Thursday, September 19, 2013


We note that during the conversation on God Belief, there may be rare sharp statement by either side, but the underlying message is to reach an accord to ensure avoiding the harm due to extremism on either side. Here one point is worth noting that the concepts such as God, Religion or Science and Technology are not at any fault but the wrong attitude of its use by certain people at the helm of affairs is the reason for creating the harm.

Re conciliatory approach to the accord is seen reflected in the following statements from the conversation.

The polemics (controversies) of believers show an ignorance of science, what it offers to improve life, and the polemics of fundamentalist atheists ignore the wisdom found in religious texts. Both seem threatened by diversity and wish to erase any doubt under a blanket of blind belief.

It is true, of course, that organized religions do not point to a single, coherent view of the nature of God. But to reject God because of the admitted self-contradictions and logical failings of organized religion would be like rejecting physics because of the inherent contradictions of quantum theory and general relativity...

You must find a science- friendly, science-compatible God. First, try the pantheon (a temple dedicated to all the gods.) of available Creators. Inspect thoroughly. If none fits the bill, invent one.

Many eminent practitioners of science have successfully persuaded themselves that there is no logical contradiction between faith and belief by finding a suitable God, or by clothing traditional God appropriately.

The schism (division or disunion or split) between science and religion can be healed, but it will require a slow evolution from a supernatural, theistic God to a new sense of a fully natural God as our chosen symbol for the ceaseless creativity in the natural universe. This healing may also require a transformation of science to a new scientific worldview with a place for the ceaseless creativity in the universe that we can call God.

This sentiment of the thinkers pronounced through an august discussion organized by Templeton Foundation in the first decade of the 21st century was sensed by an Indian prophetic thinker Swami Vijnananand about 60 years ahead. He has given an extensive plan of action for the truce between science and religion in his book, GOD RECONSIDERED (Feb. 1962), with rational definition of God, with which all faiths, including Marxists, keep in peace.


Let us try to understand the dictionary meanings of the terms “subjective” and “objective”

Subjective (adjective)
- existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought).
- Pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.
- placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.
- Philosophy. Relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself.
- relating to properties or specific conditions of the mind as distinguished from general or universal experience.

Objective (adjective)
- Not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.
- Intent upon or dealing with things external to the mind rather than with thoughts or feelings, as a person or a book.
- being the object of perception or thought; belonging to the object of thought rather than to the thinking subject.
- of or pertaining to something that can be known, or to something that is an object or a part of an object; existing independent of thought or an observer as part of reality.

To discover Truth, the endeavor of Humanity

Both Science and Religion endeavor to discover the ultimate Truth. This should be the obvious aim of both because the Truth can bring about the real welfare of humanity. Whether it is science or religion, the search would be carried out by a person. In other words to reach the Truth (objective reality), the means is a person (i.e. subject). While ‘objectivity’ is the target, 100% elimination of subjectivity by any person is impossible. Therefore to reach the Truth the theists and atheists will have to look for combining the objectivity and subjectivity optimally. A subject i.e. a person cannot totally eliminate subjectivity. He / She can endeavor to minimize it. That means to the extent a person can work with detached mind, the outcome can be considered as a rational or optimally objective, nearing Truth.

Truth defined.

With the above explanation at the back-ground, Rev. Swami Vijnananand defined Truth as follows. (Ref page 179, on book “GOD RECONSIDERED”)

In spite of all pretenses man knows the truth and so God. Without accepting a bait of another controversy on the nature of truth, the seeker can gain his point restricting to definition of Truth in this way:

Truth is an objective reality, subjectively known, told with a detached mind.

It may be accepted on a simple ground that the definition is self-explanatory.
All faiths, including Marxism, lend hand to truth. A commoner on the lowest rung of the ladder is conscious of its all-embracing validity.

At the opening page of the book author describes GOD

God is not just, because he is not Unjust
God is not Kind, as he is not Cruel.
He does not bless, since He does not curse.
He is the First Cause in sense an effect is produced, when He is abandoned.
God dwells in an idol as also in the hammer that breaks it
He doesn't live in the blind craving or in hate for Him.

Highlights of the book “GOD RECONSIDERED”, a blood-less revolution

Science accepts God on terms. Eleven religions and radical philosophies point out how kernel of their doctrines have forestalled these terms and have incorporated spirit of their requirements in respective hypotheses. Get acquainted with rational definition of God, with which all faiths, including Marxists, keep in peace. Long - awaited truce between science and dogma is reached in this work. Every page reveals logic, study and synthesis.
Here are some flashes, selected at random.

A rationalist accepts religion, not because of any dogma; but because it can be reconciled with the spirit or essence of science. Therefore, in case an assertion in religious doctrine supporting reason stands refuted in some other or in the same text, it is for the dogmatic to explain the odd situation. It is not the responsibility of the open-minded who shares belief in religions only because of (and to the limit of) their rational character." (Point VIII chapter two.)

Science, equally like religion, is bewitched by confounding contradictions; so much so that materialist scientists are inclined to formulate Law of contradiction itself. (Point 3, chapter 9)

A positive, constructive approach is the urgent requirement, lest God himself should change over to the so called materialist. After all, God too wants to be in good company. (Concluding sentence, chapter 3)

Instead of pronouncing high ideals and insulting them by non-observance, new way philosophy paves the way to slow practice without violating tenets of science as well as religions. (Point 2F, appendix B)

Seer’s song

Employing the logical intelligence of Science, and service based dedication of Religion, for the healthy life for a common person, Swami Vijnananand in his poem titled ‘Extremes meet’ says:

“Speak Truth’ said religions;
From it science was solace.
‘Order please’ said science so
Behold the message. Undo wrong,
Science and religions sing the same song”.

Vijay R. Joshi.

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