Sunday, September 29, 2013


Rational concept by Swami Vijnananand

We saw the approach suggested in the first two chapters of the book “GOD RECONSIDERED” in the previous post. We shall now go through the conclusions of the author given in the last chapter.
Science and God, Conclusions

A prudent agreement between atheist, theists and scientists should be immediately negotiated and for a lasting accord each side need earnestly look closely what it lacks than insisting upon own apocryphal (unsubstantiated) achievements. Let Religion, the senior partner, pave the way.

(1)   Imperfections also due to interpolations in the scriptures

Strictly logical code stipulated by the prophets may not be available to us, uncompounded (uncombined), which constitutes initial set-back for true understanding of the tenet. Words from Master’s mouth are often attempered (to modify or moderate by blending with something different or opposite) during the passage of time. Most of the religions accept interpolations or later additions, alterations, reediting at any rate of their scriptures.

(2)          Religious propounders manifest or concede imperfections.

The great propounders were aware of their inherent imperfections. If studied in true sense the behavior of these stalwarts should evoke respect and not ridicule.

(3)          Imperfection of Science

Science, equally like religion, is bewitched (affected) by confounding contradictions; so much so that materialist scientists are inclined to formulate law of contradiction itself.

(4)          Science rejoins God believers

 Lovers of knowledge settle decisively the dogmatic argument in three ways:

A) Ignorance of science is not the knowledge of anyone else.

B) Incertitude (uncertainty) of science is a deceptive term. It is indeed our ignorance to comprehend objective reality, and no failure on the part of objective reality itself. (Ref. from Para two, chapter two 'What Mind Means' and last chapter of 'Science and Philosophy' is drawn. These are the books authored by S.V.)

C) Discussion on suitability of knowledge, as acceptable to religions, has paved the way for clear award in favor of unprejudiced knowledge.

(5) On rational amends, scientists honor true religion:

Scientists are scared of associating themselves with the fanatic believers, for fear of being misunderstood. They are reluctant to inherit a dogma. They are not taught to count on a hypothesis before proved, which, to them is a basic paradox. Dr. Taylor observes, "Faith involves a will to believe, but scientists are accustomed to eliminate as far as they can any influence of their will or desires upon their scientific judgments. Faith of this kind is out of place in science, but essential to religion. The scientist therefore finds it hard to elicit (arouse) the faith he needs."

And therefore scientists who respect religion, identify it with fundamental religion. Max Planck believed that the greatest geniuses of all the times are all in the hands of Almighty as ordinary men and (they) were guided by the law of causality. He also gave credence to religion, but he takes care to clarify, "And when I say religious belief here I mean the word in its fundamental sense".
In reality, scientists have reached a stage where they can share ever-inspiring belief in God, if a plausible argument is offered. This treatise, in collaboration with appendix to 'Science and Philosophy', ventures to suggest an objective description of God, with no serious departure from fundamental canons (presumptions) of religions and science.

 (6)  Valid description of God Conclusions.

A) Essence of unbiased concept of God herald (precede) His in-descriptive identity with Neutrality

B) Truth is the bond which can harmonize true devotee with God.

C) Self-governing law to which He bears witness is Causality.

D) To perceive God employ freewill, knowledge, reason; the highest human prerogatives.

E) Respect for Almighty is no other than
-          Adherence to truth, in recognition of causal laws; and in its last analysis.
-          Getting accustomed to hardship, difficulties, pain, etc. keeping pace with own Personality.
-          Giving up attachment to 'cause'.

(7) Scientists and atheists, not at cross roads:

Scientists, beyond all dispute; stand by the true import (importance, significance) of God. In the endeavor to strengthen their budding belief the religious exaggerations should be cut down and a golden mean capable of striking the balance should be adopted.

Universal half-heartiness has been sheerly (unqualified) born out of-our failure to analyze true aspects of God. In defiance of that, if we persist and indulge in vain equivocations (a fallacy based on the use of the same term in different senses), we are the losers, not He.

The laws of Nature are inexorable (unyielding, unalterable). Arrays (troops) of rebels against devotees have consolidated themselves to the present gigantic size, from one-time devotees; disillusioned by the exploded promises of mediators, who traded in the name of God.

God's code may pardon His disbelievers, for after all, they earnestly deny Him and pay the price of agnosticism and in any case they honor the Nature's well designed system, which itself is a better gesture.

