Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Psychical evolution the basis of Physiological evolution (E O M - 10)

Physiological evolution only along with psychical evolution says Swami Vijnananand.

We have been reviewing the Evolution and the role of Mind in it.
Since each of us is a product in the process of evolution the knowledge of the process is important for everybody. Conventional science is still holding a materialistic view and as such many phenomena in the nature turn into riddles. The role of psyche in the form of energy has not been acknowledged by the scientists. The materialistic view that Mind is the expression of brain seems still to be prevailing with majority. We have also seen that many present scientists are echoing the views Swami Vijnananand (S. V.) propounded in his books on New way Philosophy written before 50 years. The blogs earlier related to mind dwell adequately on S. V. views on Mind.
The summary of the information in the earlier blogs related to Swamiji's views on evolution is reproduced for the ready reference of the readers.

BLOG25: Evolution of mind. 

Excerpts from book: WHAT MIND MEANS (Author Swami Vijnananand, Manashakti publication).

The evolution theory will be able to explain many unanswered questions if the ‘evolution of the mind’ is properly understood and appreciated as written by S. V. in this book as well as other books related to the “New Way Philosophy”.

Mind in the elementary/original (primordial) form may have embraced matter

First step of evolution/Single cell organism can learn

Organisms have always kept up pace with the developed mind, the size of the brain and so with intelligence.

Physiological evolution only along with psychical evolution.

At each landmark of development manifestation (materialization) of mind varies in degree, but at no stage can it be forced back to total obviation.

Since Darwin’s thesis is stated exclusively in terms of physiological evolution forcibly divided or disconnected from psychical evolution by his own discretion, sounds in-compatible or unsuitable. The evidence provides latter (psychical evolution) as the cause of the former(physiological evolution). The theory of continuity of mind throughout the evolution renders the matter more easy and understandable.

The present theory of evolution (Darwin Theory) pathetically fails to unriddle the gap between the two species.

Mind alone can be considered to be accountable for the acquired characters during these various intervals.

Psych and not material brain (in the head cover) is personality or individuality.


Though the ‘CELL’ was the first life on the earth, the logical preforms of life would be the COASERVATE and VIRUS.

Once a single cell life came in to being, the desire to exist and exist with comfort led to the formation of multycell lives. The same desire continues in the process of further evolution till the advanced species of human evolved.

Mind enters into conversation with the body through ‘emotions’. Then the next question is at what stage emotions entered into living organism? Here one reaches to the origin of life on earth which is the first link between the mind (non-matter) and the body (matter).

Book MIND POWER tries to trace the journey of life from matter to the first cell and then from multi-cells to the evolution up to the advent of human being emphasizing the role played by the ‘desire’ which is the exclusive property of the ‘mind’.

The talk of establishing equality itself gives ‘Non-material’ nature of mind credence.

We saw earlier that the starting point of life was Coaservate drops. Those coaservate drops alone were capable of existence, which possessed a certain dynamic stability and synthetic speeds exceeding or at least balancing the speed of break down. Contrariwise, those drops in which chemical changes in the given environmental conditions were directed primarily at break down were doomed, or did not originate at all. The unfortunate forms, that were destroyed, seem to have again rejoined the fortunate or better organized drops, which cannot be without reservation or without inherent desire to take revenge.

The entity that seeks pleasure which is denied to it gets displeasure. This entity for the lust of pleasure, though submits to the source of pleasure, must have retained dislike and must harbor attitude of revenge. This is very logical conclusion relating to the birth of chain revenge.

It had taken roots at the very first stage and the same tendency has followed up to date.

The physical evolution and psycho evolution cannot be bifurcated.

True, the reality of the revenge is unpalatable (not easily) acceptable. It is a bitter pill to swallow.

Darwin unearthed the revenge cycle behind the apparent symbiosis.

With the progress of living ( resulting evolution) the revenge cycle is also progressing in its complexities. S.V. has given the description of this revenge cycle at each stage from the origin of life i.e. from coaservate to virus to cell to multi-cell lives up to human being.

Body cells have paid the cost of easy life by demanding more safety in the protected multi cellular organism.

Pleasure is the motive, jealous inequality is the mode, cyclic defeats and revenge is the terminating end of each cycle.

The revenge cycle includes not only open enemies but also so called friends and relations ultimately turn into ghost of revenge, often in the pretext of affection. The feelings of envy, jealousy prevailing in the human mind is the expressed as well as dormant instinct of the desire of possible revenge.

Symbiosis means living together in cooperation. But if observed in Nature, such examples are few.

Greek history, Bible history, Arabian records, Persian records, Indian mythology and whole world history down to this age breathe destruction and revenge.

The author (S. V.) says that we are at pain to point out this picture.

Some people profess that world is full of peace. They speak either partial truth, convenient truth, or truth with reference to certain context. Such people paint the picture of world as it should be and not as it is.

We (the author) are underlining the reality and since correct diagnosis will cure corroding melodies. As it stands therefore, the revenge complex is the real menace (dangerous harm).

'Inequalities of mind’ started the first mystery, and equality is the relieving solution.

Laws of Motion are universal. In Biology, they may become abstract, but they would not be absent.

To fight the ghostly cycle of revenge, the arms of knowledge are the pacifying tools.

The New way philosophy based tailor designed various programs conducted by Manashakti Research Center (web site, Lonavala, India, throughout the year extend these arms of knowledge to the willing participants.

Vijay R. Joshi.

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