Sunday, January 5, 2014


Excerpts from book: WHAT MIND MEANS (Author Swami Vijnananand (S.V.), Manashakti publication)

Molding mind, after a thorough search of its laws

Newton visualized mind to have been located in the brain/seat of sensation (sensorium). But once it agreed that mind, the commander-in-chief of the individual is the real ruler and remains independent of the ruled it does not help to blame it as a preposterous (utterly foolish). Instead of wasting too much energy on the side issues, concentration on molding mind, after a thorough search of its laws, proves profitable, imperative (absolutely necessary) and exigent (requiring immediate action).

(1) In a rational approach agnosticism clips (cuts) the wings of progress. It is a fact that Nature’s ways are to perplexing (complicated and confusing) to be easily perceived. We need to find a remedy to our rather poor and inferior approach to look to the Nature. If we find anything Greek and Latin (un-understandable) that is our own limitation, we should overcome it. Instead of boasting of full knowledge, let us correct ourselves instead of misleading the rest.

(2) Heisenberg admits mind, but in quantum physics, he desires to introduce quantum logic which reconciles between properties of quantum being at a place and not being there (it is true of electron that if we see it then it changes place instantaneously).
If matter (say electron) itself can stay on at one place and simultaneously at the other, mind for certain has more reason to possess such potent (mighty) power, without any contradiction.

(3) Nature nourishes no inherent contraction and casuistry (casuistry – the determination of right and wrong in question of conduct or conscience by analyzing cases that illustrate general ethics or rules). Self-illusion and false reasoning is human prerogative (exclusive right). The boastful person makes an unsuccessful attempt to ignore it and throw the burden on Nature.

(4) There was no offence meant as any stage to Marxists, monotheists (Belief that there is only one God), spiritualists, and in reality any school. But (it is strongly stated that) after all none should abuse truth itself as an undesirable impediment (obstacle). Marxists and of course Marx and Engels are referred to on and often since pin dawn their rope (details of understanding) on science. They declare to avoid dogmatism. There is no disrespect for Pavlov.

(5) Can mind ‘control’ matter or simply cause to move it? To shout loudly like braggart (boastful person) that mind control matters itself amounts to ever exceeding self-deceiving. Matter inherently has no emotions – rather it implies and teaches us ‘inertia’ – a true detachment. Confused with the unknowable laws and controversies, man feels lost and helpless. Then he goes to other extreme and in arrogance and declares that he knows everything.

It is advisable to have a little forbearance and follow the way calmly towards a serene (peaceful) solution by using the master key which is imbibed in the individual mind. Slowing down the ugly haste of the fast life, if one chooses quiescent (restful), tranquil (peaceful) and quietude (quietness) calm for progress it indeed would lead to sanguine (confident) provide (indication of future excellence or achievement).

(6) Your fascination in fast life compels you to run faster and the race ends in complete exhaustion. Real question is what you indeed should choose. Once you make up your mind and develop abhorrence (dislike) for innate (inborn) peace in preference to keep going, the ‘necessity’ presses you to run. In short interval of time you have to resort to galloping (move fast, quicker). After a while you are called upon to surpass (the speed of) wind. Then follows Nature’s demand on you to undertake yet vigorous, slippery adventures! – Never ending …, till quietus (finishing strike or eternal rest) takes the toll (to have bad effect)!!

(7) Evolution theory of ‘Mind’
The law of evolution presumes an overall all sided development of an organism tending to perfection. It is nothing but mind that qualified itself. Steps up and retains character acquired in the lower species.

(8) No mind that (enables) breaths is ever healthy and similarly no body is ailing (unhealthiness is due to mind not body).

(9) Mind (emotion) admittedly causing motion in the body. Silently, the cause-mind separates effect on body.

(10) Understanding the MIND is important.

It is high time that man need enter into immediate negotiations with mind, to bring to an end cruel hard wars (battles) he has inadvertently (unintentionally) initiated against himself since long ago (yore).