God-believers shall be tried for double deception. Make up your mind. Pursue pleasure to-day, to-morrow thrusts upon the bitter draft and gets you away from God. Alive or dead, God's law will chase all of us for our pretensions. At the earliest, turn to the life of reaction, on your own. Do it for God's sake-nay, to repeat the Phrase, for your own sake- for, God is safe in His abode, devoid of desire or danger.

Swami Vijnananand perceived God in the above manner. He prayed the God in a unique manner. The prayer written at the beginning of all his books is:

“Pardon me not, God,

Punish me for every fault,

For a single unjust pardon,

Will liquidate almighty Lord”!

Vijay R. Joshi.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Rational concept by Swami Vijnananand

The need of evolving a God concept rationally acceptable was felt in the Templeton conversation as seen in earlier articles. In this article we see that a comprehensive vision on the similar manner penned by Swami Vijnananand in his book published in 1962.
Here are some excerpts from the first two chapters of his book “God Reconsidered”.

Eight Questions asked, theists to answer: To fence around the circumstances the earnest fold of devotees must put aside their orthodox, rude gestures and should study the points on which God is attacked. The chief amongst them presuming He exists, merely for the sake of argument is:

    God is deceptive.
    He is partial.
    He is mystic.
    He supports cruelty.
    He encourages lawlessness.
    He is egoistic.
    He employs double dealing.
    He disfavors rationalism.

The list can be extended considerably. However the gist of disapproval or condemnation of the disbelief, skepticism or doubts is covered in these 8 points. Again these unfavorable comments or criticism can be reworded.

(2) Right of agnostics to demand answer.

Agnostics have a right to insist for answer. By virtue of being victims of a long sufferings for centuries at the hands of God-believers they have acquired this privilege. Hundreds of rebellion against God sacrificed broke on the wheel, as if, Walter Malone’s axiom in their heart, “An honest man cannot surrender an honest doubt”.

(3) Task of God believers easy if they deal with it in 3 ways.

Obviously the ego of God believers and revengeful attitude of the agnostics confront the efforts of reconciliation. Unless one keeps his mind balanced, impartial, open, alert, honest, straight forward, even a simple approach to a formidable question looks improbable. Both sides have suffered insults so they are dogmatic, having their own inflexible convictions ingrained in them. The task calls for Herculean efforts, none the less, it is achievable at the cost of sustained efforts. The problem can be attacked from three fronts to ensure success.

3A) First term-of the truce, pending final verdict is to nurture a belief in the intrinsic earnestness of the atheists.

3B) Onus to prove the gaps in the creed of the non-believers rests on the theist. The materialist should be logically led to the conclusion that his own pillar-stone of philosophy is as shaky as that of God’s missionary. That is to a certain extent a negative proof, though by no means it is lacking of any purpose, intention.

3C). Therefore, what could bring home a perpetual reconciliation is fundamental endorsement to the concepts.

(4) Primary need to admit gap:

To begin, has the believer himself ascertained true nature of God? If not, it looks imperative for him to honestly Next case for analysis by the enthusiastic devotee is disparities in various revelations. It is the theist’s own burden to furnish convincing reasons for such, fragrant diversities, instead of wasting energy in insisting on excelling supremacy of his own pious faith. And does the notion of each religious follower, that his creed is a chosen one among all, stand to a dependable test?

(5) Sufferings of Religious leaders-a lesson:

Glance over the life sketches of all the religious leaders. As chosen men of the Almighty, were they spared of agony and despair? What could be the purpose of God in throwing his trusted messengers on Pins and needles, though temporarily? Does the Divinity aim at verification of his prophet’s tenacity?  And then "does it not curtail God of His limitless capacity to know everything?

Followers of all faiths are faced with such obscure perplexities as all major sects are studied one after another.

(6) Suffering of followers disproves extrajudicial grace, prayer etc. In addition to leaders themselves, the fold of followers-some of the most ardent amongst them; tell a similarly sorry tale.

Illustrations from Hinduism, Shintoism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Confucianism, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism etc. are provided in the book and the conclusion says:

There is nothing obscure in torch-bearers of God being in peril, when-a rigorous law is presumed. None could appreciate God to plead, "Oh men, I punish you for every wrong; but I shall pardon myself or my flatterer for the open follies."

