Sunday, September 29, 2013


Rational concept by Swami Vijnananand

We saw the approach suggested in the first two chapters of the book “GOD RECONSIDERED” in the previous post. We shall now go through the conclusions of the author given in the last chapter.
Science and God, Conclusions

A prudent agreement between atheist, theists and scientists should be immediately negotiated and for a lasting accord each side need earnestly look closely what it lacks than insisting upon own apocryphal (unsubstantiated) achievements. Let Religion, the senior partner, pave the way.

(1)   Imperfections also due to interpolations in the scriptures

Strictly logical code stipulated by the prophets may not be available to us, uncompounded (uncombined), which constitutes initial set-back for true understanding of the tenet. Words from Master’s mouth are often attempered (to modify or moderate by blending with something different or opposite) during the passage of time. Most of the religions accept interpolations or later additions, alterations, reediting at any rate of their scriptures.

(2)          Religious propounders manifest or concede imperfections.

The great propounders were aware of their inherent imperfections. If studied in true sense the behavior of these stalwarts should evoke respect and not ridicule.

(3)          Imperfection of Science

Science, equally like religion, is bewitched (affected) by confounding contradictions; so much so that materialist scientists are inclined to formulate law of contradiction itself.

(4)          Science rejoins God believers

 Lovers of knowledge settle decisively the dogmatic argument in three ways:

A) Ignorance of science is not the knowledge of anyone else.

B) Incertitude (uncertainty) of science is a deceptive term. It is indeed our ignorance to comprehend objective reality, and no failure on the part of objective reality itself. (Ref. from Para two, chapter two 'What Mind Means' and last chapter of 'Science and Philosophy' is drawn. These are the books authored by S.V.)

C) Discussion on suitability of knowledge, as acceptable to religions, has paved the way for clear award in favor of unprejudiced knowledge.

(5) On rational amends, scientists honor true religion:

Scientists are scared of associating themselves with the fanatic believers, for fear of being misunderstood. They are reluctant to inherit a dogma. They are not taught to count on a hypothesis before proved, which, to them is a basic paradox. Dr. Taylor observes, "Faith involves a will to believe, but scientists are accustomed to eliminate as far as they can any influence of their will or desires upon their scientific judgments. Faith of this kind is out of place in science, but essential to religion. The scientist therefore finds it hard to elicit (arouse) the faith he needs."

And therefore scientists who respect religion, identify it with fundamental religion. Max Planck believed that the greatest geniuses of all the times are all in the hands of Almighty as ordinary men and (they) were guided by the law of causality. He also gave credence to religion, but he takes care to clarify, "And when I say religious belief here I mean the word in its fundamental sense".
In reality, scientists have reached a stage where they can share ever-inspiring belief in God, if a plausible argument is offered. This treatise, in collaboration with appendix to 'Science and Philosophy', ventures to suggest an objective description of God, with no serious departure from fundamental canons (presumptions) of religions and science.

 (6)  Valid description of God Conclusions.

A) Essence of unbiased concept of God herald (precede) His in-descriptive identity with Neutrality

B) Truth is the bond which can harmonize true devotee with God.

C) Self-governing law to which He bears witness is Causality.

D) To perceive God employ freewill, knowledge, reason; the highest human prerogatives.

E) Respect for Almighty is no other than
-          Adherence to truth, in recognition of causal laws; and in its last analysis.
-          Getting accustomed to hardship, difficulties, pain, etc. keeping pace with own Personality.
-          Giving up attachment to 'cause'.

(7) Scientists and atheists, not at cross roads:

Scientists, beyond all dispute; stand by the true import (importance, significance) of God. In the endeavor to strengthen their budding belief the religious exaggerations should be cut down and a golden mean capable of striking the balance should be adopted.

Universal half-heartiness has been sheerly (unqualified) born out of-our failure to analyze true aspects of God. In defiance of that, if we persist and indulge in vain equivocations (a fallacy based on the use of the same term in different senses), we are the losers, not He.

The laws of Nature are inexorable (unyielding, unalterable). Arrays (troops) of rebels against devotees have consolidated themselves to the present gigantic size, from one-time devotees; disillusioned by the exploded promises of mediators, who traded in the name of God.

God's code may pardon His disbelievers, for after all, they earnestly deny Him and pay the price of agnosticism and in any case they honor the Nature's well designed system, which itself is a better gesture.

God-believers shall be tried for double deception. Make up your mind. Pursue pleasure to-day, to-morrow thrusts upon the bitter draft and gets you away from God. Alive or dead, God's law will chase all of us for our pretensions. At the earliest, turn to the life of reaction, on your own. Do it for God's sake-nay, to repeat the Phrase, for your own sake- for, God is safe in His abode, devoid of desire or danger.

Swami Vijnananand perceived God in the above manner. He prayed the God in a unique manner. The prayer written at the beginning of all his books is:

“Pardon me not, God,

Punish me for every fault,

For a single unjust pardon,

Will liquidate almighty Lord”!

Vijay R. Joshi.

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