·         Mind can be in motion.
·         In the ability to sustain restless as a hyena (cruel, untrustworthy and greedy person) in an active life, mind is associated with brain, which in turn links with the entire organism.
·         Mind incorporates and/or possesses, and/or is made up of, and/or is the same as emotions, sensation, thought, knowledge, consciousness.
·         Mind independent of matter
·         Mind is non-matter which can transcend the limiting speed of matter which presently is considered as speed of light.
·         Mind in the elementary/original (primordial) form may have embraced matter.

·    Since Darwin’s thesis is stated exclusively in terms of physiological evolution forcibly divided or dis-joined from psychical evolution by his own discretion, sound in-compatible or unsuitable. The evidence provides latter (psychical evolution) as the cause of the former (physiological evolution). The theory of continuity of mind throughout the evolution renders the matter more easy and understandable. 

· Individuality Presupposes Mind

· Psych and not material brain (in the head cover) is personality or individuality.

· Mind controls matter in hypnotic state or partial sleep.

· Mind is always alert, also in sleep, suggested dreams prove

· Quite Mind has greatest strength

· Dreams indicate: We may suffer without body

· Hypnotism, Dreams partial capacity of Mind to go out of body.

· ‘Mind’ independent of body.

·Thought at a given moment and also in general stands out as non-material entity.

·Control over mind can be achieved effectively by understanding laws of thermodynamics – markedly second law. The book by S.V. namely ‘Purpose of the Universe’ deals with this aspect.

·Consciousness is independent of body. (Chapter 5, based on Pavlov’s experiments)

The books written by S.V. namely,

(a) Death of disease,
(b) Cure without Medicine,
(c) Cure Yourself and
(d) The Rich, Ambitious and Healthy

Dwell-upon how maladies (chronic diseases) of any nature can be controlled by mind and mind alone. As expostulated (made earnest efforts by giving reasons for the correction of the misgivings of health treatment) there, material Universe obey, the laws of motion. Body is matter, so its inflation (swelling), deflection (deviation), dilation (enlargement of the cancers of body), diminution (reduction) or irritation (excitation) – In short, disturbance in its inertia – must be governed by basic laws of motion (which are applicable to all matters) (inertia – The property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or velocity along a straight line, so long as it is not acted upon by an external force)
When the mind has cut short its affection with the body (perceptible entities); whether the laws of matter are applicable to the human mind? (i.e. in case of a KARMAYOGI in Gita) This question is valued question. But in our above statement, this question is of no significance.

(11) Denial of existence of Mind ends in a vicious circle

Floating in the sea of doubts remains an exclusive privilege (special right) of mind. The suspicion set in about the existence of mind instigate (provoke to action) a vicious circle, with no hope of end in sight (vicious – grossly immoral, readily disposed to evil).

The reasonable, sensible (rational) and consistent acceptance of the answers (provided in this book about the mind and its existence) without the bias of previous habitual/natural inclination and notions (general understanding), survives only ray of hope to come out of the otherwise resultant vicious circle. If we forfeit (lost the right) the only gleam (dim light) of hope, the humanity (which is happy in high spirit) is as good as forced to dark ages.

It is always advisable to have scholarly docility (readiness to learn) instead of charlatanism (show of knowledge or ability), unless individual mind gives any further clue. A person in high spirit awaiting the so called ‘inner’ inspiration is unduly delaying at his own risk by denying the writing on the wall (i.e. the portent/indication of misfortune).   Such policy of procrastination (delaying) is forbidden (not allowed) for the wise people who would vote for reason (reasonable and wise people) Dialectical rationalism (logic based doctrine that take reason alone as a source of knowledge and which is independent of experience) often breeds (produces) curiosity which is impossible to satisfy and due precautions should be taken to keep it within limits.

Occasionally I (S.V.) too embrace fancies (conceptions) and conjure up (produce) a vision to picture size, weight and color of the mind. Of course firstly, it is linked up with beliefs in logic and probabilities. Secondly, should the possibilities formed turn themselves into a fairy tale, frustration is unlikely to be caused, since I am more attached to the scientific truth, than personal ego being satisfied.
Subject to this calm conviction, I dare say that the color of mind resembles the color of outer skin or like the eyes, if the organism is gifted with them.