(7) Non-believers, un-tortured:

On the background of a parade of pious, persecuted spiritualists, comparatively rewarded lives of host of mundane materialists manifest marked contrast. Quite obviously, materialists too have to counteract defeat, disease and death. The question at issue is: do they suffer on account of their atheism? A negative answer comes back. The declared skeptic individual, far from being victimized by God or Nature, is found basking in the sunshine. It appears then that Nature's code of granting gratification is governed by other rules than a lay God believer imagines.
(Many such illustrations from different part of the world are provided to substantiate this point).
Indeed, one wonders why believers fight shy to accept a lawful God in preference to a kind God. Further investigations pronounce the flagrant truth without a stint of vagueness how half-hearted, pious beggars have spoild the name of Good God.

The theist rejoins the non-believer, (Answers to the questions above).

A few tentative, probable answers to the eight charges leveled against the Supreme Being are attempted as below, leaving an overall reply to be spread over the entire course of the treatise.

  1. Is God deceptive?
That God has deceived pro-pounders of various religions by presenting Himself differently is inherently on unsound reasoning.
The concept of God implanted in those who believe Him in a certain singularly immutable form takes its root from prophets or Messiahs on whom they rely. It was, perhaps, not the issue of understanding the highest truth (which of course each one of them did perceive and promote), but it was the level of listeners' ability.
A professor of mathematics realizes the gaps in Euclidean Geometry but withholds revealing them to the lower class. The instructor of physics already is acquainted with modifications in Newtonian mechanics nevertheless he abstains from introducing them to juniors. On similar grounds, expositors of religions had tenable reasons to reserve the highest knowledge from the commoners at that level of grasp. The God- sent assured themselves that at an advanced stage, either the new Messiah would come or that the craving creatures could learn their own lessons and thrust forward.

  1. Is God partial, as He created inequalities?
Disciples of God are shrouded in ignorance about 'Why' of the Universe and God, as much as Scientists are, though both continue to offer explanations. Consequently, there is no substantial ground for scientists to scorn at the credulity of the believer. And to come to the point at issue, science concedes that no particle of matter is exactly like the other, in as much as every particle occupies different space (and of course, time).
'Reason why' of it is beyond the comprehension of scientists. They should allow the same latitude to the other side.

  1. Is God mystic?
An agnostic commands a willing support from a rationalist in his defiance of obscure mystics of various schools but, to call God Himself a mystic is incorrect. He is not more mystic than the 'hero' of the ultra-materialists who is declared so; ‘matter’ in its last analysis assumes character of a wave. The teams of researchers are yet far from the knowledge about the fundamental nature of the so-called matter. As for matter itself, intentionally it does not cloak itself in mystery; God also does not. Both hypotheses mark out our own limitations.

  1. Does God support cruelty?
It is true that a scientist avoid wordings such as as 'kind' or 'cruel' Nature. Nature is neutral. God shares no other description, but when these adjectives were employed, as point above explains, it was easier for the masses, common people to conceive of God in that way. That theme awaits amends and if a dogmatist is unwilling to adjust, he could be safely ignored.

  1. Does God encourage lawlessness?
In no system of society including Marxists; criminals are absent. Injustice prevails at the higher levels, though as an exception. No sane and responsible critic, however, assails the institution of 'Government' itself and as a whole, in favor of anarchy. The code of conduct is framed. Its violation is and should be punished. Creator sponsoring lawlessness then amounts to abuse of terms.

  1. Is God Egoistic?
Answer goes with '4' above.

  1. Does God employ double dealing?
This leads to a controversy on reconciliation between causation and free-will. In a democratic set up, do we not curtail individual liberty on acceptance of causal code promulgated by the State? Is there any fundamental contradiction between the exercise of law and liberty that gives encouragement to a citizen to lift up self? The more balance between the two is struck, the better. (The simile is to be taken in a limited sense.)

Appendix of this work to a modest degree, Appendix A of 'Purpose of the Universe' to a great extent and 'Science and Philosophy', yet another title of this series, particularly its Appendix, touch this problem in all its perspective. (Swami Vijnananand (S.V.) has dealt in details on aspect such as Causality, Free Will, Entropy, Death, Rebirth, Happiness, Disease, Nature’s Rules and Human Life etc. in his other books under the series of “New Way Philosophy”).

