle of evolution from one
perspective; maximum of them, not all of them,
but most of them. But again there are so many proofs against Darwinism.
Still Darwin is generally considered as a great man. Even critics call him a great man. There is a minority which considers
him to be an utter crook. So if you leave out that, we have to consider with a calm mind and should say that he was great.
He conducted deep study. He studied in detail. We have to accept him. When Darwin died, a woman in his neighborhood
had said: “This Darwin was not believing in God lately. Yet, he was such a nice person by nature that God will pardon him
after his death.”
He provided a new
direction to the world. That went wrong. That’s fine; you correct
it. But until the point that he took the
effort and made you say ‘His direction is wrong’ at least, he made you undertake a new study -- be thankful to him for this
at least!
You ought to be
thankful to Darwin. It doesn’t mean that ‘whatever Darwin does is
correct’. No, not because ‘Darwin says
Natural selection
functioned in combination with qualitatively new social-economic
factors but its importance grew less as
the role of the latter increased.”
It means that the
principle of natural selection, meaning ‘might is right’ was
there at the beginning of the world, but it
changed later.
Who changed it? He has
given an answer for the same below. He said, it was changed by human
beings who came later. A
community was created by humans. He has stated that many a times it is apparent that humans changed the nature.
Columbus discovered America. Then the natural selection ceased to remain a natural selection. Then what happened?
Mixed breeds of humans were created, hybrid races were produced. A few new sprouts were added to the human race
But my question is simple. You will get only contradictions. Why so? because you deny (the existence) of mind.
See what Darwin has stated “ But I was continually struck with surprise how closely the three natives on board H.M.S.
Beagle, who had lived some years in England and could talk a little English, resembled us in disposition and in most of our
mental faculties.” He says that the races or the communities weren’t produced unequally. Then what has happened? Then
races…meaning African is dumb, black. And who is this European? He is fair, tall, huge, mighty, very strong. Then the
differences are actually apparent, but this author says that it isn’t correct ($). See the interesting argument. An African
mentioned was short, small, evil, stupid, and the European was big, huge by physique; he was mighty. So don’t say that he
is different. Why so? Then he has stated that, on our ship called ‘Beagle’, the person of a (so called) lower race, that is of
African race, stayed for three years, he slowly started to look like us. He started to behave like us. And he started to speak
English like us. Isn’t it right? Then you take his principle for consideration. This means Darwin has waged a war against
Darwin (himself)
($). Reference : This was the book by Popular Publications for ‘Steps in Biology’ Standard 12th. By Prof. Apsangikar, Dr.
Dhage and Dr. Golatkar
Even Darwin himself has
given several examples in his original book that, this can be
changed in one lifetime, and now
several new proofs are coming to light that in one lifetime itself, meaning within a short span, few generations, few years,
this wonder can happen.
Darwin has made an
interesting statement. “When discussing the expression of
emotions, of spiritual experiences by
means of the face muscles, Darwin came to the conclusion that there is an amazing similarity in this respect among
representatives of different races.” Remember this. Now could an atheist have a spiritual experience? And again the word
‘mental faculties’ is used. So ‘mind’ has to come. You will realize the same thing here as well.
See how that interesting word has appeared here. Whose wish is it? Nature has chosen the mighty.
Who is mighty? The one who won the fight. He had a wish ‘I want to be powerful’ isn’t it? It is right. The wishes
originate from mind, don’t they? It is correct. Now the question arises that if this wish is of mind, then whether he
became ‘mighty’ for being capable of the desire or because he was chosen by the nature? Tell me who gets the credit?
See what a big confusion he has created! The human being accumulated power with efforts, did he get the status of
‘mighty’ because of the consistency of efforts or because of being chosen by the nature? And if because of power, meaning
if he had earned this status of ‘mighty’ because of the unwavering efforts, then the choice of nature has no consequence.
Who is nature to choose that? Tell me in certain terms what it is. Are you getting what I am trying to say?
Well, you have to draw only one conclusion:
- the mind is beyond this brain and body
- it is the one which has desires.
- As long as it keeps doing justice to its task, it will keep on winning until that point.
Real Evolution is
here. The balance between power and peace, even the feeling of
helping each other, has helped to gain
victory in the nature.
The second example is
important. ‘Dedication’
Balanced dedication is needed. To convince a wise person to come round on your side, to surrender to him, to bow down
to him – this is what is meant by Samarpan (Dedication), Sama plus Arpana means to dedicate to the wiser so that he and I
can come together. If
you cannot do it yourself, then bring the person who has been
successful in this, on your side.
So the word ‘might’
doesn’t mean only the physical power but the sturdiness of mind,
steadfastness of
intellect, ability to surrender, each of these factors or their appropriate mix. Evolution has taken place as a
result of these attributes. It is not sufficient to describe evolution merely as ‘might is right’.
Vijay R. Joshi.