We have drawn a conclusion in Chapter Seven, that an organism has elective capacity.

We have also made it clear that skill of mind to accumulate matter in Chapter Six and Nine (in answers to question 6 and 7).

Suppose all the present explanation later proves wrong or it calls for substantial modification, no calamity is brought forth. I (S.V.) stick to my stand that however logical by assertions, so far as complexion and mass of mind go, they are on the fence of fanciful arguments in which one or more interim premises or conclusions are silently assumed (are based on silent assumption).

(12)  Important points and references in the book “WHAT MIND MEANS”

Find a ready reference of mind, as dealt with from various aspects.

(1)     Mind is non-matter : Ch. 5, point 1 , 2C, 3, 4B, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 , 12, 12A, : Ch. 6,   preamble and conclusion; Ch.7, point l, 2, 3, 5C, 6; Ch.8, point 1, 3; Ch.9, answers to  Questions 4, 5, 6, 7; Ch.1O, point 3.

(2)     Mind can go outside body partly: Ch. 5 point 3, 4B, 7, 8, 10; Ch.6 preamble and conclusion; Ch.7 Point 1, 2, 4; Ch.8, point 2, 3, 7; Ch.9, answer to Questions  4, 6, 7;  Ch.1O, point 2.

(3)     As many minds as living organisms: Ch. 6; Ch. 7.

(4)     Mind can be at rest at choice; Ch.8, point 1.

(5)     Mind is superior to matter, but willingly attaches to it: Ch.6; Ch.7, points 1, 2; Ch. 8, Points 2, 4, 5; Ch.1O, point 3.

(6)     Mind has greatest power and joy at rest: Ch.4; Ch.8, points 4, 5; Ch.9, answers to Questions 5, 6, 7,  Ch.10

(7)     Mind has elective capacity: Ch.7, point 3.

(8)     Mind though relatively known, subject to laws of motion at least when it manifests itself: Ch. 9, particularly answers to Questions 2, 3.

(9)     Mind creates disease: Ch.7, Point 6; Ch.8, point 6; All Ch. 9

(10)                       Mind knows Truth: knowledge of points in Ch.4; Ch. 8, Points 4, 5; Ch. 10,   Point 3.

(11)                       Purpose of mind to be perfect: Ch.5, point 5C; Ch.9, Answers to Questions 1, 5 and, end of Ch.9 and Ch.l0.

(12)                        Mind can accumulate mass: point 1: Ch.7 point 4: Ch. 10 Point 1. Ch. 6; Ch.9, answers to Questions 5, 6, 7.

(13)                       Rebirth possible, but not essential: end of Ch.9; Ch.5, Point 5C.


S. V. wrote + 200 books which are based on the subjects related to mind one way or the other. The NEW WAY PHILOSOPHY deals with all the aspects concerning the welfare of an individual to the welfare of entire humanity.

Besides the above mentioned book namely WHAT MIND MEANS, the other two books directly dealing with ‘mind’ are ‘MIND POWR’ AND ‘BETA PULSE PREDICTS’. We shall review these books later.

S. V. just did not stop after the publishing his new way philosophy but entered in the laboratory of the society to establish and prove his findings. All this was done in a unique manner. The outcome is the establishment of ‘Manashakti Research Center ( M. R. C.) at Lonavala, Pune India’, the unique study, research center serving all sections of societies consistently for last over 40 years. The findings of S.V. are being tested by thousands of participants every year by taking training seminars, workshops and mind – body machine tests regularly conducted by the center with missionary zeal. The center is popular for the nurture and training of mind in a secular way for all age groups. The ‘hospital for peace of mind’ serves to the needy for comprehensive holistic health.

Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, the famous computer scientist visited M. R. C. After understanding the work of S.V. said that “Swamiji has set up a novel way of testing his research findings in the huge laboratory of the society!” This is a unique way of testing the knowledge, since every individual has own distinct ‘mind’.

(Note: This is an attempt to make reader friendly interpretation of the book “WHAT MIND MEANS” based on my perception. Readers are requested to refer to the original book to cross check their understanding.)

Vijay R. Joshi

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