  1. Does God disfavor rationalism?
A rationalist accepts religion, not because of any dogma; but because it can be reconciled with the spirit or essence of science. Therefore, in case an assertion in religious doctrine supporting reason stands refuted in some other or in the same text, it is for the dogmatic to explain the odd situation. It is not the responsibility of an open-minded who shares belief in religions only because of (and to the limit of) their rational character. No entity other than God should be responsible for having equipped man with reason, his most enviable tool, which places him above the animal world, Science comprehends narrow scope of human intellect; yet puts it to service, it being the best available contrivance (plan, design, device) having potentialities to develop itself. And, argues science, its ignorance is no knowledge of the benighted (un-enlightened, intellectually ignorant). Bigoted (intolerant) spokesmen of religious creeds invite serious setback to human lot deprived of use of intellect - as the whole of chapter three (of this book) reiterates.

Has God Ego, Because His Devotees Pray Him?

(l) Is prayer to God to get what we need?
Points 6, 7, 8 above and conclusion of chapter nine of the book under discussion conclusively disclaim wishful prayers from God's domain.
(2) Should we pray so that we should remember Him?
The Almighty would appreciate the whole of your life turned into a Prayer. Instead, the devotees reserve days for committing sins and minutes for prayer, in the hope that the latter will cancel the former. A hollow mockery of prayer indeed! Prayer assumes some meaning only when the devotee approaches God after doing his duty as a formality. It is self-assurance of being conscious of the divine code. In any case, mechanical prayer is devaluation of essence of prayer.
(3) Prayer only after due discharge of obligation.
Prayer and duty as its price are linked up and indeed prayer becomes thanksgiving for intrinsic justice in causal laws. The seeker, at highly elevated level of his progress himself ceases to Pray for worldly benefits. In any case, no prophet has ever unconditionally prescribed a mechanical prayer.

Kindness of God, Implicit!

Beyond all questions, God is gracious; but it does not extend beyond the range of equitable regulations, He has laid down. "Every cause shall bear an appropriate effect, no more, no less" pronounces He. And for the benefit of an elevated paragon He adds, "When bewildered of or tired of 'effects', produce no cause itself."
What a candid piece of advice! The excelling beauty of it is: after the preliminary hint, he interferes no more. He dominates no way like a despot. His rules have crowned each man as his own master. There lies His infinite benevolent character and nowhere else does it exist, nor is it necessary.

The headings of the other chapters of the book are:

Chapter 3    Gaps in Religion.
Chapter 4    Purpose and Partiality.
Chapter 5    No cruelty and ego. Absolute Kindness.
Chapter 6    Causality and Existence beyond life.
Chapter 7    Is cycle of existence valid?
Chapter 8    Neutrality, Truth, Knowledge, Causality.
Chapter 9    Science and God, Conclusions.
Appendix A   God believer answers Non-believer.
Appendix B   Follow five ways to God or redeem yourself from the curse of knowledge.

Vijay R. Joshi.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


We note that during the conversation on God Belief, there may be rare sharp statement by either side, but the underlying message is to reach an accord to ensure avoiding the harm due to extremism on either side. Here one point is worth noting that the concepts such as God, Religion or Science and Technology are not at any fault but the wrong attitude of its use by certain people at the helm of affairs is the reason for creating the harm.

Re conciliatory approach to the accord is seen reflected in the following statements from the conversation.

The polemics (controversies) of believers show an ignorance of science, what it offers to improve life, and the polemics of fundamentalist atheists ignore the wisdom found in religious texts. Both seem threatened by diversity and wish to erase any doubt under a blanket of blind belief.

It is true, of course, that organized religions do not point to a single, coherent view of the nature of God. But to reject God because of the admitted self-contradictions and logical failings of organized religion would be like rejecting physics because of the inherent contradictions of quantum theory and general relativity...

You must find a science- friendly, science-compatible God. First, try the pantheon (a temple dedicated to all the gods.) of available Creators. Inspect thoroughly. If none fits the bill, invent one.

Many eminent practitioners of science have successfully persuaded themselves that there is no logical contradiction between faith and belief by finding a suitable God, or by clothing traditional God appropriately.

The schism (division or disunion or split) between science and religion can be healed, but it will require a slow evolution from a supernatural, theistic God to a new sense of a fully natural God as our chosen symbol for the ceaseless creativity in the natural universe. This healing may also require a transformation of science to a new scientific worldview with a place for the ceaseless creativity in the universe that we can call God.

This sentiment of the thinkers pronounced through an august discussion organized by Templeton Foundation in the first decade of the 21st century was sensed by an Indian prophetic thinker Swami Vijnananand about 60 years ahead. He has given an extensive plan of action for the truce between science and religion in his book, GOD RECONSIDERED (Feb. 1962), with rational definition of God, with which all faiths, including Marxists, keep in peace.


Let us try to understand the dictionary meanings of the terms “subjective” and “objective”

Subjective (adjective)
- existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought).
- Pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.
- placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.
- Philosophy. Relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself.
- relating to properties or specific conditions of the mind as distinguished from general or universal experience.

Objective (adjective)
- Not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.
- Intent upon or dealing with things external to the mind rather than with thoughts or feelings, as a person or a book.
- being the object of perception or thought; belonging to the object of thought rather than to the thinking subject.
- of or pertaining to something that can be known, or to something that is an object or a part of an object; existing independent of thought or an observer as part of reality.

To discover Truth, the endeavor of Humanity

Both Science and Religion endeavor to discover the ultimate Truth. This should be the obvious aim of both because the Truth can bring about the real welfare of humanity. Whether it is science or religion, the search would be carried out by a person. In other words to reach the Truth (objective reality), the means is a person (i.e. subject). While ‘objectivity’ is the target, 100% elimination of subjectivity by any person is impossible. Therefore to reach the Truth the theists and atheists will have to look for combining the objectivity and subjectivity optimally. A subject i.e. a person cannot totally eliminate subjectivity. He / She can endeavor to minimize it. That means to the extent a person can work with detached mind, the outcome can be considered as a rational or optimally objective, nearing Truth.

Truth defined.

With the above explanation at the back-ground, Rev. Swami Vijnananand defined Truth as follows. (Ref page 179, on book “GOD RECONSIDERED”)

In spite of all pretenses man knows the truth and so God. Without accepting a bait of another controversy on the nature of truth, the seeker can gain his point restricting to definition of Truth in this way:

Truth is an objective reality, subjectively known, told with a detached mind.

It may be accepted on a simple ground that the definition is self-explanatory.
All faiths, including Marxism, lend hand to truth. A commoner on the lowest rung of the ladder is conscious of its all-embracing validity.

At the opening page of the book author describes GOD

God is not just, because he is not Unjust
God is not Kind, as he is not Cruel.
He does not bless, since He does not curse.
He is the First Cause in sense an effect is produced, when He is abandoned.
God dwells in an idol as also in the hammer that breaks it
He doesn't live in the blind craving or in hate for Him.

Highlights of the book “GOD RECONSIDERED”, a blood-less revolution

Science accepts God on terms. Eleven religions and radical philosophies point out how kernel of their doctrines have forestalled these terms and have incorporated spirit of their requirements in respective hypotheses. Get acquainted with rational definition of God, with which all faiths, including Marxists, keep in peace. Long - awaited truce between science and dogma is reached in this work. Every page reveals logic, study and synthesis.
Here are some flashes, selected at random.

A rationalist accepts religion, not because of any dogma; but because it can be reconciled with the spirit or essence of science. Therefore, in case an assertion in religious doctrine supporting reason stands refuted in some other or in the same text, it is for the dogmatic to explain the odd situation. It is not the responsibility of the open-minded who shares belief in religions only because of (and to the limit of) their rational character." (Point VIII chapter two.)

Science, equally like religion, is bewitched by confounding contradictions; so much so that materialist scientists are inclined to formulate Law of contradiction itself. (Point 3, chapter 9)

A positive, constructive approach is the urgent requirement, lest God himself should change over to the so called materialist. After all, God too wants to be in good company. (Concluding sentence, chapter 3)

Instead of pronouncing high ideals and insulting them by non-observance, new way philosophy paves the way to slow practice without violating tenets of science as well as religions. (Point 2F, appendix B)

Seer’s song

Employing the logical intelligence of Science, and service based dedication of Religion, for the healthy life for a common person, Swami Vijnananand in his poem titled ‘Extremes meet’ says:

“Speak Truth’ said religions;
From it science was solace.
‘Order please’ said science so
Behold the message. Undo wrong,
Science and religions sing the same song”.

Vijay R. Joshi.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ganesha Puja.

                                                                       II  HARI AUM  II

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
 Our task must be to free from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty......... ..............         Albert Einstein.

सहस्रशीर्षा पुरुषः सहस्राक्षः सहस्रपात् ।

स भूमिं विश्वतो वृत्वा त्यतिष्ठ द्दशाङुलम् ॥१॥  पुरुष सूक्त – Rigveda. 


The Purusha (The Universal Being) has Thousand Heads, Thousand Eyes and
Thousand Feet (Thousand signifies innumerable which points to the 
omnipresence of the Universal Being),

He envelops the World from all sides (i.e. He pervades each part of the Creation), 

and extends beyond in the Ten Directions ( represented by Ten Fingers ).

Lord Ganesha worship is most popular among Hindus world over. Any important event begins with prayer to Ganesha. As seen earlier post worship in some form of choice (i.e. Saguna worship) is relatively easy and convenient for a lay man. There are desires in the normal life both for materialistic as well as at spiritual aspects. If one wants to accomplish his / her ambitions one has to put in all the required efforts. Every person has in-built virtues as well as vices. Care full analysis of own personality and deliberate devoted efforts are necessary for the advancement in life. These efforts would fetch success, if supported by the blessings of the Deity is the belief of the devotee. If the devotion is performed by proper method, it can bring about the desired improvements in the personality resulting in gain.

God will be bestowing the blessings if He likes you. Each God is known for certain highest virtues personified. If the devotee tries to nurture such virtues in self behavior, then God will be pleased and offer the blessings. The word often used in the context of worship are upvas, upasana also indicate the efforts to stay nearer the Deity in acts and deeds.
Upvas means to stay nearby the Deity. The efforts not only involve physically sitting near and worshiping the Deity but also try to be near mentally by following the behavioral discipline. In order to develop the liking for such behavior on daily basis initially the upvas is observed normally for a day in a week or month. The word Upasana also means to sit near on a lower level. However, based on the conventional practice, Upasana can be described as a systematic practice of a prescribed method of worship for pleasing and winning the attention of the Deity. Once the Deity is pleased, devotee’s wishes would be granted by directly appearing to the devotee and asking/granting what he or she wants. The seeker of knowledge does not achieve his end merely by a study of scriptures. Without upasana there cannot be attainment for him.

Swami Vijnananand has explained the method of Ganesha worship in most rational manner in 18 discourses during 1986-87. A book in Marathi is published by Manashakti based on these talks. The first lesson describes the major conditions which must be fulfilled for the success in the Ganesha worship.

The triangle above indicates that if the blessings of the Deity Ganesha are to be obtained by the devotee through the means of Bhakti, then the basic concepts to be studied are Deity- Ganesha, devotee i.e. self, and the means i.e. Bhakti. The Puranas give various stories describing the Deity. The major virtues personified in the Deity Ganesha are as follows.

(1) Commitment, Integrity and Gratitude.
(2) Leadership and Sacrifice.
(3) Intellectual pursuits and Industriousness.

We shall see these qualities as described by the stories associated. (

Commitment, Integrity and Gratitude.

The most well-known story is probably the one taken from the Shiva Purana. Once, while his mother Parvati wanted to take a bath, there were no attendants around to guard her and stop anyone from accidentally entering the house. Hence she created an image of a boy out of turmeric paste which she prepared to cleanse her body (turmeric was used for its antiseptic and cooling properties), and infused life into it, and thus Ganesha was born. Parvati ordered Ganesha not to allow anyone to enter the house, and Ganesha obediently followed his mother's orders. After a while Shiva returned from outside, and as he tried to enter the house, Ganesha stopped him. Shiva was infuriated at this strange little boy who dared to challenge him. He told Ganesha that he was Parvati's husband, and demanded that Ganesha let him go in. But Ganesha would not hear any person's word other than his dear mother's. Shiva lost his patience and had a fierce battle with Ganesha. At last he severed Ganesha's head with his trishula. When Parvati came out and saw her son's lifeless body, she was very angry and sad. She demanded that Shiva restore Ganesha's life at once.
Unfortunately, Shiva's trishula was so powerful that it had hurled Ganesha's head very far off. All attempts to find the head were in vain. Parvati was so enraged and insulted that she decided to destroy the entire Creation! Lord Brahma, being the Creator, naturally had his issues with this, and pleaded her to re-consider the drastic plan. She said she would, but only if two conditions were met: one that Ganesha be brought back to life, and two, that he is forever worshiped before all the other gods. Brahma ordered to bring back the head of the first creature that is lying with its head facing north. Shiva then sent his celestial armies (Gana) to find and take the head of whatever creature they happened to find asleep with its head facing north. They found a dying elephant which slept in this manner, and after its death took its head, attaching the elephant's head to Ganesha's body and bringing him back to life. From then on, he was called Ganapathi, head of the celestial armies, and was to be worshipped by everyone before beginning any activity. The story highlights the Ganesha’s Virtues of Commitment, Integrity and Gratitude, personified.

Leadership and Sacrifice.

Ganapati leads a huge empire of Ganas as seen from the verse follows. He is the king of Ganas. Through sacrifice done for the followers Ganas, He has occupied such a position

गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे , कविनामुपमश्रवस्तमं I
ज्येष्ठ राजम ब्रम्हणाम ब्रम्ह्नस्पत : शृण्वन  नू तिभि:सीदसादनम I

Ganapati! As the chief of Ganas, we invite you. You are the greatest king among the emperors. You are the greatest known Pundit; you are the owner of the Universe. Kindly accept our invitation and occupy with ever new vigor of energy your honored seat.  Ganesha’s virtues viz. Leadership and Sacrifice personified.

Industriousness and Intellectual pursuits.
In the first part of the epic poem Mahabharata, it is written that the sage Vyasa asked Ganesha to transcribe the poem as he dictated it to him. Ganesha agreed, but only on the condition that Vyasa recite the poem uninterrupted, without pausing. The sage, in his turn, posed the condition that Ganesha would not only have to write, but would have to understand everything that he heard before writing it down. In this way, Vyasa might recuperate a bit from his continuous talking by simply reciting a difficult verse which Ganesha could not understand. The dictation began, but in the rush of writing Ganesha's feather pen broke. He broke off a tusk and used it as a pen so that the transcription could proceed without interruption, permitting him to keep his word. Ganesha's association with mental agility and learning is probably one reason he is shown as scribe for Vyasa's dictation of the Mahabharata in this interpolation to the text. There are over 100000 verses in Mahabharata which Ganapati transcribed without pause understanding everything. Industriousness and Intellectual pursuits personified.

A close look at Ganesh character as described in scripture will reveal many more virtues linked to this Deity.

Devotion can change you for better.

A sage Rishi in front yard of the ashram; saw a tiny, nice baby mouse being chased by a cat. Somehow, he felt pity on it. To save its life, he picked it up in palm. Then with blessings he converted the baby mouse in a small girl. The girl stayed and was nurtured with other students in the Ashram. As she grew young, the sage started to look for a proper marriage alliance.
He asked the girl “To whom you wish marry”?
She answered “The most powerful”!
He then told her “The sun is most powerful. Would you like to marry the sun”?
“No” she said “tell me who can obstruct the sun”?
“Nobody; but to some extent the clouds do obstruct the sun” replied Rishi and asked whether she wants to marry the cloud.
“No” she said and asked “who can stop the cloud”?
“The mountain”! Replied the Rishi and asked her to marry the mountain.
“No”. She said and asked who can disturb the mountain. The Rishi replied “Nobody really can disturb the mountain but to some extent big rats can dig and make a hole in the mountain”.
She jumped with joy and said “Yes, I would marry the rat”!

Our natural behavior is hardwired and to bring about the improvement is not easy job. Dedicated devotion can bring about this difficult change.

A dedicated devotee started performing his puja. He took Deity idol in the silver plate, washed it with water. Then as per the rituals offered the sandalwood paste, flowers, ghee lamp, incense sticks, etc. But somehow he was not enjoying the ritual. He reflected that ‘what I am doing is not correct. I am giving a bath to the Deity by water. But the water is His creation. All the things such as sandalwood, flowers, lamp, incense sticks all belong to God as He is the creator of everything. Nothing belongs to me as such I can’t offer anything to the God in my Puja’. With such reflection he felt nervous. After deep mulling over he realized that there was something with him which belonged entirely to him and he can offer it to the God. He surrendered his ego at the feet of the Deity idol and became peacefully happ

Surrendering ego, selfdom, is vitally important for the success in devotion also in life.

With the behavior improvement based on perpetual dedicated efforts the ambitions shall be fulfilled. With prayer to Ganesha for a success in shading away the undue ego and bringing us the desired results, let us end this article with prayer also for the welfare of entire humanity.

हरि  ॐ .

Vijay R. Joshi.